eConsults & eReferrals
The Ocean Provider Network was designed to streamline the referral and consult process for healthcare providers without disrupting existing workflows. Clinicians can find a specialist, send a consult or referral, maintain a record in the EMR, and even track the status of a referral at any time, all from a single platform.
Note for Ontario Users: In Ontario, Ocean eConsults are currently in a limited release. For more information on eConsult in Ontario as part of the Ontario eServices Program, please review the Overview of eConsults in Ontario article .
Set Up Your Site to Send eConsults and/or eReferrals
- Set Up Senders with Ocean Accounts
- Update Your eConsult and eReferral Sender Configuration
- Set Up Sender Email Notifications
- Set a Delegate User for Your Ocean Account*
- Link User EMR Accounts to Ocean User Accounts
- Add & Manage Favourites on the Ocean Healthmap*
Set Up Your Site to Receive eConsults and/or eReferrals
- Set Up Receivers with Ocean Accounts
- Find or Add Your Clinic to the Ocean eReferral Network
- Claim Your Directory Listing to Your Ocean Site
- Update Your Directory Listing Settings
- Update Your eConsult and eReferral Receiver Configuration
- Set Up Receiver Email Notifications
Guide to Sending eReferrals
Guide to Receiving eReferrals
Ocean eConsults in Ontario
Guide to Sending eConsults
Guide to Receiving eConsults
Advanced eReferral Features in PS Suite
- PS Suite: Configuring an Ocean Provider Network Directory Listing Custom Form Shortcut
- PS Suite: Advanced Features for Sending Appointment Notifications
- PS Suite: Ocean eReferral Custom Form Settings
- Using the PS Suite Messaging Module to Follow Up with eReferrals
- PS Suite: Tracking Pending Tests/Consults with Ocean eReferrals
- PS Suite: Attaching a Clinical Note from PS Suite to an eReferral
Advanced eReferral Features in Accuro
- Accuro Automatic eReferral Document Assignment
- Sending eReferral Appointment Notifications from Accuro
- Attaching a Clinical Note or Document from Accuro to an Ocean eConsult and/or eReferral
- Save Sent or Received Consults and/or Referrals as a Document Instead of an Encounter Note
- Create a CDS Link to Launch a Specific Consult and/or Referral Target in the Healthmap
Advanced eReferral Features in OSCAR Pro (Well EMR)
Provider Network FAQ
- What are 'Externally Managed' eReferrals?
- How long are eConsults/eReferrals stored when they have been 'Saved for Later'?
- What do the different Health Service Offering settings mean?
- Which User Roles require a Professional ID prior to sending an eReferral/eConsult?
- How do I determine the 'Number of Clinicians' for my Directory Listing?
- What languages are included in eReferral/eConsult email notifications?
eReferral Functionality FAQ
- How do I use the "Await Reply" functionality?
- How do I Resubmit or Redirect a cancelled/declined eReferral/eConsult?
- Can I download a complete copy of the referral record?
- How do I change the Health Service and Description for eReferrals that I receive?
- How can I communicate with an eReferral sender/recipient?
- Can I add notes to an eReferral/eConsult?
eReferral Workflow FAQ
- What does the "Couldn’t include markable diagram" error message mean?
- Can a Markable Diagram be adjusted after the eRequest has been sent?
- How do Markable Diagrams appear in my EMR?
- Can I modify the eForm used during the eReferral/eConsult reviewal process?
- How to Manually Import a Sent eReferral into PSS
- What happens when an eReferral is sent with more than one Health Service Offering requested? (eReferral Splitting)
Analytics FAQ
Wait Times FAQ
- How do I update the Anticipated Time to Appointment for multiple referrals at once?
- How can I improve the accuracy of my calculated wait times?
- Managing Calculated and Self-Reported Wait Times
- How are eReferral Resubmissions taken into account in analytic data and wait time calculations?
- How are wait times calculated in Ocean?
- How do I add dates affecting readiness to consult/treat to an eReferral?
eReferral Videos
eConsults FAQ
Program Resources
- Understanding Trusted Users: Making Directory Listing Management Efficient for Regional & Provincial Roll-outs
- What is a Regional Authority Survey and How Can I Set it Up?
- At a Regional Authority Ocean Site, what data is included in the 'Exports' available within the Approvals page?
- As a Regional Authority Admin, how can I assume responsibility for licence fees related to Patient Messaging and Online Booking at an Ocean Site?
- What is a Regional Authority?
- What is a Central Intake?