Providing Consultation Advice

Learn how to respond to an eConsult with consultation advice using the Messaging functionality.

Once you have accepted an eConsult, your next step will be to review the details of the consult and provide advice accordingly.

How do I provide consultation advice?

  • Within the 'Messaging' area, simply select the appropriate message recipient using the 'To:' dropdown (if multiple stakeholders are involved in the eConsult), type your message into the text box and optionally add an attachment.

    Tip: For increased efficiency, you can also create canned responses for your Ocean Site that are easily selectable using the speech bubble icon.

  • Ensure the box next to 'Respond as an eConsult' is checked.
  • Select an accurate timespan from the 'Billing time' dropdown for tracking purposes. Click 'Send'.
  • Once you have sent your consultation advice, select 'Close'.
  • The eConsult will now shift into the 'eConsult in Progress' status folder.
  • The sender of the eConsult will receive an email notification that you have provided consultation advice.

    Note: All messages within an eConsult are visible to all involved stakeholders.

Additional Message Functionalities

  • Once a message has been sent, additional functionalities can be accessed by clicking clicking on the message header.
  • Note: The 'Amend' and 'Delete' options are only available to the user who sent the message.

Download Addendum Letter
Downloads a PDF document containing basic eConsult information and the selected message.
Copies the selected message into the new message text field, to allow for additional information to be added.
Deletes the message.
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