PS Suite: Configuring an Ocean Provider Network Directory Listing Custom Form Shortcut

If your PS Suite Ocean Site commonly sends eReferrals/eConsults to a specific Directory Listing in the Ocean Healthmap, you can set up a Custom Form shortcut in PS Suite to launch directly to that Directory Listing. This removes the step of navigating the Ocean Healthmap, reducing the number of clicks it takes to initiate an eReferral.

Configuring the Custom Form Shortcut

To configure a Custom Form in PS Suite to launch directly to a Directory Listing in the Ocean Healthmap, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Download and Install the Ocean Provider Network Listing Shortcut Custom Form

  • Log in to PS Suite and open the EMR 'Records' window.
  • From the 'Settings' menu, select 'Edit Custom Forms'.
  • Select 'File' and then "Import Form(s)".
  • Locate and select the .cfm file that you downloaded earlier, and then click 'Choose'.

Step 2: Obtain the unique reference value for the target Directory Listing

  • Locate your desired target Directory Listing in the Ocean Healthmap.
  • Hover your cursor over the title of the Directory Listing. The unique reference value for the Directory Listing will appear.
  • Write down this reference value for later use.

Step 3: Configure the Ocean Provider Network Listing Shortcut Custom Form

  • Return to the 'Forms' window in PS Suite. Locate and select the newly-added 'Ocean Provider Network Listing Shortcut' custom form, and then click 'Edit Form'.
  • In the PS Suite custom form editor, click on the item titled 'set_this_to_the_listing_reference'.

    In the item properties panel in the bottom right, update the value for the 'Text' property with the reference value for your desired target Directory Listing obtained in Step 2.

  • Expand the 'Custom Form' menu item on the toolbar, and select 'Edit Instructions'.
  • Update the 'Instructions' textbox to include any specific keywords that PS Suite users may use to search for this shortcut (e.g., the name of the Directory Listing), and then click 'OK.
  • In the main custom form editor window, open the 'File' menu and click 'Save'.
  • Close the PS Suite custom form editor window.
  • In the PS Suite 'Forms' window, select the custom form that you configured, right-click and select 'Rename Form'.
  • Add a brief descriptor to the form name so that you can easily identify the Directory Listing this form acts as a shortcut to, and then click 'OK'.

At this point, your Ocean Provider Network Directory Listing Custom Form Shortcut has been successfully configured.

Using the Custom Form Shortcut

Once your Ocean Provider Network Directory Listing Custom Form Shortcut has been successfully configured, follow the steps below to see how to test it out:

  • From within the patient's chart that you would like to send an eReferral/eConsult for, click the 'New Custom Form' button. Alternatively, use the relevant keyboard shortcut:

    Windows: CTRL + SHIFT + I

    macOS: CMD + SHIFT +I

  • Search for the custom form shortcut using the keywords configured in Step 3 above, and then click 'Choose This Form' (or click the 'Enter'/'Return' key on your keyboard).
  • You will be launched directly into the referral form for the relevant Directory Listing in the Ocean Healthmap.

Bonus Tip

You could further streamline the eReferral initation process by customizing one of your PS Suite toolbars to include an additional button that inserts your Custom Form Shortcut into the patient chart, which subsequently initiates the launch into Ocean.

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