Select Your eConsult Recipient

Note for Ontario Users: In Ontario, Ocean eConsults are currently in a limited release. For more information on eConsult in Ontario as part of the Ontario eServices Program, please review the Overview of eConsults in Ontario article.

Search for your desired recipient to create your eConsult.

  • Browse or search the Ocean Healthmap for a Directory Listing to send your eConsult to.

  • The search bar at the top of the page allows you to type in a key term to search for, or select related health services in the geographic region that your map is focused on.
  • You can also browse the health service categories to categorically search for health services in the geographic region that your map is focused on.
  • The 'Advanced Search and Filtering' option allows you to define more specific criteria for your search results. To filter for Directory Listings that are only accepting eConsults, enable the ‘Only if accepting eConsults’ checkbox.
  • To broaden your search results beyond the geographic region that your map is focused on, you may choose to zoom out, clear your filters, or click to search the whole directory. You may also zoom in and out within the Healthmap to narrow or broaden your search.
  • Once you determine your desired recipient, select the Directory Listing and click 'Send Ocean eConsult'.

Test Mode

  • If you are looking to send a test eConsult, use the test mode toggle in the bottom left corner of the screen to enable/disable test mode.
  • When test mode is enabled, the healthmap will only show recipient Directory Listings that also have test mode enabled.
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