You will receive email notifications about the status of your eConsult(s).
From there, you can view and track the status of your eConsults from within your EMR and/or the eReferrals & eConsults View of the Ocean Portal.
- Once you have sent an eConsult, you can track the status of it at any time.
- If you've linked your eConsult to your own Ocean account, you will also automatically receive email updates when the status of your eConsult changes (e.g., when the recipient provides consultation advice).
- More details about these email updates can be found in the article "Where do eConsult and/or eReferral notification emails get sent to?".
Check the Status of your eConsult from your EMR
- After sending an eConsult from PSS, a consult note and Ocean eConsult form will be automatically downloaded into the patient chart on the date the eConsult was sent.
- You can access and view the eConsult by selecting "View in Ocean" from the Ocean toolbar, or by selecting "Open" from the Ocean eConsult form.
- When the status of the eConsult changes in Ocean, the status of Consultation in OSCAR Pro will be automatically updated using the following mappings:
• 'Awaiting Response', 'Accepted as eConsult' and 'eConsult in Progress' in Ocean = 'Pending Specialist Callback' in OSCAR Pro.
• 'Completed', 'Cancelled', and 'Declined' in Ocean = 'Completed' in OSCAR Pro.
- You can view your eConsults in the eReferrals & eConsults area of the Ocean Portal.
- To view the eConsults that you've sent select the 'Sent (All)' option in the left sidebar.
If an eConsult has been sent, but has not yet been actioned by the recipient, it will be found in the 'Awaiting Response' status folder.
If an eConsult has been accepted, but consultation advice has not yet been provided, it will be found in the 'Accepted as eConsult' status folder. Once consultation advice is provided, it will be automatically moved to the 'eConsult in Progress' status folder.
Track your eConsults from the Ocean Portal
You can view and manage all of your sent eConsults from the eReferrals & eConsults area of the Ocean Portal.
The portal allows you to see all of your eConsults in one place, clearly organized into folders according to their current status.
Login to the Ocean Portal
- Log in to the Ocean Portal with your Ocean username and password.
- Open the Menu in the top left corner, and select 'eReferrals & eConsults'.
Configure your Sent and Received Folders
- The eReferral & eConsult View in the Ocean Portal has two main folder groupings: 'Received' and 'Sent'.
- Within these folder groupings, you can access all of your eConsults within their current status folder. Note that both eReferrals and eConsults will be visible within their relevant status folders. eConsults will be displayed in a blue font colour, while eReferrals are displayed in a black font colour.
Status Folders
- Status Folders categorize your consults based on their current status. As a consult's status changes throughout its lifecycle, it will be automatically moved to the appropriate folder.
- For example, a consult in the 'Awaiting Response' folder will automatically move to the 'Accepted as eConsult' folder when the recipient accepts the eConsult.
- When consultation advice is provided, the consult will automatically move to the 'eConsult in Progress' folder.
- When the eConsult is marked as completed by the sending provider, the eConsult will then be automatically moved to the 'Completed' folder for both parties.
This functionality ensures that the status of the eConsult is always up to date throughout its lifecycle for all relevant parties.
Searching and Filtering
Search Bar
To quickly locate a specific or group of eConsults, you can take advantage of the search bar in the top left corner.
- Selecting 'Patient with surname' filters all your eConsults to only include patients with the matching surname.
- Selecting 'Referring clinician with the name containing' filters all your eConsults to only include consults sent by a specific clinician.
- Selecting 'Provider with name containing' filters all your eConsults to only include consults sent to the Directory Listing with the chosen search term included in it's name.