If your clinic most often sends eConsults and/or eReferrals to a specific destination clinic or group of clinics, you may want to save these sites as Favourites. This will allow for easy and efficient sending of Ocean eConsults and/or eReferrals to your preferred clinics.
*This step is an optional part of setting your site up to easily and efficiently send Ocean eConsults and/or eReferrals to preferred destination clinics.
To begin, navigate to the Ocean Healthmap.
Note: You will not be able to add or manage favourite listings if you are not logged into your Ocean account.
- Search for and select the listing in the Ocean Healthmap that you want to add as a favourite.
- You’ll then be presented with an overview screen displaying such details as the listing’s contact information, distance, and services offered.
- Note the light blue “Add to Favourites” button. Clicking this button will open a dialogue window that will ask you where you would like to save the selected listing.
- Choosing “My Personal Favourites” will save the listing to your individual Ocean account’s Favourites. Other users belonging to your Ocean Site will not be able to view any of these Favourites.
- Choosing “My Site’s List of Favourites” will make the selection available to all the other users attached to your Ocean Site.
You will be presented with the following three headings on your Favourites page:
- Your Favourites
- Any listings you have favourited when selecting “My Personal Favourites” from a listing’s summary page. These are only viewable by you and you alone.
- Your Site’s Favourites
- Any listing favourited by yourself or other users on your site when selecting “My Site’s List of Favourites” from a listing’s summary page. If other Ocean Site members have favourited any listings, they will be visible to you in this area.
- Popular Listings in Your Region
- A suggested set of popular listings based upon your location.
Favourites in any category (“Your Favourites” or “Your Site’s Favourites”) can be reordered, grouped, or deleted by selecting the “Edit” (pencil and paper) icon located in the top right corner of the Favourites panel.
Edit Mode
Remove a Favourite
- Click the circular red “Remove Favourite” icon to the right of any Favourite entry to remove it from your list.
- Note: Favourites will be removed immediately with no prompt to confirm. If you remove a favourite by mistake, you will need for search for it again in the directory and re-add it to your Favourites.
Change Favourites Order
- To change the listed order of Favourites, click and hold the grey up-and-down arrow icon located on the left of each Favourite. While continuing to hold the mouse button, drag the favourite to the desired position in the list then let go.
- class="callout callout--info"> Note: You cannot drag Favourites between “Your Favourites” and “Your Site’s Favourites.” If you wish for a specific listing to show up in one list versus the other, you will have to first remove it totally from your Favourites, search for the listing in the main directory, and click the “Add Favourite” button
Creating a New Favourites Group
By default, Favourites will be grouped under an “Uncategorized” heading.
- Click the “+ Add a group” link under either “Your Favourites” or “Your Site’s Favourites” section to begin setup of a new Favourites category.
- A popup dialogue will appear asking you to name your group. Type in a name for your new category and then click the “+ Add Group” button to save your changes.
- Using the “Managing Favourites” instructions for changing the order of your Favourites, you can now drag Favourites under your newly-created Favourites category.
- Categories or groups are helpful for organizing favourites by location or health services provided, but you are free to make any groupings that make sense for your organizational needs. Just like individual Favourites, groups can be deleted and moved around, as you see fit.
- Note: you cannot delete a group if there are any favourites nested within it. Drag your Favourites to another group before attempting to delete a grouping.
Renaming a Favourites Group