Receiving an eReferral into OSCAR Pro with Ocean Cloud Connect


These steps are for Oscar WELL EMRs, using Oscar Pro. Please ensure you have enabled Ocean Cloud Connect using the following setup guide.

For Oscar WELL EMR users the workflow for receiving Ocean eReferrals, and importing them into the EMR, is more streamlined than the legacy recipient flow.

Two main benefits include:

Ocean automatically creating the patient chart in Oscar (if the patient does not yet exist), and Ocean automatically downloading the referral note into the patient's Documents.

  • Note: In order to allow Ocean to create patient charts from accepted eReferrals, you MUST ensure that within your eReferral Settings configuration, the "Create Charts for New Patients" option is set to "Yes".

The recipient flow can be accomplished through the following steps:

  • Open the Ocean portal by selecting the Ocean logo on the Ocean Toolbar in a patient's Encounter chart, OR by opening the OCEAN eForm and selecting the logo there.
  • Navigate to the eReferrals view of your site, and click on the New folder in the left hand menu.
  • Open the new eReferral and click "Accept".
  • An Import window will appear. When Cloud Connect has finished creating a new Oscar patient chart and downloading the referral, the import window will update to state that the patient information was successfully imported into the EMR.
  • Note: To create a patient, Ocean needs at least: first name, last name, health number, sex, and birthdate from the referral. If the patient has an EMR ID, the import process will use that to match the patient. Otherwise health number is used to match a patient. If the eReferral does not contain a health number, or if Ocean finds more than 1 match based on health number, the patient will not be created.
  • Search for the patient in your Oscar EMR. The master record will contain all of the demographic information received on the Ocean eReferral.
  • In the patient's Encounter chart a copy of the referral note can be found in the patient's Documents area.
  • The Ocean Toolbar in the Encounter chart will update to display an active eReferral for the patient. Click on the number of eReferrals displayed, to open the Ocean Patient Dashboard. This will allow you to review all of the patient's active referrals and update them directly in Ocean.
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