These steps are for Oscar WELL EMRs, using Oscar Pro. Please ensure you have enabled Ocean Cloud Connect using the following setup guide.
Oscar EMR users can access and update their sent Ocean eReferrals directly from the Consultation window in the patient's Encounter chart.
- This will open the Ocean eReferral in a new window. Here, you can perform actions such as editing the patient information, editing the referral note information, sending a message, or cancelling the referral.
- Note: Ocean will automatically notify other stakeholders on the referral of any updates made.
Status updates regarding the sent eReferral can be viewed from the Ocean Patient Dashboard (accessed from the eReferral link on the Ocean Toolbar), OR directly from the Consultation in Oscar.
- The Consultation window will display the corresponding Oscar consultation status for the Ocean eReferral on the left hand side. For example, when the eReferral is first sent and accepted, the status displayed will be "Pending Specialist Callback".
- When the Ocean eReferral is booked by the recipient site, and the patient has not yet confirmed the appointment details, the Consultation status will update to "Pending Patient Callback". The appointment date, time, and notes will be updated with any information the recipient added to the eReferral's scheduling pane.
- Once the patient has confirmed the appointment, either by email or directly with the referral sender or recipient, the Consultation status will update to "Booking Confirmed".