Select an eReferral Recipient

Search for your desired referral recipient to create your eReferral.

  • Browse or search the Ocean Healthmap for a Directory Listing to send your eReferral to.

    Note: A green arrow icon indicates if a Directory Listing is currently accepting eReferrals.

  • The search bar at the top of the page allows you to type in a key term to search for, or select related health services in the geographic region that your map is focused on.
  • You can also browse the health service categories to categorically search for health services in the geographic region that your map is focused on.
  • The 'Advanced Search and Filtering' option allows you to define more specific criteria for your search results.
  • Your search results can also be sorted by distance from the patient's home address, or by shortest wait time (when searching for a specific health service).
  • Once you determine your desired recipient, select the Directory Listing and click 'Send eReferral'.

Test Mode

  • If you are looking to send a test eReferral, use the test mode toggle in the bottom left corner of the screen to enable/disable test mode.
  • When test mode is enabled, the healthmap will only show recipient Directory Listings that also have test mode enabled.
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