Initiate Your Ocean eReferral

You can access the Ocean eReferral Network from the link in your EMR (for integrated EMRs) or directly from the Ocean Healthmap to initiate your referral.

With an Ocean account, you can initiate an Ocean eReferral at any time directly from the Ocean Healthmap. If you are using an EMR which is integrated with Ocean, you can also initiate an eReferral at any time by following the steps below.

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Initiate your eReferral (without an attachment)

PS Suite Med Access Accuro OSCAR Pro OSCAR Non-Integrated
  • Click the "Refer" button on the Ocean toolbar in the patient record.

Initiate your eReferral (with an attachment)

PS Suite Med Access Accuro OSCAR Pro OSCAR Non-Integrated
  • The EMR-specific actions above will take you directly to the Ocean Healthmap.
  • Note: Log in to the Ocean Healthmap with your Ocean user credentials if your user name does not appear in the top right so that your provider details are autopopulated in the eReferral.
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