You can access the Ocean eReferral Network from the link in your EMR (for integrated EMRs) or directly from the Ocean Healthmap to initiate your referral.
With an Ocean account, you can initiate an Ocean eReferral at any time directly from the Ocean Healthmap. If you are using an EMR which is integrated with Ocean, you can also initiate an eReferral at any time by following the steps below.
Initiate your eReferral (without an attachment)
Initiate your eReferral (with an attachment)
- Use the Ocean-MA Extension for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge to capture the desired attachments from the patient's chart in Med Access.
- Ensure that you have enabled the 'Save for Ocean' button within your Accuro system settings.
- Select the patient in Accuro that you wish to generate an attachment in Ocean for.
If you do have an Encounter Note Template and corresponding Quick Action Button configured, use your Quick Action Button to create a new Encounter Note.
If you do not have an Encounter Note Template and corresponding Quick Action Button configured, create a new blank Encounter Note in the patient chart.
Tip: You can use the 'CTRL+F11' keyboard shortcut to create a new note from any section of Accuro, as long as you have the patient selected first.
- Specify a filename for your attachment by using the 'Title' field in the bottom left, and then click Generate Letter.
- Ensure you have the correct 'From:' Provider selected in the top left, then go to the Attachments pane and click the green plus icon to add an attachment.
Initiating an eReferral from the 'Consultations' area in OSCAR allows you to attach Documents from the patient's chart to your eReferral.
- Use your clinic's pre-existing process for creating documents for fax or mail in OSCAR (e.g., consults, referrals).
Rather than printing your document to paper, save your document as a PDF file to your computer.
Note: After sending the referral, ensure that you delete any attachments saved to your computer to ensure any personal health information is appropriately cleansed.
- Use your clinic's pre-existing process for creating documents for fax or mail in your EMR (e.g., consults, referrals).
Rather than printing your document to paper, save your document as a PDF file to your computer.
Note: After sending the referral, ensure that you delete any attachments saved to your computer to ensure any personal health information is appropriately cleansed.
- In a web browser, navigate directly to the Ocean Healthmap.
- The EMR-specific actions above will take you directly to the Ocean Healthmap.
- Note: Log in to the Ocean Healthmap with your Ocean user credentials if your user name does not appear in the top right so that your provider details are autopopulated in the eReferral.