Directory Listings contain a variety of settings that can be configured to support the many ways that Ocean can be used. The settings available within a particular Health Service Offering can be adjusted to curate the appearance and behaviour of each health service offered on your Directory Listing. Detailed information on how to access these settings and what each of them means is provided below.
How do I access the settings?
Once a Health Service Category has been specified as an 'Offer' (also known as a 'Health Service Offering (HSO)') within the 'Service Details' section of a Directory Listing, additional offering-specific settings can be configured.
Tip: To learn about the difference between a Health Service Category and a Health Service Offering, refer to: What is the difference between a Health Service Category and a Health Service Offering?
What do the settings mean?
- Program Name
- This is the name of the health service being offered on your Directory Listing in the Ocean Healthmap. This value is prepopulated with the name of the Health Service Category that you added as an 'Offer'. It can be adjusted to be more specific/accurate with respect to the service that you provide (especially in the case that you are unable to locate a Health Service Category in Ocean that exactly matches the service you offer).
- Description
- This is the description of the health service being offered on your Directory Listing in the Ocean Healthmap. It is displayed to users when they select the offering within your Directory Listing. It can be used to provide additional information regarding the service being offered.
- Website
- A specific website URL that is relevant for this specific offering can be specified here. The website URL is displayed to users when they select the offering within your Directory Listing on the Ocean Healthmap.
- Languages
- This setting allows you to specify the language(s) that you support for this this specific offering. The languages are displayed to users when they select the offering within your Directory Listing on the Ocean Healthmap.
- Public Email
- A specific public-facing email address that is relevant for this specific offering can be specified here. The email address is displayed to users when they select the offering within your Directory Listing on the Ocean Healthmap.
- Accepting Referrals
- This setting is used to indicate if you are currently accepting eReferrals for this specific offering.
- When set to 'Yes', and the 'Accept eReferrals' checkbox within the 'eReferral Policy' section of your Directory Listing has been enabled, the 'Send eReferral' button on your Directory Listing in the Ocean Healthmap is available for users to submit an eReferral for this specific offering. If the 'Accept eReferrals' checkbox is disabled, the 'Send eReferral' button will not appear.
- When set to 'No', the 'Send eReferral' button on your Directory Listing in the Ocean Healthmap becomes disabled when this specific offering is selected. This prevents users from being able to submit an eReferral for this specific offering.
- When set to 'Unknown', the presence of the 'Send eReferral' button on your Directory Listing is controlled by the state of the 'Accept eReferrals' checkbox within the 'eReferral Policy' section of your Directory Listing.
- Notification Email(s)
- This setting is used to specify the email address(es) that should receive the email notification when a new eReferral/eConsult has arrived at your Ocean Site for this specific offering. If no email addresses(es) is/are specified in this setting, Ocean will send the email notifications based on the fallback logic documented in this article: Where do eConsult and/or eReferral notification emails get sent to?
- Accepting Ocean eConsults
- This setting is used to indicate if you are currently accepting eConsults for this specific offering.
- When set to 'Yes', the 'Send eConsult' button becomes available on your Directory Listing on the Ocean Healthmap.
- When set to 'No', the 'Send eConsult' button on your Directory Listing in the Ocean Healthmap becomes disabled when this specific offering is selected. This prevents users from being able to submit an eConsult for this specific offering.
- When set to 'Unknown', the 'Send eConsult' button will not appear on your Directory Listing (unless at least one other offering has been set to 'Yes').
- Wait Time 1
- This setting indicates the value that is currently being displayed for the Wait 1 Time in the Ocean Healthmap search results for this specific offering. This is also the value that Ocean searches against when a user utilizes the 'Maximum Wait 1 time' advanced search criteria in the Ocean Healthmap. Clicking on the value redirects you to the Wait Time management area for the Directory Listing.
- Wait Time 2
- This setting indicates the value that Ocean searches against when a user utilizes the 'Maximum Wait 2 time' advanced search criteria in the Ocean Healthmap. Clicking on the value redirects you to the Wait Time management area for the Directory Listing.
- Custom Referral Form
- This setting allows you to specify a custom referral form that is unique to this specific service offering. When a user initiates an eReferral/eConsult for this specific service offering on the Ocean Healthmap, they will be presented with the specific form chosen here.
Note: If your Directory Listing has been configured to redirect referrals to a Central Intake listing, please review the following article to learn more about which referral form is presented when, and where the referral will be subsequently routed to: How are referral forms managed for sites with Central Intake?
- Requisition File
- This setting allows you to upload a requisition file for this specific service offering. It is displayed and is available for download to users when they select the offering within your Directory Listing on the Ocean Healthmap.
- Patient Handout
- This setting allows you to upload a patient handout file for this specific service offering. It is displayed and is available for download to users when they select the offering within your Directory Listing on the Ocean Healthmap. A hyperlink which downloads the patient handout file is also included in patient and provider notification emails regarding the status of a referral sent for this specific service offering.
- Reference
- This setting displays the unique reference value for this specific service offering in Ocean.