- If you have initiated an eConsult/eReferral but you require additional information before it can be sent (e.g. physician is waiting on a prior imaging report, or lab result to include in the referral), you can use the the 'Save for Later' functionality to temporarily save the incomplete eConsult/eReferral in Ocean, and then complete and send it later on.
- Once it has been 'Saved for Later', the eConsult/eReferral will be stored in your Ocean Site's 'Incomplete' status folder for 30 days before it is deleted.
Provider Network FAQ
Common questions related to the Ocean Provider Network.
What do the different Health Service Offering settings mean?
Directory Listings contain a variety of settings that can be configured to support the many ways that Ocean can be used. The settings available within a particular Health Service Offering can be adjusted to curate the appearance and behaviour of each health service offered on your Directory Listing. Detailed information on how to access these settings and what each of them means is provided below.
How do I access the settings?
Once a Health Service Category has been specified as an 'Offer' (also known as a 'Health Service Offering (HSO)') within the 'Service Details' section of a Directory Listing, additional offering-specific settings can be configured.
Tip: To learn about the difference between a Health Service Category and a Health Service Offering, refer to: What is the difference between a Health Service Category and a Health Service Offering?
What do the settings mean?
- Program Name
- This is the name of the health service being offered on your Directory Listing in the Ocean Healthmap. This value is prepopulated with the name of the Health Service Category that you added as an 'Offer'. It can be adjusted to be more specific/accurate with respect to the service that you provide (especially in the case that you are unable to locate a Health Service Category in Ocean that exactly matches the service you offer).
- Description
- This is the description of the health service being offered on your Directory Listing in the Ocean Healthmap. It is displayed to users when they select the offering within your Directory Listing. It can be used to provide additional information regarding the service being offered.
- Website
- A specific website URL that is relevant for this specific offering can be specified here. The website URL is displayed to users when they select the offering within your Directory Listing on the Ocean Healthmap.
- Languages
- This setting allows you to specify the language(s) that you support for this this specific offering. The languages are displayed to users when they select the offering within your Directory Listing on the Ocean Healthmap.
- Public Email
- A specific public-facing email address that is relevant for this specific offering can be specified here. The email address is displayed to users when they select the offering within your Directory Listing on the Ocean Healthmap.
- Accepting Referrals
- This setting is used to indicate if you are currently accepting eReferrals for this specific offering.
- When set to 'Yes', and the 'Accept eReferrals' checkbox within the 'eReferral Policy' section of your Directory Listing has been enabled, the 'Send eReferral' button on your Directory Listing in the Ocean Healthmap is available for users to submit an eReferral for this specific offering. If the 'Accept eReferrals' checkbox is disabled, the 'Send eReferral' button will not appear.
- When set to 'No', the 'Send eReferral' button on your Directory Listing in the Ocean Healthmap becomes disabled when this specific offering is selected. This prevents users from being able to submit an eReferral for this specific offering.
- When set to 'Unknown', the presence of the 'Send eReferral' button on your Directory Listing is controlled by the state of the 'Accept eReferrals' checkbox within the 'eReferral Policy' section of your Directory Listing.
- Notification Email(s)
- This setting is used to specify the email address(es) that should receive the email notification when a new eReferral/eConsult has arrived at your Ocean Site for this specific offering. If no email addresses(es) is/are specified in this setting, Ocean will send the email notifications based on the fallback logic documented in this article: Where do eConsult and/or eReferral notification emails get sent to?
- Accepting Ocean eConsults
- This setting is used to indicate if you are currently accepting eConsults for this specific offering.
- When set to 'Yes', the 'Send eConsult' button becomes available on your Directory Listing on the Ocean Healthmap.
- When set to 'No', the 'Send eConsult' button on your Directory Listing in the Ocean Healthmap becomes disabled when this specific offering is selected. This prevents users from being able to submit an eConsult for this specific offering.
- When set to 'Unknown', the 'Send eConsult' button will not appear on your Directory Listing (unless at least one other offering has been set to 'Yes').
- Wait Time 1
- This setting indicates the value that is currently being displayed for the Wait 1 Time in the Ocean Healthmap search results for this specific offering. This is also the value that Ocean searches against when a user utilizes the 'Maximum Wait 1 time' advanced search criteria in the Ocean Healthmap. Clicking on the value redirects you to the Wait Time management area for the Directory Listing.
- Wait Time 2
- This setting indicates the value that Ocean searches against when a user utilizes the 'Maximum Wait 2 time' advanced search criteria in the Ocean Healthmap. Clicking on the value redirects you to the Wait Time management area for the Directory Listing.
- Custom Referral Form
- This setting allows you to specify a custom referral form that is unique to this specific service offering. When a user initiates an eReferral/eConsult for this specific service offering on the Ocean Healthmap, they will be presented with the specific form chosen here.
Note: If your Directory Listing has been configured to redirect referrals to a Central Intake listing, please review the following article to learn more about which referral form is presented when, and where the referral will be subsequently routed to: How are referral forms managed for sites with Central Intake?
- Requisition File
- This setting allows you to upload a requisition file for this specific service offering. It is displayed and is available for download to users when they select the offering within your Directory Listing on the Ocean Healthmap.
- Patient Handout
- This setting allows you to upload a patient handout file for this specific service offering. It is displayed and is available for download to users when they select the offering within your Directory Listing on the Ocean Healthmap. A hyperlink which downloads the patient handout file is also included in patient and provider notification emails regarding the status of a referral sent for this specific service offering.
- Reference
- This setting displays the unique reference value for this specific service offering in Ocean.
Which User Roles require a Professional ID prior to sending an eReferral/eConsult?
The following User Roles require a Professional ID to be provided in the Clinical Contact Information section of the Ocean user account before an eReferral/eConsult can be sent:
- Allied Health Professional
- Family Physician
- Nurse
- Nurse Practitioner
- Physician Assistant
- Resident
- Specialist
How do I determine the 'Number of Clinicians' for my Directory Listing?
The goal of this setting is to assist Regional Authorities in capturing an accurate number of eReferral/eConsult targets (i.e., clinicians receiving eReferrals/eConsults) available in their region via the Ocean Healthmap.
- Administrative staff should not be included in the count.
- Clinicians do not need an Ocean user account to be counted.
- Users may enter '0' if appropriate.
Determining your Number
Keeping in mind the goal of capturing an accurate number of eReferral/eConsult targets within a particular Regional Authority, it is important to recognize that clinicians may often be associated with one or more Directory Listings on the Ocean Healthmap.
Accordingly, when users are selecting a number for their Directory Listing, they should be mindful of whether or not a particular clinician has already been accounted for under a separate Directory Listing that has also been approved by the Regional Authority. This is to ensure that a single clinician is not "double-counted" as an eligible eReferral/eConsult target within the region.
Some common scenarios are provided below as guidance:
In the scenario of a one-to-one relationship between the authorized clinician and the Directory Listing, users should enter '1' as the 'Number of Clinicians'.
This indicates that the clinician in question receives eReferrals/eConsults only at this Directory Listing, and nowhere else.
In the scenario of multiple authorized clinicians sharing a single Directory Listing, users should enter the total number of authorized clinicians as the 'Number of Clinicians'.
This indicates that all clinicians in question receive eReferrals/eConsults only at this Directory Listing, and nowhere else.
In the scenario of no authorized clinicians being associated with the Directory Listing (e.g., a community service that does not have any clinicians working out of it), users should enter '0' as the 'Number of Clinicians'.
Note: When '0' is entered, users are required to include additional written context in the 'Comments' box explaining the rationale.
In the scenario of one authorized clinician being associated with more than one Directory Listing (e.g., an indepedent listing and an organizational listing), users should enter '1' as the 'Number of Clinicians' for the independent listing, and not include them in the organizational listing count.
For example, if Dr. Smith accepts eReferrals/eConsults at their independent cardiology practice (Listing A), and also works at a cardiology clinic that accepts eReferrals/eConsults (Listing B), Listing A should be assigned a value of '1', and Dr. Smith should not be included in the sum of clinicians at Listing B.
Note: This means that if all clinicians at the cardiology clinic also have their own independent cardiology practices that accept eReferrals/eConsults, then '0' should be entered as the 'Number of Clinicians' for Listing B, with an explanation of the rationale in the 'Comments' box.
Likewise, if some clinicians accept eReferrals/eConsults exclusively at the cardiology clinic (Listing B), they would account for the total number 'Number of Clinicians' that should be entered for Listing B.
Updating your Number
Once the 'Number of Clinicians' value has been initially set in the Directory Listing settings, it should be reviewed and updated at least once annually to account for any changes.
What languages are included in eReferral/eConsult email notifications?
Patient Notification Emails
- If the patient’s email address and consent to receive eReferral notifications via email was provided at the time the eReferral/eConsult was sent, the patient will receive email notifications when status updates are made to the request.
- Patient email notifications contain both English and French versions of the status update message.
Provider Notification Emails
Automatic provider email notifications contain only an English version of the status update message at this time.
Can I filter the eConsults/eReferrals in my Ocean Site?
Yes, the Ocean Portal offers a variety options for filtering the referrals that are currently shown to you.
This is valuable for Ocean Sites that have a large number of clinicians that send referrals, as it offers the ability for users to focus their view to only referrals that are relevant to them, and minimizes the amount of patient health information shown to users within the Ocean Site.
Note: Filters are applied and saved on a user-specific basis. This means that each user on your Ocean Site has the ability to customize and save their filters to suit their personal preferences.
Filtering using the Search Bar
To quickly locate a specific or group of referrals, you can take advantage of the search bar in the top left corner.
- 'Patient with surname' filters all your referrals to only include patients with the matching surname.
- 'Referring clinician with the name containing' filters all your referrals to only include referrals sent by a specific clinician.
- 'Provider with name containing' filters all your referrals to only include referrals sent to the Directory Listing with the chosen search term included in it's name.
- 'EMR / MRN #' filters all your referrals to only include referrals for patients with the matching EMR ID/MRN value.
- 'HN' filters all your referrals to only include referrals for the patient with the matching health card number.
- 'Sent on' filters all your referrals to only include referrals that were sent on the chosen day.
- 'Received on' filters all your referrals to only include referrals that were received on the chosen day.
- 'Booked on' filters all your referrals to only include referrals that had appointment information added on the chosen day.
- 'Noted on' filters all your referrals to only include referrals that were noted on the chosen day.
Filtering Status Folders
Group-level filters are available across all status folders within the respective folder group, while folder-specific filters are only available within certain status folders.
Group-Level Filters
- The 'Listing' filter allows you to filter your eReferrals/eConsults by the Directory Listing that they are currently owned by.
- The 'Service' filter allows you to filter your eReferrals/eConsults by the requested Health Service Category(s).
- The 'Referring Clinicians' filter allows you to filter your eReferrals/eConsults by the user(s) who sent them.
Folder-Specific Filters
- The 'Reviewer' filter allows you to filter your eReferrals/eConsults by the assigned reviewer user(s).
- The 'Priority' filter allows you to filter your eReferrals/eConsults by the assigned priority value.
- The 'Protocol' filter allows you to filter your eReferrals/eConsults by the assigned protocol value.
- The 'Appt Date - Start' and 'Appt Date - End' fields can be used to view only eReferrals with an appointment booked in the specified date range.
- The 'Patient Email' filter allows you to filter your eReferrals/eConsults based on the presence of a patient email address within the referral/consult.
Where do I find a Referral Reference value?
You can easily find a specific Referral Reference (referralRef) value within the relevant referral's Event Log.
This value is a unique reference number for the referral in Ocean, which can be helpful for troubleshooting and/or or tracking purposes.
How does Ocean integrate with Health Report Manager (HRM®)?
Ontario Pilot Phase
Please note that the Ocean-HRM integration is curently in a closed pilot phase and not yet widely available.
What is HRM®?
Health Report Manager (HRM®) is a digital health solution developed by OntarioMD that enables clinicians using an OntarioMD-certified EMR to securely receive reports electronically from participating hospitals and independent health facilities. This transfer of information typically occurs near the end of the referral lifecycle when a specialist is sending a consultation report/letter back to the referring clinician.
Clinicians in Ontario using the Ocean Provider Network can send and receive consultation reports for eReferrals using HRM's integration with Ocean and their OntarioMD-certified EMR.
Ocean-HRM Message Sender Configuration
Sender Approval
To send messages and documents in Ocean via HRM, clinicians must obtain a 'UPI' identifier from the OntarioMD service desk by calling 1-866-744-8668 or emailing support@ontariomd.com.
Once the 'UPI' identifier has been obtained, clinicians must send it to the OceanMD Support team for backend configuration in Ocean. You will be notified when your Ocean site has been approved to send HRM reports.
Sender Configuration
- Clinicians who are sending HRM messages must ensure they have entered their 'Professional ID' within their Ocean user account settings under the 'Clinical Contact Information' section.
- Clinicians who are sending HRM messages should also enable the 'Authentication - Requesting providers must sign in' setting in their own Directory Listing settings. This ensures that all referrers are signed in to an Ocean user account while sending the eReferral, allowing for HRM messaging as described below when possible.
Ocean-HRM Message Receiver Configuration
Receiver Approval
To receive messages and documents via HRM, clinicians must first be approved by OntarioMD. OntarioMD periodically provides a list of approved receiving clinicians to OceanMD to update in the Ocean platform.
This list is used by Ocean to determine whether a clinician should receive a message via HRM in addition to the existing eReferral message and email notification mechanisms in Ocean.
If you are interested in becoming an approved HRM receiver, contact the OntarioMD service desk by calling 1-866-744-8668 or emailing support@ontariomd.com.
Receiver Configuration
- Once approved in the Ocean backend, referring clinicians must update the 'Clinician Information' setting in their Directory Listing settings with their First Name, Surname, and Professional ID at a minimum.
- Clinicians that have been properly approved by both OntarioMD and OceanMD will see an approval message stating 'This clinician uses HRM' in the Clinician Information window.
Sending Messages via HRM
Once you have fulfilled the 'Ocean-HRM Message Sender Configuration' requirements outlined above, you are able to send HRM messages within an Ocean eReferral.
HRM messages can only be sent within an eReferral if:
- The original referrer was signed in to an Ocean user account when sending the eReferral.
- There is at least one referral stakeholder that is live on HRM.
- 'Stakeholders' include the original referrer and any other referral targets that previously 'owned' the eReferral.
- Stakeholders are only considered to be 'live' if they meet the 'Ocean-HRM Message Receiver Configuration' requirements outlined above.
- Locate and open the relevant eReferral in Ocean.
- Using the 'Messaging' area, include your consultation report/letter as an attachment and optionally enter a message in the text field, and then press 'Send'.
After your message has been sent, you will see a checkmark icon to the right of the sent message confirming that the message has been sent via HRM in addition to the standard eReferral message and email notification mechanisms in Ocean.
Note: If the HRM message failed to send, you will see a red exclamation (!) icon instead of a checkmark.
Receiving Messages via HRM
If you have completed the 'Ocean-HRM Message Receiver Configuration' requirements outlined above and an HRM message is sent to you via an Ocean eReferral, you will be notified via the standard messaging and email notification mechanisms in Ocean.
You will additionally receive the HRM message in your OntarioMD-certified EMR. The core content for all HRM messages is standard across all OntarioMD-certified EMRs, containing: report category (LOINC), report body, author, date, etc.
Note: Due to HRM constraints, a single HRM message containing both a typed message and a file attachment will appear in your EMR as two separate HRM messages - one containing the typed message, and a second one containing the file attachment.
An example is shown using the PS Suite EMR below, for reference:
Troubleshooting & Support
For all troubleshooting inquiries please contact the OceanMD Support team.
Some helpful troubleshooting tips are provided below:
- If you attempt to send an HRM message and no status icon appears to the right of the message within the eReferral, this means Ocean made no attempt to send the message via HRM. Verify that at least one referral stakeholder is live on HRM, and registered as an HRM receiver in Ocean using the verification process outlined above.
- If you attempt to send an HRM message and the red failure icon appears, click on the icon for additional details.
- If available, take note of the 'Transaction ID' value and the corresponding error message and send them to the contact the OceanMD Support team
What do the different request colours mean in the eReferrals & eConsults area?
The eReferrals & eConsults area of the Ocean portal is used to view, manage, and action the different requests your Ocean Site receives. For certain statuses and request types, Ocean modifies the colour of the text for quick reference.
Colour Coding
What is the difference between a Health Service Category and a Health Service Offering?
The terms "Health Service Categories" and "Health Service Offerings" are often used interchangeably, however it is important to truly understand the difference in their meanings.
What are Health Service Categories?
Health Service Categories are a defined list of terms that are used in the Ocean Healthmap to support simpler searching, filtering, and Directory Listing creation. This defined taxonomy is used to help categorize the Health Service Offerings on a Directory Listing in the Ocean Healthmap.
A complete list of the defined Health Service Categories is available here.
What is a Health Service Offering?
A Health Service Offering is a customizable, searchable description of a service that is listed on the Directory Listing in the Ocean Healthmap. Health Service Offerings are mapped to the most appropriate Health Service Category.
In many cases, a Directory Listing may simply use a defined Health Service Category as their Health Service Offering, however, the option for full customization is possible using Health Service Offerings.
Why do they both exist?
The Ocean Healthmap is a comprehensive, map-based directory that makes it easy to search and access health care services. This is made possible through the use of a defined list of possible health care services - namely Health Service Categories. The defined list of Health Service Categories allows for discrete categorization of services offered by all health care providers on the Ocean Healthmap. This ensures that when a specific health care service is being searched for, the applicable providers of that service are properly accounted for in the search results.
However, it is important to acknowledge that a single defined list of possible health care services will not always capture the nuances of the service(s) being provided. This is addressed through the use of Health Service Offerings. The Health Service Offerings presented on a Directory Listing in the Ocean Healthmap can be customized to reflect greater accuracy of the specific name or nuance of the health care services being offered.
For example, a clinic offering dermatological services could add the specific 'Dermatology' Health Service Category as a Health Service Offering on their Directory Listing, but only offer a subset of specific services or programs. To communicate this nuance to potential referrers browsing the Ocean Healthmap, they can customize the name of the offering for accuracy - such as renaming it to 'Pigmented Lesion / Mole Clinic' if they only offer these specific dermatological services.
Referrers who are browsing the 'Dermatology' category on the Ocean Healthmap would see the clinic's Directory Listing with the 'Pigmented Lesion / Mole Clinic' Health Service Offering, since it is truly the 'Dermatology' Health Service Category with a customized Health Service Offering name.
What if I can't find the exact Health Service Category for my Directory Listing?
If you are unable to locate a Health Service Category in Ocean that exactly matches the services you offer, we recommend adding the most similar Health Service Category as a Health Service Offering on your Directory Listing. You can then customize the name of the offering to more accurately reflect the specific services you offer.
How do I customize the name?
You can customize the name of your Health Service Offering by following the steps below:
Can I request additional Health Services Categories?
No, you cannot request that additional Health Service Categories be added as they are a standardized and defined list in Ocean. Under certain circumstances, additional synonyms for Health Service Categories may be added to enhance the searching and filtering capabilities within the Ocean Healthmap.
How do I set a Clinical Delegate user for my Ocean user account?
If you work with another Ocean user(s) who will be sending eConsults and/or eReferrals on your behalf, you will want to invite them to create an Ocean user account and set them as your Clinical Delegate(s).
Add a Clinical Delegate(s) to your Ocean user account
- Log into the Ocean Portal.
- Click your name in the top right hand corner and select My Account from the menu.
Note: If you are an Ocean Site Admin, you can view and edit delegate relationships for all users on your Ocean Site. For more information, please refer to this article: Edit Delegates Page.
Can I include handout files for patients on my listing in the Ocean Healthmap?
How do I add handout files?
- Log in to the Ocean Portal, open the 'Menu' and select 'Admin'. From the Admin Settings page, select 'Directory Listings'.
- Within the appropriate Directory Listing, locate the 'Service Details' section and select the appropriate service offering.
Locate the 'Patient Handout' file uploader, and press 'Choose File'. Select the appropriate handout file from your computer.
Note: You can add multiple handout files by uploading them one at a time.
- Once the file(s) have been added, press 'OK'. The handout file(s) can now be found in your listing in the Ocean Healthmap, and will be included in the patient's email notification if they are referred for that health service.
Note: Since handout files are added to each individual Health Service Offering, you can attach different handout files for each of your offerings. Alternatively, you can add the same handout file(s) to all of your offerings.
How does my User Role impact my functionalities as a Clinical Delegate sending eReferrals in Ocean?
A Clinical Delegate has the ability to send eReferrals on behalf of another Ocean user. Depending on the User Role selected in your Account Settings, your experience when sending an Ocean eReferral as a Clinical Delegate will be different. As the scope of practice for each user on your Ocean site varies, the sending experience and wording of an eReferral changes to reflect the relevant scope.
- When sending a new eReferral as a Clinical Delegate, the dropdown menu in the 'Referrer's Information' panel allows you to select the referring provider, if applicable. The menu displays all providers for which the sending user is designated as a Clinical Delegate.
- After the eReferral has been sent, email notifications are sent to the 'Referral Notification Email' email address listed in referring provider's account settings. If there is no email listed, email notifications will be sent to the 'Clinical Delegate Email(s)' listed in the referring provider's account settings.
Note: Email notifications will not be sent to the Clinical Delegate user who initiated the eReferral on behalf of the referring provider. The notifications will only be sent to the referring provider selected in the 'Referrer's Information' dropdown menu.
Special Considerations
Due to the possible variation in the scope of practice of users on your Ocean site, additional features have been implemented to meet this consideration.
Physician Assistants and Residents
- When sending an eReferral on behalf of a physician as a Physician Assistant or Resident, the Referrer's Information panel is modified to clearly indicate that the eReferral is being sent by a Physician Assistant or Resident, on behalf of the referring provider.
- This is recorded in the General pane of the eReferral, so the recipient can clearly see that it was sent on behalf of the referring physician.
- After the eReferral has been sent, email notifications are sent to the 'Referral Notification Email' email address listed in referring provider's (i.e., the physician's) account settings. If there is no email listed, email notifications will be sent to the 'Clinical Delegate Email(s)' listed in the referring provider's account settings.
Nurse Practitioners
- In the case that a Nurse Practitioner initiates an eReferral for a medical test/procedure which requires authorization from a physician, an 'Authorizing Physician' field is added to the Referrer's Information panel to select the authorizing MD.
- Typing into the field searches the Ocean Healthmap directory for convenient selection of the authorizing physician.
Directory Listings Enforcing Referrer Restrictions
- Directory Listings may be configured to enforce that the referring provider have a User Role of 'Family Physician', 'Specialist', or 'Nurse Practitioner'.
- If the user sending the eReferral is not configured with one of these User Roles, they will be unable to send the eReferral and an orange warning message will appear.
- However, if the user sending the eReferral is configured as a Clinical Delegate for a 'Family Physician', 'Specialist', or 'Nurse Practitioner' user, the Clinic Delegate will be permitted to send the referral on their behalf.
How does Ocean's health service directory (oceanhealthmap.ca) find and prioritize search results?
Ocean uses a popular, powerful search engine called Elasticsearch [https://www.elastic.co/what-is/elasticsearch] to find relevant health service directory listings. Elasticsearch allows Ocean to use multiple criteria when searching for listings, including text keywords, location, distance, wait time, subspecialty information, and other properties.
Search Criteria
The primary search criteria is usually typed by the user, such as "cardiology" or "North Toronto Medical", similar to how Internet searches like Google work. These searches perform a keyword-based search that scans the listing's title, description, and service offerings for matches. Users also have the option of selecting a specific value from an automatic dropdown list, such as "MRI", to precisely find listings that are specifically tagged as offering these services.
Users can add additional constraints on top of this primary search, such as spoken language, using the "Advanced Search". To avoid returning distant results, the search uses the currently-visible map boundary as an initial constraint. After an initial search, a user has the option to search the "whole directory", which removes this map boundary constraint. Similar to Google Maps, users may also click to drag the map around, then click the button in the new area of the map to "Search This Area."
When a user triggers a search in the healthmap, Ocean uses a default sort preference that relies on the relevance "score" provided by ElasticSearch, which may be guided by factors such as keyword matching. In addition, Ocean applies a simple weight to the score to ensure the following listings are prioritized, in the following order:
- User favourites
- Site favourites
- Government central intakes and rapid-access clinics (as designated by Provincial Ministry of Health)
- Listings that are currently accepting eReferrals or eConsults
- Listings that redirect to a central intake eReferral site
- Other listings
Users also have the option to use the drop-down sort option to further sort the default results, which will impact the order of results. Ocean offers a sort by distance (shortest distance measured from the patient's home or the central map pin, if the patient's address is unavailable), or by the shortest Wait Time (Wait 1 / Wait 2). After a sort order has been applied to a search, it is retained for subsequent searches in the same session.
Please Note: As a matter of policy, Ocean does not make individual adjustments to promote or demote listing results. Search order results may change at any time, based on the ElasticSearch relevance calculation.
Can I send eReferrals from the Ocean Portal with pre-populated patient demographics?
- For non-integrated Ocean sites, users can go directly to the Ocean Healthmap to send eReferrals. As the patient demographic information is not pulled in from an integrated-EMR, referring providers will need to manually complete this portion of the referral at the time of sending.
- If these sites would like to have their patient information pre-populated, they can bulk upload a set of patients in to their Ocean site under the Patients View.
- See the following support article for the various importer types and their sample templates that can be uploaded into Ocean. The General Importer is the sample containing all of the patient demographic fields on a referral form. Use this sample file to generate a list of your patients you would like to upload into your Ocean site.
- Once your patient list is generated, go to the Action menu in the bottom left of Patients page and select "Upload Patients from File".
- Select the file containing your list of patients, choose the General Importer from the dropdown, and provide a Cohort Id (a name to identify the patient set being uploaded).
- Select "Upload". You will receive a confirmation prompt when the patients have been successfully uploaded into your Ocean site.
Note: Uploaded patients will be maintained in Ocean for 14 days before they are purged automatically from the site.
What File Types and Sizes can be Added as Attachments to eConsults and/or eReferrals?
When including attachments on eConsults/eReferrals, there are certain file size and type limitations that providers should be aware of.
What do the different folders mean in the eReferrals & eConsults page?
The folders in the eReferrals & eConsults page are used to manage your site's eConsults and eReferrals. Each folder is described here to help you process and manage incoming and outgoing consults and/or referrals.
General Folder Group
Received Folder Group
- New
- Consults and/or referrals that have been received and have not yet been accepted or declined.
- Accepted as eConsult
- Consults that have been reviewed and accepted.
- eConsult in Progress
- Consults that have been responded to.
- Pending Booking
- Accepted referrals that have not been booked for appointments.
- Booked Unconfirmed
- Any accepted referrals that include appointments that have not been confirmed by the patient.
- Booked Confirmed
- Any accepted referrals that include appointments that have been confirmed by the patient.
- Awaiting Reply
- Any consults and/or referrals that have been marked as Awaiting Reply.
- Walk-ins
- Any consults and/or referrals that have been accepted as a walk-in appointment.
- Received (All)
- All consults and/or referrals that your site has received regardless of their current status.
- Completed
- Consults and/or Referrals that have been marked "Complete" following their appointment date.
- Forwarded (All)
- Any consults and/or referrals that your site has received and you have forwarded to another site.
- Declined
- Consults and/or Referrals that you have declined.
- Cancelled
- All canceled consults and/or referrals.
- Externally Managed
- Any consults and/or referrals that have been marked as Managed Externally.
Sent Folder Group
- Sent (All)
- All consults and/or referrals that have been sent from your site.
- Incomplete
- Any outgoing consults and/or referrals that have been saved for later completion (have not been sent yet). These referrals are only saved in Ocean for 30 days before they are automatically deleted.
- Awaiting Response
- Any consults and/or referrals that you have sent that have not yet been accepted by the recipient.
- Accepted as Walk-In
- Any sent consults and/or referrals that have been accepted as a walk-in appointment by the recipient.
- Accepted as eConsult
- Any sent referrals that have been accepted as an eConsult by the recipient.
- Pending Booking
- All referrals that have been sent from your site that are accepted and awaiting to be booked by the recipient.
- Booked Unconfirmed
- All referrals that have been sent from your site and include appointments that have not been confirmed by the patient.
- Booked Confirmed
- All referrals that have been sent from your site and include appointments that the patient has confirmed.
- Completed
- Consults that have been marked as completed after an eConsult response, and referrals that have been marked as completed following their appointment date(s).
- Declined
- Your sent consults and/or referrals that were declined.
- Cancelled
- Your sent consults and/or referrals that were canceled.
- Externally Managed
- Any sent consults and/or referrals that have been marked as Managed Externally.
Other Folders
- Deletion Warnings
- Consults and/or Referrals that are approaching deletion.
- Actions
- Use this menu to create an inbound request, view the directory, export consults and/or referrals, update wait times, or view a patient's referral history.
- Support
- Click here to contact the OceanMD Support team.
What do the icons and buttons mean?
When managing incoming eConsults and/or eReferrals from the eReferrals page in the Ocean Portal, you may encounter icons or buttons that you are unsure of. Below is a list of the various icons and buttons that may appear and their meaning.
Icons within the eReferrals & eConsults page
Icon | Definition |
Column currently being sorted (and direction – ascending or descending). | |
There is a message associated with the eConsult and/or eReferral. | |
View this patient's previous eConsults and/or eReferrals. | |
There is an attachment associated with the eConsult and/or eReferral. | |
This patient's chart in the EMR cannot be found and Ocean is waiting for the EMR. | |
A backup copy of the eConsult and/or eReferral has been exported from Ocean. | |
The notes for this patient have been downloaded into the EMR. | |
This patient has notes that are ready to be downloaded into the EMR. | |
The eConsult and/or eReferral has been electronically forwarded to an eReferral recipient. | |
The eConsult and/or eReferral has been manually forwarded to a fax recipient. | |
The eConsult and/or eReferral has been marked as 'Urgent' by the referral sender (i.e., the value for the 'referralUrgency' eForm question on the referral form has been set to 'Urgent'). |
Icons within the eConsult and/or eReferral
Icon | Definition |
Edit patient level details (email, phone, address). | |
A component of the eConsult and/or eReferral requires review (message, referral note, etc.). | |
A component of the eConsult and/or eReferral that was previously requiring review has been reviewed. | |
Add a canned note or Review/ Triage form to the eConsult and/or eReferral. Select a canned booking comment when scheduling appointments. Select a canned message in the eConsult and/or eReferral messaging pane. | |
Send a patient note or resend patient appointment notification email. | |
Add a new note to the master eConsult and/or eReferral (while viewing a child eReferral). | |
The eReferral will be included in wait time calculations, because a date booked comment has not been chosen. | |
Delete an attachment that has been added to the appointment notification email. |
Buttons within the eConsult and/or eReferral
Button | Definition |
Accepts the eConsult and/or eReferral. If an appointment time is entered, the eReferral will move to your Booked Unconfirmed inbox (or Booked Confirmed if the Confirmed checkbox is selected). If no appointment time is entered, the eReferral will move to your Pending Booking inbox. | |
Moves the eConsult and/or eReferral from the Awaiting Reply inbox to the appropriate inbox based on the eReferral status. | |
Indicates that the eConsult and/or eReferral as complete and not requiring any further follow up. Will move the referral to your Completed inbox. | |
Declines the eConsult and/or eReferral and moves it to the Declined inbox. Clicking this will prompt you for the reason and an optional message that will be sent to notify the sender. | |
Forwards the eConsult and/or eReferral to the selected site for further follow up. Moves the consult/referral to your Forwarded (All) inbox. | |
Acknowledges that you have read and accept the text that is in the window. | |
Indicates that the component requiring review has been reviewed. Will move the eConsult and/or eReferral to the appropriate inbox based on the status. | |
Sends the message and any attached files to the sender. | |
Closes the window without saving any changes and returns to the previous screen. | |
Saves changes made. Note: The window will remain open when this option is selected. |
Saves changes made and closes the window. | |
Saves changes made and closes the window. Will move the eConsult and/or eReferral to the Awaiting Reply inbox. Note: This option appears in a dropdown menu beside Done when a message is sent from the eConsult and/or eReferral. |
Notifies the selected provider that an eConsult and/or eReferral requires their attention when flagging for review. Note: The consult and/or referral must be saved in order for the notification to be sent. |
Note: From the eReferrals page in the Ocean Portal, hovering over each of the icons for a moment will also bring up a tooltip displaying the icon's meaning.
What do the different Action Menu Items mean?
Sender and Receiver Actions
- Download Referral Record
- Opens a PDF document of the complete record in a new browser tab where it can be printed and/or downloaded, OR it downloads a TIFF file (dependent on the site's settings configured here). This record includes all scheduling information, notes, messages, and attachments included on the Ocean eConsult and/or eReferral.
- Download Referral Note
- Opens a PDF document of the note in a new browser tab where it can be printed and/or downloaded, OR it downloads a TIFF file (dependent on the site's settings configured here). This summary document only includes the patient, recipient, and referrer/sender information, as well as the contents of the note.
- Download Patient Handout
- Opens a PDF handout in a new browser tab that can be printed and provided to the patient. This handout includes patient information, recipient information (including a map of current consult and/or referral location), future appointment information for the patient, as well as any booking attachments added to the eConsult and/or eReferral.
- Download Status Notification Sheet
- Opens a PDF document in a new browser tab where it can be printed and/or downloaded. This document is directed to the sending/referring provider, and can be used to notify them of any status updates if they are not yet on Ocean. It contains patient, recipient, consult and/or referral status information, and any scheduling information present on the eReferral.
- Import into EMR
- Triggers a new import of the consult and/or referral into the integrated EMR.
- Export
- Opens up a consult and/or referral summary that can be copied and pasted into the patient's EMR. For integrated EMRs, this summary will be stamped automatically into the patient chart notes at the time of sending/receiving the consult/referral.
- View Event Log
- Opens up an event log of the various actions that have occurred on the consult/referral. The log includes the event type, date and time of occurrence, the user who actioned it, and the Ocean site and listing it was actioned from. The Event Log is also where the reference is found, and the purge date.
- View Patient History
- Used to review a patient's referral history. These include any consults and/or referrals sent or received by the same Ocean site, for the same patient. If there are no previous consults and/or referrals for that patient to review, you will not see this option in the Action menu.
- Reclaim Ownership of Referral
- When a consult and/or referral has been revoked from a site, or declined at a site, the site will have the opportunity to reclaim ownership back to their site if they need to action on it further.
- Resubmit (Last Recipient)
This option will be found on Cancelled or Declined consults/referrals, and can be used to resubmit them to the last site they were previously cancelled from, or declined at. For additional information on this functionality, please refer to this support article.
Sender Specific Actions
- Cancel Referral
Used to cancel a consult and/or referral. This option should only be chosen by the sender when a consult and/or referral to the current provider is no longer necessary. When clicked the user is prompted for a reason for cancelling, and the consult/referral is moved to the Cancelled folder of the sender site. The consult/referral is also flagged for review by the recipient site, and can be found in their "Needs Review" tab with an automated message informing the site the consult/referral was cancelled.
Note: This option will be called Cancel eConsult, if the referral has been responded to as an eConsult.
- Redirect (New Recipient)
This option will be found on Cancelled or Declined referrals/consults, and can be used to redirect the referral/consult to a new recipient, while reusing the patient demographics and attachments from the original referral/consult. For additional information on this functionality, please refer to this support article.
Receiver Specific Actions
- Forward
- This action allows you to forward the consult and/or referral to another target, belonging to the same or different Ocean site. When clicked, the user is prompted to choose a listing from the Forward Referral pane, that pulls in listings from the Ocean Healthmap. Once the desired listing is selected, and the consult/referral is forwarded, it will move to your site's "Forwarded (All)" folder where you can continue to access and receive updates regarding it.
Note: The consult and/or referral can be electronically forwarded to listings on the Ocean Provider Network (designated by the green arrow), or manually forwarded. If manually forwarded, you will be prompted to print and fax the consult/referral before selecting the Forward option in Ocean.
- Revoke Forward
This action is only available on Forwarded consults and/or referrals. If it was forwarded in error, or it simply needs to be directed, you can revoke it back to your site. The action of revoking will move the consult/referral back to your site's New tab. At the recipient site the consult/referral will be flagged for review, with an Ocean automated message stating that the consult/referral was revoked and the reason why, in both the Messaging and Notes pane. Any PHI will be scrubbed from the consult/referral at that time.
Notes: If you attempt to revoke forward a referral that already has been scheduled at the receiving site, you will be prompted to ask the site to remove the appointment information before doing so, to prevent any booking confusion in the future. If you attempt to revoke forward a referral that has already had a subsequent forward, you will be prompted to reclaim ownership of that referral instead. This will also send an automated message to the recipient site, flagging the referral for review and informing them the ownership was reclaimed.
- Add Related Referral
- This allows you to create a copy of the consult and/or referral, that can be assigned it's own health service offering and description, and be managed separately from the original.
- Await Reply
- This moves the consult and/or referral to the "Awaiting Reply" tab, where it will sit until you receive the required information from the sending site (usually requested in a message on the consult/referral), and can action on the consult/referral further.
- Delete
- Deletes the referral.
- Mark as Test/Unmark Test
- Used to flag whether this is a test consult/referral or not. When marked as test, it is excluded from the site's analytics.
How long are eConsults/eReferrals stored after they are sent through Ocean?
Referrals are kept for a minimum of 1 year/ 365 days after they are sent/received or transcribed in Ocean. This is the default storage time for a referral if no other actions are taken.
A deletion warning email is sent 14 days ahead of the purge deadline. Clinics may choose to extend the purge date of the referral using the actions described below.
Actions That Extend the Purge Deadline
The actions listed below can extend the storage time/purge deadline beyond the default 365 day storage time.
Adding an Appointment Date
The referral will be kept for 30 days after the last booked appointment in Ocean. If this date falls before the 365-day mark, the referral will be kept for the default 365 days. * -
Adding an 'Anticipated Wait Time to Appointment'
If an anticipated wait time is added to the referral, it will be stored for the wait time period plus 60 days, calculated from the date the referral was originally received/entered in Ocean.- Example: Referral is received on January 1st, 2024. An anticipated wait time of 14-18 months is added on March 1st, 2024 (2 months after receipt) The referral will be kept until May 1st, 2025 (14 months after January 1st, 2024, plus 60 days)
Forwarding to Another Directory Listing
The referral purge deadline will be 1 year after the latest forward date. -
Flagging for Review
The eReferral/eConsult will be kept for 1 year after the referral was flagged for review using the 'Needs Review' feature. -
Manually Extending the Purge Deadline
Clicking the refresh button on the referral (from the 'Deletion Warnings' folder list view) will extend the purge deadline by 60 days.
*NOTE: If a referral is sent to a Rapid Access Clinic/Assessment Center listing, the purge deadline will be 1 year from the initial assessment date.
Viewing a Patient's Referral History
If you ever need to inquire about any Ocean eReferral(s) that have been received and processed for a certain patient in the past, you can easily look this up in the patient's eReferral history in Ocean.
For sites receiving eReferrals, it may be valuable to know if the patient has been referred to your site before, and some details of the previous referral(s). Fortunately, you can view a patient's "Referral History" directly from the eReferrals & eConsults View of the Ocean Portal.
Note: A health number and birth date must be included in the referral, in order for Ocean to identify the patient's referral history. This is because these two values are used to generate a unique patient identifier that is stored in Ocean with the referral.
Similar to referral analytics, because this referral history contains no patient health information (PHI), this data is not purged from Ocean over time. This means that if you were to receive a referral for a patient today, their referral history can still be viewed ten years from now.
If a previous referral is still in Ocean at the time that it's viewed, this referral can be selected from the "Referral History" window. This will open the referral, allowing you to view further details about this referral.
There are three methods to view a patient’s previous referral(s) (i.e. "Referral History"), as outlined below.
- When viewing referrals under the eReferrals & eConsults View in the Ocean Portal, there may be an "Open File" icon displayed on the far right hand side of the referral.
If there is no referral for a specific patient currently sitting in the eReferrals & eConsults View of your Ocean Portal, you can still search for that specific patient's referral history.
This is useful if you have received a referral via fax and would like to see if there are records of any previous referrals for this patient in Ocean, for example.
- To search for a patient's referral history, go into the eReferrals & eConsults View in the Ocean Portal. From the Actions menu at the bottom left, select "Referral History".
Where do eConsult and/or eReferral notification emails get sent to?
Automatic email notifications are triggered for both patients and senders whenever an eConsult/eReferral status is changed from 'New' to 'Booked'/'Cancelled'/'Declined', or an Anticipated Time to Appointment is specified within the referral, or a referral's appointment date or time is changed.
Simply "Accepting" an eConsult/eReferral does not typically send an email notification (unless it is accepted as a result of specifying an 'Anticipated Time to Appointment', or you are in the uncommon scenario that the eReferral is submitted under an eRequest specifically configured to do so).
Determining which email address(es) notifications are sent to depends on the conditions under which the consult/referral was sent and the nature of the notification.
Notification Email Rules
Email Notifications for Senders
Notification emails are sent to the sender/referrer when:
- An appointment date is booked, changed, or removed within the eReferral
- An Anticipated Time to Appointment is provided within the eReferral
- Booking comments are added or changed within the eReferral
- The eConsult or eReferral is forwarded
The eConsult or eReferral is declined and returned to the original referrer*
*Note: If the referral has been previously forwarded to an additional stakeholder who then declines the referral, the original referrer will not receive a notification email regarding the declination.
- A secure message (or an eConsult response) is sent to the sender/referrer (patients do not receive this message)
Notifications will be sent based on the following conditions:
An Ocean user is associated with the referral
Notifications will be sent to the first email address that is set, based on the following order of email addresses in the user's My Account page (found in the Ocean portal, clicking on your name at top right hand corner, and selecting "My Account"):
- Referral Notification Email
- Clinical Delegate Email
- The user's Email Address
If the referring Ocean user has been removed from the Ocean site, notifications will be sent to the first email address that is set, based on the following order of email addresses in the Ocean Site:
- Default Incoming Referral Notification Email for the Ocean Site
- Clinical Administrator / Ocean Support Contact for the Ocean Site
- The email address associated with the Ocean Site Payer's user account
The referrer was not logged in to an Ocean user account, but provided a specific notification email when sending the referral
Notifications will be sent to the provided email.
Email Notifications for Referral Delegates
If a delegate user sends a referral on behalf of a referring provider, Ocean will use the provider's user settings to determine where the notifications are directed as above.
Accordingly, the delegate user will not receive notifications themselves, unless the provider is no longer a user on the Ocean site, in which case email notifications will be sent to:
- The delegate's Referral Notification Email
- The delegate user's Email Address
In the case that both the provider and the delegate have been removed from the Ocean site, email notifications will be sent to the first available email address from the following list:
- Default Incoming Referral Notification Email for the Ocean Site
- Clinical Administrator / Ocean Support Contact for the Ocean Site
- The email address associated with the Ocean Site Payer's user account
Email Notifications for Receivers
Notification emails are sent to the receiver when:
- Any new eConsults or eReferrals are received
- A secure message is sent to the receiver
- An eConsult or eReferral is canceled
- An eConsult or eReferral is forwarded to the receivre and then revoked
- A sender converts an in-progress eConsult to an eReferral using the 'Change to eReferral' button
- A sender requests that an in-progress eConsult be converted to an eReferral using the 'Proceed with eReferral' button
- An eConsult is marked as completed by the sender
- Notification emails will be sent either at the offering level, the listing level, or the site level, depending on how notifications are configured for the site.
- Notifications regarding a specific consult/referral will be sent to the first email address that is set, based on the following order of email addresses in the site's Admin View (of the Ocean Portal):
- Offering Notification Email
- Set by the site in the specific Health Service Offering tagged in the "Service Details" section of a site's "Directory Listing"
Email Notifications for Patients
- For an email notification to be sent to the patient, the patient's email address must be included in the referral (which is only permitted after an acknowledgment of the patient's email consent).
- You can enter, update, or remove a patient's email address at any time by editing the patient demographics within the consult/referral window.
Notification emails are sent to the patient when:
- The eReferral is successfully sent
- An Anticipated Time to Appointment is provided within the eReferral
- An appointment date is booked, removed, or changed within the eReferral
- Booking comments are added or changed within the eReferral
- The eReferral is forwarded
- The eReferral is cancelled
The eReferral is declined and returned to the original referrer*.
*Note: In some circumstances, the referral recipient may opt out of notifying the patient of the declination. Further, if the referral has been previously forwarded to an additional stakeholder who then declines the referral, the patient will not receive a notification email regarding the declination.
- The eReferral is redirected (following an initial cancellation or declination)
- For more details about eReferral-related email notifications that are sent to patients, please refer to "What email notifications will patients receive regarding their eReferrals?".
Disabling Email Notifications
- If you are a receiving site and would like to disable automatic email notifications to patients, you can do so in your Ocean Site's Referrals Configuration area.
Can I change the File Format for Downloaded Records and Notes?
You must be an Admin user at your Ocean site to configure these settings.
If you are a receiving site that accepts eConsults and/or eReferrals and imports them into a non-integrated system, you may want change the file format of the downloaded consult and/or referral to one that is compatible with your system. Ocean currently supports two file options to choose from: PDF or TIFF
- Log in to the Ocean Portal.
- Open the Menu and select the eReferrals option.
- Select the dropdown for Referral Records/Notes Filetype and choose between the default PDF files option or the TIFF files format.
- Save changes.
What email notifications will patients receive regarding their eReferrals?
If the patient’s email address and consent to receive eReferral notifications via email was provided at the time the eReferral was sent, the patient will receive email notifications when any of the following changes are made to their referral.
Sent Referrals
- When the eReferral is first sent, the patient will receive an email informing them that a health referral was sent for them, and they will be notified when an appointment is booked.
- If the eReferral is sent for a walk-in health service, the patient will receive the following email notification instead.
Forwarded Referrals
Referrals with Estimated Wait Times
Booked Referrals
Rescheduled Referrals
Appointment Reminders
If the referral recipient site has configured eReferral-based Appointment Reminders, the patient will receive a reminder notification a certain number of days before their scheduled appointment as shown in the screenshot on the right.
Note: If the referral recipient has configured customizable EMR-based Appointment Reminders, the reminder will appear and behave differently than that the example shown in the screenshot on the right.
Additionally, the patient may receive a Text Message reminder if this functionality has been enabled by the recipient site.
Declined Referrals
- If the referral is declined by the referral recipient, they can choose to notify the patient of this declination. A referral may be declined for various reasons, such as if the receiving site determines that it is not appropriate or if it is incomplete.
- If the referral decliner chooses to notify the patient, the patient will receive an email, notifying them of this declination (booking comments will vary based on the reason for declining the referral).
- If the referral decliner chooses not to notify the patient, the patient will not receive an email.
- Note: In the case that a referral is forwarded from one recipient to another (e.g., specialist to specialist, or Central Intake to specialist), and the latter recipient declines the referral, the patient will not receive a notification that the referral was declined. Only the stakeholder which forwarded the referral will receive a notification that the referral was declined.
Cancelled Referrals
- If the referral is cancelled by the referring provider, they can choose to notify the patient of this cancellation.
- If the referral canceller chooses to notify the patient, the patient will receive an email notifying them of this cancellation (booking comments will vary based on the reason for cancelling the referral).
- Note: A referral may be cancelled likely because it has already been booked or the patient/referring provider has changed their mind about requesting the referral.
Redirected Referrals
Can Ocean Automatically Mark Booked Referrals as Closed at my Site?
You must be an Admin user at your Ocean site to configure these settings.
If you are a receiving site that accepts eReferrals, and would like to configure your site to automatically close booked referrals, follow the steps outlined below. This will allow your site to automatically move referrals to the Completed folder without having to manually open and mark them as Complete.
- Log in to the Ocean Portal.
- Open the Menu and select the eReferrals option.
- Within the Receiving Referrals settings list, select "Yes" under the "Automatically Close Referrals" setting. This will trigger Ocean to run a scheduled job every night to look at ALL referrals sitting in the Booked Confirmed and Booked Unconfirmed folder of your site, and close them.
- When the above setting is enabled, Ocean defaults to closing referrals 7 days after the latest appointment. You can change the number of days for when you would like Ocean to close the referral, based on how long ago the latest appointment on the referral was.
Note: You will want to ensure the number of days chosen provides your site with enough time to appropriately update referrals as "No Shows", or add additional appointments/slots to referrals that will be booked again, before Ocean automatically closes them.
- Save changes.
- Once the scheduled job is run, closed eReferrals will be moved to the Completed folder of your Ocean site. An automated message will be added to the messaging pane to inform all stakeholders that the referral was closed automatically.
Can I Configure the Booking Time Options that Appear in the eReferral Scheduling Pane?
You must be an Admin user at your Ocean site to configure these settings.
If you are a receiving site that accepts eReferrals and would like to configure the appointment time options that appear in the referral's scheduling pane, follow the steps outlined below. This will help mitigate appointment scheduling-related errors and make it easier to pick the time of the appointments.
- Log in to the Ocean Portal.
- Open the Menu and select the eReferrals option.
- Select the Time System to configure whether the times display as a 12 hour clock, 24 hour clock, or both.
- Select the Time Interval dropdown and choose the number of minutes you would like the appointment times to be spaced out by.
- Select the Time Range options to drill the list down to a range of appointment times that match your clinic's hours.
- Preview the changes in the View Dropdown Values item to ensure the options reflect the desired update for the referral's scheduling pane.
- Save changes.
Note: If you would like to schedule an appointment outside of the options provided in the dropdown, you can continue to do so simply by typing in the full appointment time, rather than choosing from the dropdown.
Backing Up Your eReferrals
Note: The intended audience of this support article is health information trustees/custodians. Non-trustee/custodian entities that are involved in referral management (e.g., a Regional Authority or Central Intake) should refer to their respective jurisdiction's legislation to determine their level of responsibility in ensuring that clinical information is stored in an appropriate system of record.
Since Ocean is not an EMR/EHR and not a long term repository of health information for a patient, it is important to ensure that relevant clinical information is stored appropriately in a system of record (e.g., an EMR/EHR). This transfer of information should be reasonably timely and occur before the information is purged from Ocean.
This is most often acheived through an integration between the Ocean Site and the EMR/EHR. However, in the case that an Ocean Site is not integrated with an EMR/EHR, Ocean does support the ability to export a backup of all received referrals and their associated information. This can be done by following the steps below:
Select your start and end date for your export. You can download data within a specific date range, based on the referral's modification date. Or, you can pull all data since you started receiving referrals by leaving both dates blank.
Note: If your specified date range exceeds 31 days and includes more than 500 referrals, you will be prompted to specify a date range of 31 days or less.
Select “Export unexported referrals only” if you would only like to export referrals that have not been previously backed up. If you want to export all referrals in the Ocean Portal, uncheck this box.
Note: Ensure this checkbox is enabled if you are exporting more than 500 referrals.
Select “Mark referrals exported” to mark the referrals as backed up once you've completed the export. This will add a green checkbox icon beside the referral in the Ocean portal, once the export is completed. If this box is left unchecked, the next time the export is done, the previously exported referrals will be pulled once again.
Note: Ensure this checkbox is enabled if you are exporting more than 500 referrals.
Finally, click "Export". This will export your data in a .csv file that can be opened using Microsoft Excel.
Note: If you are exporting more than 500 referrals, continue to click the 'Export' button to download multiple .csv file batches until a completion alert is shown.
Final Comments
The referral export file(s) will contain patient health information and should be stored somewhere securely at your site.
Any time a user presses the 'Export' button, an audit log entry (EXPORTED_REFERRALS) is automatically generated documenting the date, time, and user that performed the export.
Referral information pulled in the export includes; referral reference, patient name, description, status, referral date, booked date (if present), referring site, recipient site, clinician, professional ID, patient phone number, patient email, internal comments, referrer comments, and the entire contents of the referral note.
The API also provides access to this referral information. For more details, please refer to: "Ocean Open API".
Batch Printing eReferrals/eConsults
If your Ocean Site sends or receives referrals that are not imported directly into an EMR, you can download or print PDF copies of them from within the Ocean Portal.
In some workflows, it may be easier to batch print multiple referrals within a list at once. This can be done using Ocean's batch print function.
- Log in to the Ocean Portal and navigate to the 'eReferrals & eConsults' area.
Choose the relevant status folder of referrals you would like to print.
If the referral status is not a requirement of your desired list of referrals to print, go to the 'Received (All)' or 'Sent (All)' tab.
- Apply any filters you would like to the list. This includes filtering by booking date, listing, health service offering, referring provider etc.
What Health Service Categories are available for eConsults and/or eReferrals?
When setting up a listing, that has been claimed to your site, one of the key steps will be to add the Health Service Categories provided by the listing. Each category should be listed separately to allow consult and/or referral senders to locate you better on the Ocean Healthmap.
Health Service Categories can be added or removed at any time from a listing. These changes are made in the Admin Settings page in the Ocean Portal, by clicking Directory Listings. The table below outlines all the categories that are currently available in Ocean. If you have customized eForms, the Health Service Reference column may be helpful for form programming or back-end analytic work.
If your health service is not listed below, try searching for it directly in the map-based directory. You may find that Ocean links you to one of the health services below using one of the stored synonyms or keywords.
If you are unable to locate a direct match or synonym, you will likely be able to locate a similar or generalized version of your health service category in the list below.
Note that once you have added a health service category with one of Ocean's standard health service categories, you can assign a custom title to the offering to provide more context (such as renaming your category's title from "Ultrasound" to "Ultrasound - Abdomen").
Health Service Name | Health Service ID |
Abnormal Pregnancy Screening Support |
Acupuncture | ACUPUNCTURE |
Acquired Brain Injury | ACQUIRED_BRAIN_INJURY |
Addictions Assessment & Referral | ADDICTIONS_ASSESSMENT_AND_REFERRAL |
Adolescent Medicine | ADOLESCENT_MEDICINE |
Adoption Support | ADOPTION_SUPPORT |
Adult Day Program | ADULT_DAY_PROGRAM |
Adult Intensive Services | ADULT_INTENSIVE_SERVICES |
Adverse Event Following Immunization | AEFI |
Alcoholic Support Groups | ALCOHOLIC_SUPPORT_GROUPS |
Allergy and Immunology | ALLERGY_AND_IMMUNOLOGY |
Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring | AMBULATORY_BP |
Amputee Services | AMPUTEE_SERVICES |
Anger Disorders | ANGER_DISORDERS |
Arthritis Services | ARTHRITIS_SERVICES |
Anaesthesia | ANAESTHESIA |
Aquafit Programs | AQUAFIT_PROGRAMS |
Arterial Blood Gases | ARTERIAL_BLOOD_GASES |
Assistive Equipment | ASSISTIVE_EQUIPMENT |
Asthma Education | ASTHMA_EDUCATION |
Augmentative Communication | AUGMENTATIVE_COMMUNICATION |
Autism Spectrum Disorder Services | AUTISM_SPECTRUM_DISORDER_SERVICES |
Arterial Segmental Pressures | ABI |
Assisted Dying Inquiry Support | ASSISTED_DYING_INQUIRY_SUPPORT |
Audiology | AUDIOLOGY |
Back Pain | BACK_PAIN |
Back - Epidural Steroid Injection | BACK_EPIDURAL_STEROID |
Back - Prolotherapy | BACK_PROLOTHERAPY |
Bariatric Surgery | BARIATRIC_SURGERY |
Bereavement Support | BEREAVEMENT_SUPPORT |
Biophysical Profile | BIOPHYSICAL_PROFILE |
Family Planning | BIRTH_CONTROL |
Blindness or Low Vision Rehabilitation | BLIND_OR_LOW_VISION_REHABILITATION |
Blood Donor Clinic | BLOOD_DONOR_CLINIC |
Bone Mineral Density | BONE_MINERAL_DENSITY |
Bone Scan | BONE_SCAN |
Bone Marrow Aspiration | BONE_MARROW_ASPIRATION |
Botox Injections | BOTOX |
Botox Injections - Cervical Dystonia | BOTOX_CERVICAL_DYSTONIA |
Bracing | BRACING |
Breastfeeding Support Services | BREASTFEEDING |
Breast Clinic | BREAST_CLINIC |
Breast Ultrasound | BREAST_ULTRASOUND |
Bronchial Challenge | BRONCHIAL_CHALLENGE |
Bronchoscopy | BRONCHOSCOPY |
Supervised Exercise Rehabilitation - Cardiovascular | CARDIAC_REHAB |
Cardiac Stress Testing | CARDIAC_STRESS_TESTING |
Cardiology | CARDIOLOGY |
Cardiology Services | CARDIOLOGY_SERVICES |
Cardiovascular Surgery | CARDIOVASCULAR_SURGERY |
Care Coordination | CARE_COORDINATION |
Cataract Care | CATARACT_CARE |
Cataract Surgery | CATARACT_SURGERY |
Central Venous Catheter Insertion | CENTRAL_VENOUS_CATHETER_INSERTION |
Children's Aid | CHILDRENS_AID |
Circumcision | CIRCUMCISION |
Community Health Centre | COMMUNITY_HEALTH_CENTRE |
Concussion Management | CONCUSSION_MANAGEMENT |
Core Needle Biopsy | CORE_NEEDLE_BIOPSY |
Child Development Service Navigation | CHILD_DEVELOPMENT_SERVICE_NAVIGATION |
Chiropractic | CHIROPRACTIC |
Chronic Disease Self-Management | CHRONIC_DISEASE_SELF_MANAGEMENT |
Chronic Pain Self-Management | CHRONIC_PAIN_SELF_MANAGEMENT |
Colonoscopy | COLONOSCOPY |
Colorectal Screening | COLORECTAL_SCREENING |
Compounding Pharmacy | COMPOUNDING_PHARMACY |
Community Support Services | COMMUNITY_SUPPORT_SERVICES |
Convalescent Care | CONVALESCENT_CARE |
Cord Blood Services | CORD_BLOOD_SERVICES |
Cosmetics | COSMETICS |
Cosmetic Surgery | COSMETIC_SURGERY |
Counseling | COUNSELING |
Colposcopy | COLPOSCOPY |
CT | CT |
Cystoscopy | CYSTOSCOPY |
Dementia Support Services | DEMENTIA_SUPPORT |
Dental Hygiene | DENTAL_HYGIENE |
Dentistry | DENTISTRY |
Dentistry (Subsidized or Free) | DENTISTRY_LOW_COST |
Dental Surgery | DENTAL_SURGERY |
Dermatology | DERMATOLOGY |
Developmental and Disability Services | DEVELOPMENTAL_AND_DISABILITY |
Diabetes Education | DIABETES_EDUCATION |
Diabetes Specialist Management | DIABETES_SPECIALIST_MANAGEMENT |
Diabetes Self-Management | DIABETES_SELF_MANAGEMENT |
Diagnostic Imaging | DIAGNOSTIC_IMAGING |
Dietitian / Nutrition | DIETITIAN |
Driving Services | DRIVING_SERVICES |
Drug Safety Testing | DRUG_SAFETY_TESTING |
Early Pregnancy Loss | EARLY_PREGNANCY_LOSS |
Early Psychosis Intervention | EARLY_PSYCHOSIS_INTERVENTION |
Echocardiogram | ECHOCARDIOGRAM |
Emergency Department | EMERGENCY_DEPARTMENT |
Emergency Medicine | EMERGENCY_MEDICINE |
Emergency Shelter | EMERGENCY_SHELTER |
Endocrinology | ENDOCRINOLOGY |
End-of-life care | END_OF_LIFE_CARE |
Endometrial Biopsy | ENDOMETRIAL_BIOPSY |
Endoscopy | ENDOSCOPY |
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) | ERCP |
Exercise Oximetry | EXERCISE_OXIMETRY |
Falls Prevention | FALLS_PREVENTION |
Family Medicine | FAMILY_MEDICINE |
Family Services | FAMILY_SERVICES |
Feeding Services | FEEDING_SERVICES |
Fertility | FERTILITY |
Fibromyalgia | FIBROMYALGIA |
Fine Needle Aspiration | FINE_NEEDLE_ASPIRATION |
Flexible Sigmoidoscopy | FLEXIBLE_SIGMOIDOSCOPY |
Fluoroscopy | FLUOROSCOPY |
Foot Care Self-Management | FOOTCARE_SELF_MANAGEMENT |
Foot Care Nursing | FOOTCARE_NURSING |
Forensics | FORENSICS |
Forensic Psychiatry | FORENSIC_PSYCHIATRY |
Fracture Clinic | FRACTURE_CLINIC |
Friendly Visiting | FRIENDLY_VISITING |
Gastroenterology | GASTROENTEROLOGY |
Gastric Emptying Study | GASTRIC_EMPTYING_STUDY |
Gambling Addiction Assistance | GAMBLING_ADDICTION_ASSISTANCE |
Gender Services | GENDER_SERVICES |
Genetics | GENETICS |
Genitourinary Surgery | GENITOURINARY_SURGERY |
Geriatrics | GERIATRICS |
Geriatric Behaviour | GERIATRIC_BEHAVIOUR |
Geriatric Medicine | GERIATRIC_MEDICINE |
Geriatric Medicine Risk Consultation | GERIATRIC_MEDICINE_RISK_CONSULTATION |
Geriatric Psychiatry | GERIATRIC_PSYCHIATRY |
Geriatric Mental Health | GERIATRIC_MENTAL_HEALTH |
Government Service Office | GOVERNMENT_SERVICE_OFFICE |
Group Dining | GROUP_DINING |
Group Exercise/Fitness | GROUP_EXERCISE_AND_FITNESS |
Gynecology | GYNECOLOGY |
Gynecologic Oncology | GYNECOLOGIC_ONCOLOGY |
Hair Removal | HAIR_REMOVAL |
Headache Medicine | HEADACHE_MEDICINE |
Healthcare Navigation Service | HEALTHCARE_NAVIGATION_SERVICE |
Health Education Class | HEALTH_EDUCATION_CLASSES |
Health Education Class - Stroke | HEALTH_EDUCATION_CLASSES_STROKE |
Health Education Class - Posture | HEALTH_EDUCATION_CLASSES_POSTURE |
Hearing Loss/Deaf Support | HEARING_LOSS_OR_DEAF_SUPPORT |
Hematology | HEMATOLOGY |
Hepatology | HEPATOLOGY |
Hernia Repair | HERNIA_REPAIR |
Ambulatory ECG Monitoring | HOLTER_MONITORING |
Home Healthcare Products | HOME_HEALTHCARE |
Home Maintenance & Repair | HOME_MAINTENANCE_AND_REPAIR |
Homecare Services | HOMECARE_SERVICES |
Home and Community Care | HOME_AND_COMMUNITY_CARE |
Hospice | HOSPICE |
Hospital | HOSPITAL |
Hospital Medicine | HOSPITALIST |
Housekeeping | HOUSEKEEPING |
Housing and Homelessness Services | HOUSING_AND_HOMELESSNESS_SERVICES |
Hydrotherapy | HYDROTHERAPY |
Hyperbaric Therapy | HYPERBARIC_THERAPY |
Imaging-Guided Needle Biopsy | IMAGING_GUIDED_NEEDLE_BIOPSY |
Immunization Clinic | IMMUNIZATION_CLINIC |
Independent Living Skills Training | INDEPENDENT_LIVING_SKILLS_TRAINING |
Infectious Disease | INFECTIOUS_DISEASE |
Internal Medicine | INTERNAL_MEDICINE |
Intensive Care Medicine | INTENSIVE_CARE_MEDICINE |
Intensive Geriatric Service Worker | INTENSIVE_GERIATRIC_SERVICE_WORKER |
Intramuscular Stimulation | INTRAMUSCULAR_STIMULATION |
Intravenous Iron Therapy | INTRAVENOUS_IRON_THERAPY |
Intrauterine Device Insertion (IUD) | IUD |
Laboratory | LABORATORY |
Lactation Consultant | LACTATION_CONSULTANT |
Laser Eye Surgery | LASER_EYE_SURGERY |
Laser Services | LASER_SERVICES |
Laser Hair Removal | LASER_HAIR_REMOVAL |
Laser Tattoo Removal | LASER_TATTOO_REMOVAL |
Laser Wart Removal | LASER_WART_REMOVAL |
Long Term Care Assessment | LONG_TERM_CARE_ASSESSMENT |
Lumbar Puncture | LUMBAR_PUNCTURE |
Legal Services | LEGAL_SERVICES |
Liquid Nitrogen | LIQUID_NITROGEN |
Lower Limb Services, Chiropody or Podiatry | LLS_CHIROPODY_PODIATRY |
Long-Term Care Home | LONG_TERM_CARE |
Low Back Pain | LOW_BACK_PAIN |
Mammography | MAMMOGRAPHY |
Massage Therapy | MASSAGE_THERAPY |
Maternal Fetal Medicine | MATERNAL_FETAL_MEDICINE |
Meal Services | MEAL_SERVICES |
Medical Marijuana | MEDICAL_MARIJUANA |
Medical Microbiology | MEDICAL_MICROBIOLOGY |
Medical Biochemistry | MEDICAL_BIOCHEMISTRY |
Memory Clinic | MEMORY_CLINIC |
Men's Health | MENS_HEALTH |
Mental Health Assessment & Referral | MENTAL_HEALTH_ASSESSMENT_AND_REFERRAL |
Midwifery | MIDWIFERY |
Miscellaneous | MISCELLANEOUS |
Minor Surgical Procedures | MINOR_SURGICAL_PROCEDURES |
Mobility Services | MOBILITY_SERVICES |
MUGA Scan | MUGA |
Multi-Disciplinary Assessment and Management - Adult | MULTI_DISCIPLINARY_ASSESSMENT_AND_MANAGEMENT_ADULT |
Multi-Disciplinary Assessment and Management - Pediatric | MULTI_DISCIPLINARY_ASSESSMENT_AND_MANAGEMENT_PEDIATRIC |
Multi-Use Recreation Centre | MULTI_USE_RECREATION_CENTRE |
Multiple Sclerosis | MULTIPLE_SCLEROSIS |
Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation | MUSCULOSKELETAL_REHAB |
Myocardial Perfusion Study | MYOCARDIAL_PERFUSION_STUDY |
Naturopathy | NATUROPATHY |
Neonatology | NEONATOLOGY |
Nephrology | NEPHROLOGY |
Neurology | NEUROLOGY |
Neurology Services | NEUROLOGY_SERVICES |
Neuropsychology | NEUROPSYCHOLOGY |
Neuroradiology | NEURORADIOLOGY |
Neurorehabilitation | NEUROREHABILITATION |
Neurosurgery | NEUROSURGERY |
Nerve Block | NERVE_BLOCK |
Nuclear Medicine | NUCLEAR_MEDICINE |
Nurse Practitioner | NURSE_PRACTITIONER |
Nursing | NURSING |
Nutritional Counseling Workshop | NUTRITIONAL_COUNSELING_WORKSHOP |
Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP) | OBSP |
Obstetrics | OBSTETRICS |
Obstetrical 3D Ultrasound | OBSTETRICAL_3D_ULTRASOUND |
Obstetrical Ultrasound | OBSTETRICAL_ULTRASOUND |
Occupational Health Clinic | OCCUPATIONAL_HEALTH |
Occupational Medicine | OCCUPATIONAL_MEDICINE |
Occupational Therapy | OCCUPATIONAL_THERAPY |
Medical Oncology | ONCOLOGY |
Ontario eConsult | ONTARIO_ECONSULT |
Ophthalmology | OPHTHALMOLOGY |
Optometry | OPTOMETRY |
Orofacial Medicine | OROFACIAL_MEDICINE |
Orthopedics | ORTHOPEDICS |
Orthotics | ORTHOTICS |
Orthodontics | ORTHODONTICS |
Osteopathy | OSTEOPATHY |
Otolaryngology | OTOLARYNGOLOGY |
Pain Management | PAIN_MANAGEMENT |
Paracentesis | PARACENTESIS |
Palliative Care Specialist | PALLIATIVE_CARE |
Palliative Care Services | PALLIATIVE_CARE_SERVICES |
Palliative Community Physician | PALLIATIVE_COMMUNITY_PHYSICIAN |
Palliative Homecare | PALLIATIVE_HOMECARE |
Pap Testing | PAP_TESTING |
Pathology | PATHOLOGY |
Patient Self-Advocacy Counseling | PATIENT_SELF_ADVOCACY_COUNSELING |
Pediatric Allergy | PEDIATRIC_ALLERGY |
Pediatric Cardiology | PEDIATRIC_CARDIOLOGY |
Pediatric Cleft Lip and Palate | PEDIATRIC_CLEFT_LIP_PALATE |
Pediatric Dentistry | PEDIATRIC_DENTISTRY |
Pediatric Dermatology | PEDIATRIC_DERMATOLOGY |
Pediatric Developmental | PEDIATRIC_DEVELOPMENTAL |
Pediatric Emergency Medicine | PEDIATRIC_EMERGENCY |
Pediatric Endocrinology | PEDIATRIC_ENDOCRINOLOGY |
Pediatric Gastroenterology | PEDIATRIC_GASTROENTEROLOGY |
Pediatric Hematology | PEDIATRIC_HEMATOLOGY |
Pediatric Infectious Disease | PEDIATRIC_INFECTIOUS_DISEASE |
Pediatric Laboratory | PEDIATRIC_LABORATORY |
Pediatric Nephrology | PEDIATRIC_NEPHROLOGY |
Pediatric Neurology | PEDIATRIC_NEUROLOGY |
Pediatric Neurosurgery | PEDIATRIC_NEUROSURGERY |
Pediatric Oncology | PEDIATRIC_ONCOLOGY |
Pediatric Ophthalmology | PEDIATRIC_OPHTHALMOLOGY |
Pediatric Orthopedics | PEDIATRIC_ORTHOPEDICS |
Pediatric Otolaryngology | PEDIATRIC_OTOLARYNGOLOGY |
Pediatric Plastic Surgery | PEDIATRIC_PLASTIC_SURGERY |
Pediatric Primary Care | PEDIATRIC_PRIMARY_CARE |
Pediatric Psychiatry | PEDIATRIC_PSYCHIATRY |
Pediatric Psychology | PEDIATRIC_PSYCHOLOGY |
Pediatric Radiology | PEDIATRIC_RADIOLOGY |
Pediatric Respirology | PEDIATRIC_RESPIROLOGY |
Pediatric Rheumatology | PEDIATRIC_RHEUMATOLOGY |
Pediatric General Surgery / Thoracic | PEDIATRIC_SURGERY |
Pediatric Urology | PEDIATRIC_UROLOGY |
Pediatrics | PEDIATRICS |
Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy | PELVIC_FLOOR_PHYSIOTHERAPY |
Periocular Lesions | PERIOCULAR_LESIONS |
Periodontistry | PERIODONTIST |
Personal Care | PERSONAL_CARE |
Pharmacy | PHARMACY |
Pharmacist | PHARMACIST |
Physiotherapy | PHYSIOTHERAPY |
Physiatry | PHYSIATRY |
Plastic Surgery | PLASTIC_SURGERY |
Postnatal Care | POSTNATAL_CARE |
Pregnancy Counseling | PREGNANCY_COUNSELING |
Prenatal Care | PRENATAL_CARE |
Prenatal Screening | PRENATAL_SCREENING |
Preoperative Clinic | PREOPERATIVE_CLINIC |
Psychiatry | PSYCHIATRY |
Psychology | PSYCHOLOGY |
Psychotic Disorders | PSYCHOTIC_DISORDERS |
Public Health | PUBLIC_HEALTH |
Pulmonary Function Testing | PULMONARY_FUNCTION_TESTING |
Radiation Oncology | RADIATION_ONCOLOGY |
Radiology | RADIOLOGY |
Radiofrequency Ablation | RADIOFREQUENCY_ABLATION |
Refugee Care | REFUGEE_CARE |
Registered Psychotherapy | REGISTERED_PSYCHOTHERAPY |
Remote Patient Monitoring | REMOTE_PATIENT_MONITORING |
Respiratory Therapy | RESPIRATORY_THERAPY |
Respirology | RESPIROLOGY |
Respirology Services | RESPIROLOGY_SERVICES |
Respite Care | RESPITE_CARE |
Retina Care | RETINA_CARE |
Rheumatology | RHEUMATOLOGY |
Rides & Transportation | RIDES_AND_TRANSPORTATION |
School Psychology | SCHOOL_PSYCHOLOGY |
Senior Community Centre | SENIOR_COMMUNITY_CENTRE |
Seniors Gentle Exercise Class | SENIOR_EXERCISE |
Seniors Gentle Exercise (In-Home) | SENIOR_EXERCISE_IN_HOME |
Sex/Love Addiction Counseling | SEX_AND_LOVE_ADDICTION_ASSISTANCE |
Sexual Abuse Treatment | SEXUAL_ABUSE_TREATMENT |
Sexual Behaviours | SEXUAL_BEHAVIOURS |
Shopping Assistance | SHOPPING_ASSISTANCE |
Specialty Drug Patient Support Program | SPECIALTY_DRUG_PATIENT_SUPPORT_PROGRAM |
Spinal Cord Injury Support | SPINAL_CORD_INJURY |
Spine Assessment Clinic | SPINE_ASSESSMENT_CLINIC |
Spirometry | SPIROMETRY |
Supervised Rehabilitation Exercise | SUPERVISED_REHABILITATION_EXERCISE |
Supervised Rehabilitation Exercise - Diabetes | SUPERVISED_REHABILITATION_EXERCISE_DIABETES |
Supervised Rehabilitation Exercise - Neurological | SUPERVISED_REHABILITATION_EXERCISE_NEUROLOGICAL |
Supervised Rehabilitation Exercise - General Fitness | SUPERVISED_REHABILITATION_EXERCISE_GENERAL_FITNESS |
Supervised Rehabilitation Exercise - Chronic Disease | SUPERVISED_REHABILITATION_EXERCISE_CHRONIC_DISEASE |
Sleep Medicine | SLEEP_MEDICINE |
Small Bowel Follow-Through | SMALL_BOWEL_FOLLOW_THROUGH |
Smoking Cessation Therapy | SMOKING_CESSATION |
Social Work | SOCIAL_WORK |
Sonohysterogram | SONOHYSTEROGRAM |
Spasticity Management | SPASTICITY_MANAGEMENT |
Speech Therapy / Speech Language Pathology | SPEECH_THERAPY |
Spiritual Care | SPIRITUAL_CARE |
Sport Therapy | SPORT_THERAPY |
Sports Medicine Specialist | SPORTS_MEDICINE_SPECIALIST |
Stroke Care | STROKE_CARE |
Substance Use Disorders | ADDICTIONS |
Supplies Delivery | SUPPLIES_DELIVERY |
Support Group | SUPPORT_GROUP |
Supportive Housing | SUPPORTIVE_HOUSING |
General Surgery | SURGERY |
Surgery: Biopsy | SURGICAL_BIOPSY |
Surgery: Brachial Plexus | SURGERY_BRACHIAL_PLEXUS |
Surgery: Cervical Spine | SURGERY_CERVICAL_SPINE |
Surgery: Brain | SURGERY_BRAIN |
Surgery: Colorectal | SURGERY_COLORECTAL |
Surgery: Lumbosacral Spine | SURGERY_LUMBAR_SPINE |
Surgery: Thoracic Outlet Syndrome | SURGERY_THORACIC_OUTLET_SYNDROME |
Surgery: Thoracic Spine | SURGERY_THORACIC_SPINE |
Surgery: Ankle | SURGERY_ANKLE |
Surgery: Ankle - Total Arthroplasty | SURGERY_ANKLE_TOTAL_ARTHROPLASTY |
Surgery: Ankle - LCL | SURGERY_ANKLE_LCL |
Surgery: Elbow | SURGERY_ELBOW |
Surgery: Wrist | SURGERY_WRIST |
Surgery: Wrist - Osteotomy | SURGERY_WRIST_OSTEOTOMY |
Surgery: Wrist - De Quervain's Tenosynovitis Repair | SURGERY_WRIST_DE_QUERVAINS |
Surgery: Elbow - Total Arthroplasty | SURGERY_ELBOW_TOTAL_ARTHROPLASTY |
Surgery: Tennis Elbow | SURGERY_TENNIS_ELBOW |
Surgery: Foot | SURGERY_FOOT |
Surgery: Foot - Bunion | SURGERY_FOOT_BUNION |
Surgery: Foot - Hammertoe | SURGERY_FOOT_HAMMERTOE |
Surgery: Foot - Metatarsophalangeal Arthroplasty | SURGERY_FOOT_MTP_ARTHROPLASTY |
Surgery: Hand | SURGERY_HAND |
Surgery: Hand - Dupuytren's Contracture | SURGERY_HAND_DUPUYTRENS |
Surgery: Hand - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | SURGERY_HAND_CARPAL_TUNNEL |
Surgery: Hand - Trigger Finger Release | SURGERY_HAND_TRIGGER_FINGER_RELEASE |
Surgery: Hand - Small Joint Arthroplasty | SURGERY_HAND_SMALL_JOINT_ARTHROPLASTY |
Surgery: Hip - Total Arthroplasty | SURGERY_HIP_ARTHROPLASTY |
Surgery: Knee - ACL Reconstruction | SURGERY_KNEE_ACL |
Surgery: Knee - LCL Reconstruction | SURGERY_KNEE_LCL |
Surgery: Knee - Arthroscopy | SURGERY_KNEE_ARTHROSCOPY |
Surgery: Knee - Total Arthroplasty | SURGERY_KNEE_TOTAL_ARTHROPLASTY |
Surgery: Shoulder - Arthroscopy | SURGERY_SHOULDER_ARTHROSCOPY |
Surgery: Shoulder - Open Repair Rotator Cuff | SURGERY_SHOULDER_OPEN_REPAIR_ROTATOR_CUFF |
Surgery: Shoulder - Total Arthroplasty | SURGERY_SHOULDER_TOTAL_ARTHROPLASTY |
Surgery: Shoulder - Total Reverse Arthroplasty | SURGERY_TOTAL_REVERSE_ARTHROPLASTY |
Surgical Oncology | SURGICAL_ONCOLOGY |
Telephone Reassurance & Safety Checks | TELEPHONE_REASSURANCE_AND_SAFETY_CHECKS |
Therapeutic/Interventional Radiology | THERAPEUTIC_RADIOLOGY |
Thoracic Surgery | THORACIC_SURGERY |
Thoracentesis | THORACENTESIS |
Thyroid Biopsy | THYROID_BIOPSY |
Tilt Table Testing | TILT_TABLE_TESTING |
Tongue Tie Release | TONGUE_TIE_RELEASE |
Traditional Chinese Medicine | TRADITIONAL_CHINESE_MEDICINE |
Transfusion Medicine | TRANSFUSION_MEDICINE |
Transgender Services | TRANSGENDER_SERVICES |
Travel Medicine | TRAVEL_MEDICINE |
Ultrasound | ULTRASOUND |
Unplanned Pregnancy Support | UNPLANNED_PREGNANCY_SUPPORT |
Upper GI Series | UPPER_GI_SERIES |
Urgent Care Clinic | URGENT_CARE_CLINIC |
Urology | UROLOGY |
Urodynamic Testing | URODYNAMICS |
Varicose Vein Treatment | VARICOSE_VEIN_TREATMENT |
Vasectomy | VASECTOMY |
Vascular Studies | VASCULAR_STUDIES |
Vascular Surgery | VASCULAR_SURGERY |
Vocational Services | VOCATIONAL_SERVICES |
Walk-In Clinic | WALK_IN_CLINIC |
Weight Loss Clinic | WEIGHT_LOSS_CLINIC |
Women's Health | WOMENS_HEALTH |
Wound Care | WOUND_CARE |
X-Ray / Radiography | X_RAY |
Youth Shelter | YOUTH_SHELTER |
How do I add a catchment area to my Directory Listing on the Ocean Healthmap?
- A catchment area can be added to your Directory Listing to allow Ocean Healthmap users to view the specific area where your services are available.
Adding a Catchment Area to your Directory Listing
To add a catchment area to your Directory Listing, navigate to your listing's settings in the Ocean Portal, and complete the steps below.
- Within the 'Service Details' section of your Directory Listing, locate the 'Catchment Area' setting and click 'Specify...'.
- Adjust the boundaries of the catchment area by dragging the white circles to define the shape of the area. You can move and zoom in or out of the map displayed on the screen.
- Click "Done" when you are satisfied with the shape of your catchment area.
View your Directory Listing in the Ocean Healthmap, and verify that the catchment area appears as expected.
Note: Catchment areas with complex boundaries or overlapping areas may not always display as expected. If this is the case, please contact the OceanMD Support team for assistance.
Catchment Areas for specific Health Service Categories
The following health service categories typically provide a service for a specific region or neighbourhood (a catchment area) without offering an inbound physical location for patients to visit, or a service where the physical location may change regularly but remain within a particular region (e.g., Group Dining and Adult Day Program):
- Homecare Services
- Housekeeping
- Housing and Homelessness Services
- Friendly Visiting
- Home Maintenance and Repair
- Rides and Transportation
- Senior Exercise in Home
- Telephone Reassurance and Safety Checks
- Meal Services
- Palliative Homecare
- Care Coordination
- Palliative Community Physician
- Adoption Support
- Children's Aid
- Community Support Services
- Group Dining
- Adult Day Program
Note: A Directory Listing can be configured with a service-specific catchment area(s) or a single catchment area for the entirety of the listing.
To configure a service-specific catchment area:
- Adjust the boundaries of the catchment area by dragging the white circles to define the shape of the area. You can move and zoom in or out of the map displayed on the screen.
- Click "Done" when you are satisfied with the shape of your catchment area.
- Click 'OK' to save your catchment area to your offering.
View your Directory Listing in the Ocean Healthmap, and verify that the catchment area appears as expected when the relevant Health Service Offering is selected.
Note: Catchment areas with complex boundaries or overlapping areas may not always display as expected. If this is the case, please contact the OceanMD Support team for assistance.
Using a GeoJSON file for Direct Catchment Area Import
If you use a service such as Google My Maps, you can create your own catchment areas that can be exported as GeoJSON files that can be uploaded directly into Ocean.
- A file browser will then open. Navigate to the JSON file on your computer and select the file to upload the pre-defined catchment area into Ocean
- Review and confirm that the uploaded catchment area looks correct and then click "OK" when you are satisfied with the shape of your catchment area.
- The catchment area for your Directory Listing will be updated on the Ocean Healthmap.