Supporting Analytics in eConsults and/or eReferral eForms*

Note for Ontario Users: In Ontario, Ocean eConsults are currently in a limited release. For more information on eConsult in Ontario as part of the Ontario eServices Program, please review the Overview of eConsults in Ontario article.

The Ocean eReferral platform provides some analytics automatically to help provide an understanding of consult and/or referral patterns, decline rates, wait times, etc. If you would like to set up your  form to set additional analytics values now is a good time to do so.

This is an an optional part of setting up eConsults and/or eReferrals.

The Ocean eReferral platform de-identifies data automatically to provide you with an understanding of consult and/or referral patterns, decline rates, wait times, etc. You can export this data at anytime from the "Reports" section of the Admin Settings page in the Ocean Portal. For more details on exporting analytics, please refer to "Accessing eReferral Analytics".

The following three types of referral analytics available to users:

Core Analytics: These analytics are always captured by the Ocean Platform by default, and are available for all eRequests (eReferral and eConsult) without referral form customization. A list of core analytics can be found below.

Custom (ax_) Analytics: This is a library of custom analytics that has been pre-defined to assist in ensuring data consistency across referral forms. These analytics can be manually defined within the referral form, and are always automatically included in the default analytics export file. A full list of 'ax_' analytics can be found below.

Custom (fx_) Analytics: These are custom analytics that you can create and define in the referral form, and are only accessible by creating a custom Export Template.

Note: A full data dictionary is available for download within the Accessing eReferral Analytics support article.

Core Analytics

The core set of analytics captured in the de-identified record are in the table below.

Column Header User Friendly Name Description
referralRef Reference The unique reference number for the referral in Ocean.
referralCreationDate Sent Date The date the referral was sent OR resubmitted by the referring provider. This value may be the back-dated referral date entered on an inbound (faxed) request. It is used as the starting reference point for wait time calculations.
referralInitialCreationDate Initial Sent Date The initial sent date of the referral from a clinical perspective. This value may be the back-dated referral date entered on an inbound (faxed) request. Unlike the Sent Date, this value does not change with resubmissions.
oceanCreationDate Referral Creation Date  the date the referral was created in Ocean. Could be the date it was sent in Ocean from the health map, or the date it was transcribed from fax.

modificationDate Last Modification Date The date/time the referral was most recently updated (in ISO 8601 format).
masterReferral Source Referral Marker for Child Referrals The status of the referral as either a Master record or a Child record. Marked as "TRUE" if the referral is a master (i.e it's been split into multiple child referrals), "FALSE" if not.
patientId Patient ID The unique reference number for the patient in Ocean. If the patient's Health Card # is omitted when the referral is sent, the patientID will not be generated.
siteNum Owner Site Number The Ocean site number of the site currently managing the referral as a receiving provider.
regionalAuthoritySiteNum Primary Regional Authority Site Number The Ocean site number for the initial Regional Authority (RA) that the referral is captured under (if it's sent to a listing under a regional authority). 
initialHealthService Initial Health Service The health service specified at the time the referral is sent (ex. Orthopedics)
currentHealthService Currently Assigned Health Service The health service on the referral that is currently assigned (which may differ from InitialHealthService if someone reassigns the health service manually e.g. during triaging, or if the referral is split from a master referral)
claimedWaitTimeDaysLow Claimed Wait 1 - Low Estimate The lower end of the range of wait times claimed in the health service listing, set by the recipient site when triaging the referral (e.g. 7, if 1-2 weeks). This will be wait 1 for referrals with multiple health services.
claimedWaitTimeDaysHigh Claimed Wait 1 - High Estimate The higher end of the range of wait times claimed in the health service listing, set by the recipient site when triaging the referral (e.g. 14, if 1-2 weeks). This will be wait 1 for referrals with multiple health services.
claimedWaitTime2DaysLow Claimed Wait 2 - Low Estimate The lower end of the range of wait 2 times claimed in the health service listing, set by the recipient site when triaging the referral (e.g. 7, if 1-2 weeks).
claimedWaitTime2DaysHigh Claimed Wait 2 - High Estimate The higher end of the range of wait 2 times claimed in the health service listing, set by the recipient site when triaging the referral (e.g. 14, if 1-2 weeks).
wait1Days Wait 1 Days As defined by the standard "Wait 1", this is the number of days calculated between the date the referral was created to the first appointment date (scheduledAppointment).
wait1aDays Wait 1a Days As defined by the standard "Wait 1a", this is the number of days calculated between the date the referral was created and the initial assessment date. The "DARC Wait 1a Days" is also subtracted from this calculation.
wait1bDays Wait 1b Days As defined by the standard "Wait 1b", this is the number of days calculated between the initial assessment date and the initial consult date (scheduled appointment). If there is a Decision to Consult date, Ocean will use this value, instead of the initial assessment date, for the Wait 1b calculation. The "DARC Wait 1b Days" is also subtracted from this calculation.
wait2Days Wait 2 Days As defined by the standard "Wait 2", this is the number of days calculated between the first scheduled appointment and the second appointment date (scheduledAppointment2). If there is a "ax_decisionToTreat" date, Ocean will use this value, instead of the first scheduled appointment date, for the Wait2 calculation. The dartWait2Days is subtracted from this calculation.
darcWait1aDays DARC Days Impacting Wait 1a Number of days affecting readiness to consult. Added to the referral UI in the "Notes" dropdown.
darcWait1bDays DARC Days Impacting Wait 1b Number of days affecting readiness to consult. Added to the referral UI in the "Notes" dropdown.
darcReason DARC Reason Reason for days affecting readiness to consult. 
dartWait2Days DART Days Impacting Wait 2 Number of days affecting readiness to treat. Added to the referral UI in the "Notes" dropdown.
dartReason DART Reason Reason for days affecting readiness to treat. 
srcSiteNum Source Site Number The Ocean site number that the referral was originally sent from. This field could be blank if referral was not sent through an Ocean site, such as via a fax.
srcSiteName Source Site Name The name of the source referral site.
referredByUserName User Name of User Sending Referral The username representing the current Ocean user sending the eReferral (which may represent a delegated administrative user, as opposed to being the same person as the referrer)
referredByUserFullName Full Name of User Sending Referral The full name of the current Ocean user sending the eReferral (which may represent a delegated administrative user, as opposed to being the same person as the referrer)
authorizingClinicianName Authorizing Clinician Name The name of the clinician (usually a physician) who authorized a nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or other clinician to send an eReferral, when such authorization is required.
delegateClinicianType Delegate User Role The User Role of the delegate user, who sent the referral on behalf of the provider (ex. Physician Assistant). Will be blank if the referral was NOT sent by a delegate.
referredByAnonymousEmrUser Referred by an EMR-Authenticated User (Unlinked to Ocean Account) A flag that indicates a referrer user was signed into their EMR but not signed into their Ocean user account.
referrerUserName Referrer's User Name The Ocean user name representing the referring clinician, if an Ocean account was used to send the referral.
referrerName Referrer's Name Referrer's Name
referrerClinicianType Referrer's User Role The referrer's User Role.  One of the following: "Allied Health Professional", "Family Physician", "Medical Student", "MOA / Secretary", "Nurse", "Nurse Practitioner", "Resident", "Specialist" or "Other".
referrerUrgency Referrer's Urgency Assignment The urgency of the referral, as assigned by the referrer.
initialRecipientName Initial Receiver's Listing Name The name of the initial referral target on the referral (i.e. Central Intake). This remains the same, even after the referral is forwarded from central intake to a specialist, for example.
initialReferralTargetRef Initial Receiver's Listing Reference Captures the unique referral target reference id of the listing the referral was initially sent to. Will remain unchanged, even if the listing name itself is updated (initialRecipient).
initialOrganizationName Initial Receiver's Organization Name Captures the name of the organization the referral was initially sent to, IF an organization has been applied to the listing.
recipientName Recipient Listing Name The name of the current referral target on the referral (this can change if the referral is forwarded from central intake to a specialist, for example.)
referralTargetRef Owner Listing Reference Unique ID of the site receiving referral 
recipientOrganizationName Recipient Organization Name The name of the organization tied to the listing that the referral is directed to.
recipientClinicianFirstName Recipient Clinician First Name First name of the clinician receiving the referral.
recipientClinicianSurname Recipient Clinician Surname Last name of the clinician receiving the referral.
recipientClinicianProfId Recipient Clinician Professional ID Professional Id of the clinician receiving the referral.
recipientFaxNumberUsed Recipient Fax Number Used The fax number used to manually process a referral. If this field has a number or "unknown" value, it was manually forwarded to a listing ("unknown" is a place holder for listings without a fax number).
recipientCity Recipient City The city of the recipient.
recipientProvince Recipient Province The province of the recipient.
recipientPostalCode Recipient Postal Code The postal code of the recipient.
recipientPriority Recipient's Priority The urgency as indicated by the recipient via the Review Form (specifically the item with reference "priority"). The urgency is mapped to levels of priority which are limited to P1, P2, P3, P4, P4F, P5.
eConsultOutcome eConsult Outcome The status/outcome of the eConsult. Can be one of the following values:
"E_REFERRAL" is the case where the referral was responded to as an eConsult, but then continued with as a referral. "PENDING" represents an eConsult in progress, and "COMPLETED" represents a referral that is marked completed as an eConsult.
eConsultOutcomeDate eConsult Outcome Date The date of the eConsult outcome. For example, the date the referral was marked as completed as an eConsult. Or the date it was determined that the eConsult should continue on as an eReferral. Note, this value will be blank when the eConsult outcome is "PENDING".
eConsultAcceptanceDate eConsult Acceptance Date The date/time the referral is accepted as an eConsult. This may happen at the time of the first eConsult message being sent on the referral. Or an admin/delegate may be accepting the referral as an eConsult, and having the specialist/provider respond to it at a later time.
eConsultFirstMessageDate eConsult First Message Date The date/time of the first eConsult message on a referral. 
eConsultMessageCount eConsult Message Count The number of messages flagged as "eConsult" on the referral, with billable time associated with them.
eConsultProceedToEReferralReason Reason for Proceeding from eConsult to eReferral The reason the referring provider chooses to "Proceed as eReferral" after receiving an eConsult message. Can be one of three standard reasons: PROVIDER_PREFERENCE, PATIENT_PREFERENCE, or OTHER.
latestEConsultSentBy Full Name of User Sending Last eConsult Response The full name of the user who sent the latest eConsult message.
sentToTestListing Sent to Test Listing Flag to indicate if the referral was sent to a test listing, or manually labeled as a test referral using the Action menu. Used to exclude the referral from analytics.
patientAge Patient Age The age of the patient in years, rounded down
patientGender Patient Gender The gender of the patient, can be overwritten on the form
patientCity Patient City The patient's home city.
patientProvince Patient Province The patient's home province.
patientPostalFirst3Chars Patient Postal Code (First 3 Characters) The first 3 characters of the patient's postal code.
patientDistanceKm Patient Distance (km) The distance, in km, between the patient's home and the referral target.
referralState State The basic primary status of the referral, such as "INITIAL", "ACCEPTED", "BOOKED", "COMPLETE", "CANCELED", or "DECLINED".
scheduledAppointment Appointment for Wait 1 The date/time set for the Wait 1 appointment (i.e., the appointment date using the relevant "Wait 1" Appointment Label as configured within the Directory Listing).
appointmentMedium Medium for the Wait 1 Appointment The medium selection for the appointment scheduled on a referral that has been associated with Wait 1. Can be one of the following values; IN_PERSON, VIDEO_VISIT, PHONE, HOME_VISIT.
scheduledAppointment2 Appointment for Wait 2 The date/time set for the Wait 2 appointment (i.e., the appointment date using the relevant "Wait 2" Appointment Label as configured within the Directory Listing - i.e., "Procedure Date" or "Surgery Date").
appointment2Medium Medium for the Wait 2 Appointment The medium selection for the appointment scheduled on a referral that has been associated with Wait 2. Can be one of the following values; IN_PERSON, IN_PERSON_ALT, VIDEO_VISIT, PHONE, HOME_VISIT.
schedulingConfirmed Scheduling Confirmed Captures the current value of the "Confirmed" checkbox in the scheduling pane of referrals.
schedulingConfirmedBy Scheduling Confirmed By Which Stakeholder Captures which stakeholder on the referral confirmed the latest scheduling information on the referral with the patient. Can be one of the following values; sender, patient, or receiver.
initialContactAttemptDate Initial Contact Attempt Date The date/time the "Contact Attempted" note is added to the referral.
initialForwardDate Initial Forward Date The date/time the referral is initially forwarded. This remains the same, even after the referral is forwarded from central intake to a specialist, for example.
initialAssessmentDate Initial Assessment Date The date/time of the initial assessment if the referral is sent to an assessment centre. 
initialAssessmentSite Initial Assessment Site Name The name of the initial assessment site.
initialAssessmentSiteNum Initial Assessment Site Number The Ocean site number of the initial assessment site.
initialAssessmentSiteRef Initial Assessment Site Listing Reference The unique listing reference id of the initial assessment site. Will remain unchanged, even if the listing name itself is updated (initialAssessmentSite).
initialAssessmentOfferingRef Initial Assessment Health Service Offering Reference Health Service Offering (HSO) assigned to the referral, at the time is was sent to the RAC.
forwardDateFromAssessmentSite Date Forwarded From Rapid Access Clinic The date the referral is forwarded from a listing of type Rapid Access Clinic
forwardDate Last Forwarded Date The date/time that the referral was last forwarded.
completedDate Completed Date The date the referral is marked "Completed" (can be done in the booking tab once the appointment date has passed).
seen Patient Was Seen Whether the patient has been seen (i.e. in the clinic for a consult).
awaitingReply Site Awaiting Reply Ocean site number of the site awaiting for a reply on the referral.
referralDeleted Deleted Flag that indicates if the referral was deleted, allowing synchronized data warehouses (e.g. Think Research EntryPoint) to detect such deletions.
ptNotificationEmailed Notification Emailed to Patient Flag to indicate if the patient was emailed a notification regarding their referral.
ptAppointmentReminderEmailed Appointment Reminder Emailed to Patient Captures whether the patient was emailed an automated appointment reminder notification from Ocean.
protocol Protocol Optional field used by the recipient site to protocol the referral using the review notes. Ex. Radiologists might use this field when reviewing DI referrals. Populates the "Protocol" column in the Ocean portal.
reasonForDecline Reason for Decline The reason for a declined referral. One of:


Option available when a referral is declined on Declined Referral window.
reasonForWaitTimeExclusion Reason for Exclusion from Wait Time Calculation The reason for referral to be excluded from wait time calculation.
numExternalMessages Number of External Messages Number of external messages attached to the referral
numCIAttachments Number of Attachments Included by Central Intake Number of attachments that Central Intake included in the referral
resubmissionCount Resubmission Count The number of times a referral is resubmitted (after being declined or cancelled)
inbound Inbound Request Manually Entered by Fax/Phone/Other Flags the referral as being created as an Inbound eRequest. Will be TRUE if the referral was received by phone or fax, and FALSE if it was received through Ocean.
offeringRef Assigned Health Service Offering Reference The reference id of the health service offering assigned to the referral
offeringTitle Assigned Health Service Offering Title The title of the health service offering assigned to the referral
referrerAddressLine1 Referrer's Address Line 1 Referrer's Address Line 1
referrerAddressLine2 Referrer's Address Line 2 Referrer's Address Line 2
referrerCity Referrer's City Referrer's City
referrerProvince Referrer's Province Referrer's Province
referrerPostalCode Referrer's Postal Code Referrer's Phone
referrerPhone Referrer's Phone Referrer's Phone
referrerFax Referrer's Fax Referrer's Fax
referrerProfessionalId Referrer's Professional ID Referrer's Professional ID, such as the CPSO # for an Ontario physician.
secondaryRaSiteNum Secondary Regional Authority Site Number The second regional authority site number, if the referral is forward outside of the LHIN that it was first received in.
centralIntakeRef Central Intake Listing Reference The unique listing reference id of the central intake site. Will remain unchanged, even if the listing name itself is updated.
centralIntakeOfferingRef Central Intake Health Service Offering Reference Health Service Offering (HSO) assigned to the referral, at the time is was sent to CI.
externalServiceId External System Service ID Serves as an indicator that an eReferral has been sent to an external system (and indicate which system was used).
referralSource Source Medium The medium by which the referral was sent. For example, the source could be "eReferral" for eReferrals sent from the healthmap (previously "Directory"), or the name of the Website Form link if submitted through a website. For inbound referrals transcribed into Ocean the source can be "Phone", "Fax", or "Other Source". For requisitions imported into a site the source is "Printout". For eReferrals sent through the healthmap via eFax, the referral source will be "eFax".
requestedRtRef Requested Listing's Reference The reference of the original listing selected in the healthmap, by the referring provider, before the referral is routed to central intake.
requestedRtTitle Requested Listing's Title The name of the original listing selected in the healthmap, by the referring provider, before the referral is routed to central intake.
completionState Completion State Will return one of the following mutually-exclusive end-states: COMPLETED, AUTO_CLOSED, INCOMPLETE, CANCELED, DECLINED, EXTERNALLY_MANAGED (indicating referrals that are received but not updated in Ocean), COMPLETED_WITHOUT_APPOINTMENT (indicating referrals that are accepted, but marked as complete from the Pending Booking folder in Ocean)
integrationName Integration Name Name of the integration associated with the listing.
redirectedFromReferralRef Redirected From Referral Reference The unique referral reference value of the referral that was originally declined or cancelled, and subsequently redirected.
daysUntilReferralResponse Days Until Referral Response The number of days (to one decimal place) from the referralCreationDate/forwardDate to the time when the Anticipated Time to Appointment OR Appointment Date was initially added in the referral.
initialAnticipatedWaitTimeDaysHigh Initial Anticipated Wait Time Days High The number of days of the actual upper estimate of the Anticipated Time to Appointment value that was initially entered by the referral recipient. This value is cleared out when the referral is forwarded. Bulk wait time updates do not impact this value.
appointmentInitiallyProvidedOn Appointment Initially Provided On The date/timestamp of when the referral appointment date was initially provided. This value is cleared out when the referral is forwarded.
acceptedDate Accepted Date The date/timestamp of when the referral was accepted. Updated when the referral is resubmitted and Accepted again.

Custom (ax_) Analytics

You can map additional fields in your consult or referral form and Review form to collect analytic values for your referral exports. To do add these analytics values, simply open your form in the eForm Editor and set the item reference to one of the following values.

Item Reference User Friendly Name Description
ax_pcpName Primary Care Provider Name The primary care provider name, used on the referral form if the referrer is not the primary care provider.
ax_reasonForReferral Reason for Referral The reason for referral for the patient.       

ax_preferredClinician Preferred Clinician The preferred clinician for the patient.
ax_preferredCity Preferred City The preferred city of the patient.
ax_preferredWasChosen Preferred Was Chosen A flag for central intake to indicate that the referral was forwarded to the preferred specialist that was specified by the referrer.
ax_cause Cause Allows for additional information to be provided regarding the cause or circumstance of the referral.
ax_severity1 Severity at Rest The pain level at rest of the patient, usually Mild/Moderate/Severe when specified.
ax_severity2 Severity during Movement The pain level at movement of the patient, usually Mild/Moderate/Severe when specified.
ax_diagnosis Diagnosis The primary problem of the patient (i.e. Type 2 Diabetes, Knee arthritis, etc.)
ax_diagnosisAcuity Diagnosis Acuity The diagnosis status of the patient
ax_aboriginalStatus Patient Aboriginal Status The indigenous or aboriginal status of the patient, if specified.
ax_languageBarrier Language Barrier Indicates whether patient has a language barrier.
ax_language Preferred Language The preferred language of the patient.
ax_imagingType Imaging Type Indicates which types of imaging files were included with the referral. For example, "MRI; Ultrasound; X-ray"
ax_imagingStatus Imaging Status Indicates the status of the imaging reports attached to the referral, as determined by the pathway.
ax_socialDeterminants Social Determinants of Health The social determinants
ax_lab_hb Lab - Hemoglobin The latest Hb (hemoglobin) lab value for the patient.
ax_lab_hdl Lab - HDL The latest HDL lab value for the patient.
ax_lab_ldl Lab - LDL The latest LDL lab value for the patient.
ax_lab_tg Lab - Triglyceride The latest triglycerides lab value for the patient.
ax_v_bp BP The patient's latest BP vital.
ax_cm_arthritis Comorbidity - Arthritis Flag to indicate if patient has a health history/co-morbidity of arthritis.

ax_cm_asthma Comorbidity - Asthma Flag to indicate if patient has a health history/co-morbidity of asthma
ax_cm_cvd Comorbidity - CVD Flag to indicate if patient has a health history/co-morbidity of cardiovascular disease
ax_cm_dm Comorbidity - Diabetes Flag to indicate if patient has a health history/co-morbidity of diabetes
ax_cm_osteoporosis Comorbidity - Osteoporosis Flag to indicate if patient has a health history/co-morbidity of osteoporosis
ax_cm_tiaStroke Comorbidity - TIA/Stroke Flag to indicate if patient has a health history/co-morbidity of TIA/Stroke

ax_cm_htn Comorbidity - Hypertension Flag to indicate if patient has a health history/co-morbidity of hypertension
ax_request_mentalHealth Mental Health Request A flag to indicate mental health services are requested on the referral.
ax_examType Exam Type The specific exam that is being ordered on the referral.
ax_surgicalCandidate Surgical Candidate Yes/No question for whether the patient is a candidate for surgical consult. Completed on the assessment centre's review form.
ax_assessmentOutcome Outcome of the Assessment Outcome of the assessment. For example, with rapid-access clinics, this outcome indicates whether the patient is being referred on to a surgical consult or not.

ax_assessmentOutcomeMedicalSpecialist Outcome of the Assessment for Medical Specialist Outcome of the assessment - if patient is being referred on to Medical Specialist, will return the specific medical specialist(s) selected.
ax_assessmentOutcomeCommunityProgram Outcome of the Assessment for Community Program Outcome of the assessment - if patient is being referred on to a Community Program, will return the specific program(s) selected.
ax_assessmentOutcomeSelfManagement Assessment Outcome Self Management The patient-self-management aspect of the assessment outcome.
ax_patientPreference Patient Preference for Specific Care If the patient is a candidate, and outcome is to referral to surgery consult, what is their preference: next available surgeon; specific surgeon; specific hospital; etc.
ax_consultOutcome Consult Outcome Indicates the outcome for the consultation, often recorded as a Yes/No answer for whether the patient is going on to surgery.
ax_decisionToTreat Decision to Treat Date field to capture when decision is made to schedule surgery. Used to calculate Wait2.
ax_decisionToConsult Decision to Consult Date field to capture when decision is made to forward referral on to surgical consult. Used to calculate Wait1b.
ax_bodySite Body Site The body site the referral is for (e.g., Hip/Knee/Shoulder etc) 
ax_secondaryOutcome Secondary Outcome Records a secondary (non-primary) clinical outcome as defined by the pathway. For example, for the MSK pathway, this records the re-entry outcome when a patient returns the RAC within the 6-12 month timeframe. A true value indicates that the patient is a returning patient that was previously assessed within the prior 6-12 months and a false value indicates that the patient has not been assessed within the prior 6-12 months.
ax_receivedReferralComplete Received Referral Was Complete Indicates whether the referral received had all of the required information or not when the referral was initially received, particularly at central intake sites.
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