Attaching a Clinical Note or Document from Accuro to an Ocean eConsult and/or eReferral

Ocean can search for Generated Letters with attachments, in a patient chart in Accuro, and upload them directly to Ocean. The file can then be automatically included in an eConsult and/or eReferral sent through Ocean.

Initiating an eReferral/eConsult with an Attachment:

  • Select the patient in Accuro that you wish to generate an attachment in Ocean for.
  • If you do have an Encounter Note Template and corresponding Quick Action Button configured, use your Quick Action Button to create a new Encounter Note.

    If you do not have an Encounter Note Template and corresponding Quick Action Button configured, create a new blank Encounter Note in the patient chart.

    Tip: You can use the 'CTRL+F11' keyboard shortcut to create a new note from any section of Accuro, as long as you have the patient selected first.

  • Specify a filename for your attachment by using the 'Title' field in the bottom left, and then click Generate Letter.
  • Ensure you have the correct 'From:' Provider selected in the top left, then go to the Attachments pane and click the green plus icon to add an attachment.
  • In the Select Attachments window, choose the items from the patient chart that you would like included, and then select OK.

  • The list of selected attachments will appear on the left. Click the Save for Ocean button.
  • An Encounter Note and the Generated Letter will be created in the patient chart.
  • Use the 'Send eRequest / Find Health Service' CDS link or action button to launch into the Ocean Healthmap.

    Ocean will look in the Accuro chart for any unused Generated Letters with the current date to upload and automatically include as an attachment on the referral form.

  • You can preview your attachment by clicking on the purple eye icon, or remove it by clicking on the red 'X' icon.

Adding Attachments to an Existing eReferral/eConsult

If would like to include additional attachments to an existing eConsult/eReferral, first follow steps A to G above, and then follow the steps below:

  • Click the 'View Patient Summary' CDS link or action button.
  • From within the Patient Summary, select the relevant eReferral/eConsult.
  • Within the 'Messaging' area, click the 'Add Attachments' button.
  • Choose the relevant attachment(s) from the list of queued attachments.
  • Optionally include a message with your attachment, and then press 'Send'.
  • The attachment will be sent as a message within the eReferral/eConsult.
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