About eConsult
eConsult is a secure, web-based tool that allows physicians and nurse practitioners timely access to specialist advice through an online platform.
In Ontario, the Ontario eServices Program supports eConsult initiatives on three different platforms: the Ontario eConsult Service (OTNhub.ca); the Champlain BASE eConsult Service (on the HealthCareWorks platform); and the Ocean eReferral to eConsult Initiative (on the Ocean Platform). To learn more about the first two programs and technologies, please visit the Ontario eServices Program website.
Ocean eConsults in Ontario: The eReferral to eConsult Initiative
The Ocean Platform supports the following two workflows for eConsults:
- Recipient-initiated: This involves sending an eReferral through the Ocean Healthmap. The recipient can then choose to respond as an eConsult when it is deemed suitable to meet patient needs.
- Sender-initiated: This involves sending an eConsult from the Ocean Healthmap directly.
In Ontario, the eReferral to eConsult Initiative is testing the technical and clinical viability of providing the Recipient-initiated workflow to Ontario-based specialists. This initiative combines the eConsult and eReferral workflows, providing an opportunity to leverage existing solutions to potentially decrease the number of in-person referrals.
Please Note: Ocean's Sender-initiated flow is not currently available in Ontario.
If you have received an eConsult response to your eReferral request and need support, please see the eConsult Fact Sheet for Primary Care Providers.
If you are a specialist who is interested in participating in the eReferral to eConsult Initiative please contact eReferral@eHealthCE.ca.