At the core of all Ocean products are Ocean eForms - they are the questionnaires that patients fill out on tablets or online, as well as the erequisition forms that healthcare professionals fill out when sending eReferrals. The Ocean core library of eForms contains over 2000 patient-facing forms and questionnaires, including hundreds of standardized and clinically validated questionnaires, with scoring and clinical decision support built in. All forms are completely customizable and/or you can create your own forms yourself, from scratch.
Using eForms
- Hiding an eForm from the Ocean Library
- eForms in Ocean's Core Library
- Search & Import eForms into an Ocean site
- Keeping Track of eForm Changes with eForm History
- Adding eForm(s) to a Website
- Using eForms to Obtain Informed Consent
Guide to Building eForms
- Getting Started with eForms
- Creating a New Ocean eForm
- Guide to the eForm Editor - Add Item
- Guide to the eForm Editor - Add Section
- eForm Item Types
- Creating a Diagram in an eForm
Guide to eForm Scripting
- Scripting & More Tab - Formula
- Scripting & More Tab - Show this field if
- Basics of JavaScript
- ScriptPatient ("pt") Functions
- ScriptUtil Functions
- Orientation to Ocean Note Flags
Form Memory
Integrating EMRs & eForms
- OSCAR (Legacy): List of Ocean Keywords and Associated EMR Fields
- OSCAR Pro: List of Ocean Keywords and Associated EMR Fields
- Med Access: List of Ocean Keywords and Associated EMR Fields
- Accuro: List of Ocean Keywords and Associated EMR Fields
- PS Suite: List of Ocean Keywords and Associated EMR Fields
- Setting an Ocean eForm to Update an EMR Demographic Field
Building eForms FAQ
- Can I change the way that calendar dates are formatted in my eForm?
- How do I show/hide questions in my eForm?
- Can I convert a PDF form into an Ocean eForm?
- Why does nothing happen when I try to edit / create an eForm from the eForms tab?
- How can I set a question or field as required on a form?
- How do I prepopulate a field for a patient on a form?