OSCAR (Legacy): List of Ocean Keywords and Associated EMR Fields

Keywords allow you to insert a piece of data from the patient object (usually from the EMR) into a caption, to pre-populate a field, or as part of a note. To see a list of available keywords, simply type @ and the menu will appear in the editor. A full list of options is included in the PDF chart that you can access and download by clicking the button below (please note that you may need to scroll through the PDF to see more details).

Please note:

Certain EMR fields such as province and sex only accept specific values (eg. “ON”, “BC”, “QC” for province or “M”, “F” or “U” for sex).

Download the OSCAR Legacy Keywords PDF Chart

To indicate a keyword, just add "@" to the beginning. For example, "Dear @ptPreferredOrFirstName" will appear as "Dear Jacob".

You can also access keyword values in a script with the ScriptUtil.getKeyword() function, like "ScriptUtil.getKeyword('@ptName')". This is particularly useful for tablet rules, since a rule can access most of the patients information via this function. For example, you can show a COPD assessment questionnaire if the patient has COPD in their problem list or past medical history like this:

ScriptUtil.getKeyword('@ptHas.copd') == 'Y'
Copy Rule

Keywords can be very useful in conjunction with EMR Fields to allow patient to update their profile automatically. For example, by setting the default text of a text field to "@ptPreferredName" and setting the EMRField mapping on the same item to "preferredName", the initial value will be the patient's preferred name in the EMR and any changes will be applied to the preferred name field in the EMR.

Some keywords accept suffixes, which should be added after a trailing period. For example, "@ptHnExpiryDate.yyyysmmsdd" will show the date as "2015/06/21".

OSCAR Pro: List of Ocean Keywords and Associated EMR Fields

Keywords allow you to insert a piece of data from the patient object (usually from the EMR) into a caption, to pre-populate a field, or as part of a note. To see a list of available keywords, simply type @ and the menu will appear in the editor. A full list of options is included in the PDF chart that you can access and download by clicking the button below (please note that you may need to scroll through the PDF to see more details).

Please note:

Certain EMR fields such as province and sex only accept specific values (eg. “ON”, “BC”, “QC” for province or “M”, “F” or “U” for sex).

Download the OSCAR Pro Keywords PDF Chart

To indicate a keyword, just add "@" to the beginning. For example, "Dear @ptPreferredOrFirstName" will appear as "Dear Jacob".

You can also access keyword values in a script with the ScriptUtil.getKeyword() function, like "ScriptUtil.getKeyword('@ptName')". This is particularly useful for tablet rules, since a rule can access most of the patients information via this function. For example, you can show a COPD assessment questionnaire if the patient has COPD in their problem list or past medical history like this:

ScriptUtil.getKeyword('@ptHas.copd') == 'Y'
Copy Rule

Keywords can be very useful in conjunction with EMR Fields to allow patient to update their profile automatically. For example, by setting the default text of a text field to "@ptPreferredName" and setting the EMRField mapping on the same item to "preferredName", the initial value will be the patient's preferred name in the EMR and any changes will be applied to the preferred name field in the EMR.

Some keywords accept suffixes, which should be added after a trailing period. For example, "@ptHnExpiryDate.yyyysmmsdd" will show the date as "2015/06/21".

Med Access: List of Ocean Keywords and Associated EMR Fields

Keywords allow you to insert a piece of data from the patient object (usually from the EMR) into a caption, to pre-populate a field, or as part of a note. To see a list of available keywords, simply type @ and the menu will appear in the editor. A full list of options is included in the PDF chart that you can access and download by clicking the button below (please note that you may need to scroll through the PDF to see more details).

Please note:

Certain EMR fields such as province and sex only accept specific values (eg. “ON”, “BC”, “QC” for province or “M”, “F” or “U” for sex).

Download the Med Access Keywords PDF Chart

To indicate a keyword, just add "@" to the beginning. For example, "Dear @ptPreferredOrFirstName" will appear as "Dear Jacob".

You can also access keyword values in a script with the ScriptUtil.getKeyword() function, like "ScriptUtil.getKeyword('@ptName')". This is particularly useful for tablet rules, since a rule can access most of the patients information via this function. For example, you can show a COPD assessment questionnaire if the patient has COPD in their problem list or past medical history like this:

ScriptUtil.getKeyword('@ptHas.copd') == 'Y'
Copy Rule

Keywords can be very useful in conjunction with EMR Fields to allow patient to update their profile automatically. For example, by setting the default text of a text field to "@ptPreferredName" and setting the EMRField mapping on the same item to "preferredName", the initial value will be the patient's preferred name in the EMR and any changes will be applied to the preferred name field in the EMR.

Some keywords accept suffixes, which should be added after a trailing period. For example, "@ptHnExpiryDate.yyyysmmsdd" will show the date as "2015/06/21".

Accuro: List of Ocean Keywords and Associated EMR Fields

Keywords allow you to insert a piece of data from the patient object (usually from the EMR) into a caption, to pre-populate a field, or as part of a note. To see a list of available keywords, simply type @ and the menu will appear in the editor. A full list of options is included in the PDF chart that you can access and download by clicking the button below (please note that you may need to scroll through the PDF to see more details).

Please note:

Certain EMR fields such as province and sex only accept specific values (eg. “ON”, “BC”, “QC” for province or “M”, “F” or “U” for sex).

The availability of keywords depend on the product and how patients are uploaded to Ocean. Patients can either be uploaded through an Accuro CDS Link or Cloud Connect (CC).

Note: All keywords in the "Patient Messages" tab are based on patient uploaded through an Accuro CDS link while keywords in the "Patient Reminders" and "Tablet" tabs are based on patients synced through CC.

Download the Accuro Keywords PDF Chart

To indicate a keyword, just add "@" to the beginning. For example, "Dear @ptPreferredOrFirstName" will appear as "Dear Jacob".

You can also access keyword values in a script with the ScriptUtil.getKeyword() function, like "ScriptUtil.getKeyword('@ptName')". This is particularly useful for tablet rules, since a rule can access most of the patients information via this function. For example, you can show a COPD assessment questionnaire if the patient has COPD in their problem list or past medical history like this:

ScriptUtil.getKeyword('@ptHas.copd') == 'Y'
Copy Rule

Keywords can be very useful in conjunction with EMR Fields to allow patient to update their profile automatically. For example, by setting the default text of a text field to "@ptPreferredName" and setting the EMRField mapping on the same item to "preferredName", the initial value will be the patient's preferred name in the EMR and any changes will be applied to the preferred name field in the EMR.

Some keywords accept suffixes, which should be added after a trailing period. For example, "@ptHnExpiryDate.yyyysmmsdd" will show the date as "2015/06/21".

PS Suite: List of Ocean Keywords and Associated EMR Fields

Keywords allow you to insert a piece of data from the patient object (usually from the EMR) into a caption, to pre-populate a field, or as part of a note. To see a list of available keywords, simply type @ and the menu will appear in the editor. A full list of options is included in the PDF chart that you can access and download by clicking the button below (please note that you may need to scroll through the PDF to see more details).

Please note:

When creating a new patient, the TELUS API requires a value for province in order to push the address fields as well. Users mapping only an address will notice that the demographic field on the patient's chart won’t update if province is not also provided.

Additionally, certain EMR fields such as province and sex only accept specific values (eg. “ON”, “BC”, “QC” for province or “M”, “F” or “U” for sex).

The availability of keywords depend on the product and how patients are uploaded to Ocean. Patients can either be uploaded through the PSS Custom Form (CF) or Cloud Connect (CC) via the Telus API.

Note: Patient reminders are only applicable to sites that are on Cloud Connect.

Download the PS Suite Keywords PDF Chart

To indicate a keyword, just add "@" to the beginning. For example, "Dear @ptPreferredOrFirstName" will appear as "Dear Jacob".

You can also access keyword values in a script with the ScriptUtil.getKeyword() function, like "ScriptUtil.getKeyword('@ptName')". This is particularly useful for tablet rules, since a rule can access most of the patients information via this function. For example, you can show a COPD assessment questionnaire if the patient has COPD in their problem list or past medical history like this:

ScriptUtil.getKeyword('@ptHas.copd') == 'Y'
Copy Rule

Keywords can be very useful in conjunction with EMR Fields to allow patient to update their profile automatically. For example, by setting the default text of a text field to "@ptPreferredName" and setting the EMRField mapping on the same item to "preferredName", the initial value will be the patient's preferred name in the EMR and any changes will be applied to the preferred name field in the EMR.

Some keywords accept suffixes, which should be added after a trailing period. For example, "@ptHnExpiryDate.yyyysmmsdd" will show the date as "2015/06/21".

Setting an Ocean eForm to Update an EMR Demographic Field

Questions on Ocean eForms have the ability to automatically populate certain fields in the patient's chart in the EMR. To set an item in an eForm to update the corresponding field in the patient's chart, follow the steps below.

PS Suite, Med Access, Accuro, and OSCAR Other EMR
  • Open your form in the eForm Editor.
  • Navigate to the "Note Formatting" tab.
  • Set the appropriate value for "Populate answer for EMR Field:".

Using Keywords to Automatically Insert Content

Keywords allow you to insert a piece of data from the patient object (usually from the EMR) into a caption, to prepopulate a field, or as part of a note. To see a list of available keywords, simply type @ and the menu will appear in the editor. A full list of options is also included in the chart below.

To indicate a keyword, just add "@" to the beginning. For example, "Dear @ptPreferredOrFirstName" will appear as "Dear Jacob".

You can also access keyword values in a script with the ScriptUtil.getKeyword() function, like "ScriptUtil.getKeyword('@ptName')". This is particularly useful for tablet rules, since a rule can access most of the patients information via this function. For example, you can show a COPD assessment questionnaire if the patient has COPD in their problem list or past medical history like this:

ScriptUtil.getKeyword('@ptHas.copd') == 'Y'
Copy Rule

Keywords can be very useful in conjunction with EMR Fields to allow patient to update their profile automatically. For example, by setting the default text of a text field to "@ptPreferredName" and setting the EMRField mapping on the same item to "preferredName", the initial value will be the patient's preferred name in the EMR and any changes will be applied to the preferred name field in the EMR.

Note that not all keywords work for all EMRs.

Some keywords accept suffixes, which should be added after a trailing period. For example, "@ptHnExpiryDate.yyyysmmsdd" will show the date as "2015/06/21".

Keyword(preface with '@') Description and Known EMR Limitations (if any) Available on Tablet Available on Patient Messaging Available on Patient Reminders
date The current date. Y Y Y
time The current time. Y Y Y
site The name of the site. N Y Y

The patient's title.

e.g. "Dr."

The patient's suffix, if any.

e.g. "Jr."

ptName The patient's full name. Y Y Y
ptSurname The patient's surname/last name. Y Y Y
ptFirstName The patient's first name. Y Y Y
ptPreferredName The preferred name of the patient, if set. For simple display purposes, consider using ptPreferredOrFirstName. Y Y Y
ptPreferredOrFirstName The patient's preferred name, if set, or the first name if no preferred name is available. Useful for salutations. Y Y Y
ptSecondName The patient's middle/second name. Y Y Y
ptSecondNameInitials The patient's 'middle initial' (the first letter of the second/middle name). Y Y Y
ptAddress1 The first line of the patient's main (mailing) address. Y Y Y
ptAddress2 The second line of the patient's main (mailing) address. Y Y Y
ptCity The city of the patient's main (mailing) address. Y Y Y
ptProvince The province of the patient's main (mailing) address. Y Y Y
ptCountry The country of the patient's main (mailing) address. Y Y Y
ptPostal The postal code of the patient's main (mailing) address. Y Y Y
ptAddr2Line1 The first line of the patient's second (e.g. residence) address. Y Y Y
ptAddr2Line2 The second line of the patient's second (e.g. residence) address. Y Y Y
ptAddr2City The city of the patient's second (e.g. residence) address. Y Y Y
ptAddr2Province The province of the patient's second (e.g. residence) address. Y Y Y
ptAddr2Country The country of the patient's second (e.g. residence) address. Y Y Y
ptAddr2Postal The postal code of the patient's second (e.g. residence) address. Y Y Y
ptBirthDate The patient's birth date. Y Y Y
ptApproxAgeInDays The patient's approximate age, measured as the number of days as an integer. Y Y Y
ptHomePhone The patient's home phone number. Y Y Y
ptBusinessPhone The patient's business phone number. Y Y Y
ptBusinessExt The extension of the patient's business phone number (if it is optionally specified separately from the business phone). Y Y Y
ptMobilePhone The patient's mobile/cell phone number. Y Y Y
ptEmail The patient's main email address. Y Y Y
ptSex Either "M" or "F". Y Y Y
ptIsMale True if the patient is male. Y Y Y
ptIsFemale True if the patient is female. Y Y Y
ptHnVC The health number verification code (for ON health numbers). Y Y Y
ptHnProv The HN province. Y Y Y

The HN expiry date.

*  Not supported for Telus PS Suite or Med Access.

Y Y Y*
ptHn The patient's health number (HN). Y Y Y
ptAge The patient's age in years. Y Y Y
ptHisHer Either "his" or "her" depending on ptSex. Y Y Y
ptHisHer.cap Either "His" or "Her" (capitalized) depending on ptSex. Y Y Y
ptHeShe Either "he" or "she" depending on ptSex. Y Y Y
ptHeShe.cap Either "He" or "She" (capitalized) depending on ptSex. Y Y Y
ptHimHer Either "him" or "her" depending on ptSex. Y Y Y
ptMaleFemale Either "male" or "female" depending on ptSex. Y Y Y
ptManWoman Either "man" or "woman" depending on ptSex. Y Y Y

The patient's family doc, as per patient record.

EMR: PS Suite only


The patient's clinic doc.

e.g. could be specialist


Any comments that have been typed into the demographics section of the patient chart.

EMR: PS Suite only


A section of the patient profile ("CPP") flatted to a single line, delimited by semi-colon.

e.g. ptCppOneLine.prob might yield:

"dm2; chf"

EMR: PS Suite only

A section of the patient profile ("CPP") with one line per item.

e.g. @ptCpp.prob might yield:



Some other common CPP fields include: ptCpp.pmhx (past medical history), ptCpp.allg (allergies), ptCpp.rx (medications).

EMR: PS Suite and OSCAR only
ptFullCpp The entire patient profile, with each section heading in uppercase. Y Y Y

Either "Y" or "" depending on whether the patient has the condition.

e.g. @ptCheckIfHas('dm2')


A patient-friendly version of one of the patient's medications. Use a suffix to indicate which med.

e.g. @ptRxFriendly.0 would be the first med on file


Either "Y" or "N" depending on whether the patient has the condition. Also checks past medical history if available.

e.g. @ptHas('dm2')

EMR: PS Suite and Med Access only


Provides the latest lab result/vital for a particular measurement. Supported vitals include ht, wt, bp, cr, egfr, a1c, oceanvital.

e.g. @ptLatestVal.a1c

ptEmergencyContactPhone The phone number of the emergency contact/next of kin (requires special "@" delimiter in PSS Next of kin field). Y Y Y

The patient's relationship to the emergency contact/next of kin (requires special '@' delimiter in PSS Next of kin field).

EMR: PS Suite only

ptEmergencyContactIsPoA Y/N whether the emergency contact/next of kin has POA (requires special '@' delimiter in PSS Next of kin field). Y Y Y
ptEmergencyContact The patient's emergency contact/next of kin. Y Y Y

An EMR's custom demographic field, as specified by the keyword's suffix. Note that the field is stripped of non-alphanumeric characters.

e.g. "ptCustom.MyField" for a custom demographic field named "My Field"

e.g. "ptCustom.PHQ9" for a custom demographic field named "PHQ-9"

EMR: Accuro only


The patient's reference in the EMR.

e.g. the patient ID


A textual description of the patient's next upcoming appointment date and time, or "(not available)".

This keyword should only be used to send appointment details for an upcoming appointment on the same day as a patient's current appointment.

*Note: This keyword may only be used for Patient Messages. This keyword does not function with Tablets/Kiosks or Patient Reminders.

Note for Accuro users: This keyword can only be used if the patient's next upcoming appointment date is within the next 365 days.

N Y* N

A textual description of the patient's next upcoming appointment date.

EMR: Not supported in OSCAR


A textual description of the patient's next upcoming appointment time.

EMR: Not supported in OSCAR


The preferred pharmacy for the patient.

EMR: PS Suite only


The proper name of the current user.

* This is limited to secure message and web questionnaire invitations and cannot be used in eForms or rules.

e.g. "A message from Dr. John Smith"

N Y* N
providerName The name of the patient's provider for their scheduled appointment. Y Y Y
ptLanguage The preferred language for the patient.

EMR: Not supported in OSCAR

ptChartNumber The patient's chart number.

EMR: Med Access only

* Requires Ocean Tablet v184 or higher.

Y* Y Y

Accuro: Lab Values Available to be Pulled from the EMR

Using keywords (please see "Using Keywords to Automatically Insert Content" for more information about keywords), you can pull the following lab values from Accuro into your Ocean form:

Lab Value Keyword Value Keyword Units Keyword Date
Height @ptLatestVal.ht @ptLatestUnits.ht @ptLatestDate.ht
Weight @ptLatestVal.wt @ptLatestUnits.wt @ptLatestDate.wt
BMI @ptLatestVal.bmi @ptLatestUnits.bmi @ptLatestDate.bmi
Head Circumference @ptLatestVal.hc @ptLatestUnits.hc @ptLatestDate.hc
Waist Circumference @ptLatestVal.wc @ptLatestUnits.wc @ptLatestDate.wc
Blood pressure (combination of "bp - systolic" and "bp - diastolic)" @ptLatestVal.bp @ptLatestUnits.bp @ptLatestDate.bp
Heart Rate @ptLatestVal.hr @ptLatestUnits.hr @ptLatestDate.hr
O2 Saturation @ptLatestVal.o2sat @ptLatestUnits.o2sat @ptLatestDate.o2sat
Creatinine @ptLatestVal.cr @ptLatestUnits.cr @ptLatestDate.cr
eGFR @ptLatestVal.egfr @ptLatestUnits.egfr @ptLatestDate.egfr
Fasting Blood Sugar @ptLatestVal.fbs @ptLatestUnits.fbs @ptLatestDate.fbs
Random Blood Sugar @ptLatestVal.rbs @ptLatestUnits.rbs @ptLatestDate.rbs
Triglycerides @ptLatestVal.tg @ptLatestUnits.tg @ptLatestDate.tg
Hemoglobin or HbA1C @ptLatestVal.a1c @ptLatestUnits.a1c @ptLatestDate.a1c
Microalb/creat ratio, Microalb/creat., or Albumin creatinine ratio u @ptLatestVal.acr @ptLatestUnits.acr @ptLatestDate.acr
HDL, or HDL Cholesterol @ptLatestVal.hdl @ptLatestUnits.hdl @ptLatestDate.hdl
LDL, LDL Cholesterol (calculated), or LDL Cholesterol @ptLatestVal.ldl @ptLatestUnits.ldl @ptLatestDate.ldl
Na, Na (sodium), or Na+ @ptLatestVal.na @ptLatestUnits.na @ptLatestDate.na
K, K (potassium), or K+ @ptLatestVal.k @ptLatestUnits.k @ptLatestDate.k
Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Dioxide-Total, or Carbonate @ptLatestVal.co2 @ptLatestUnits.co2 @ptLatestDate.co2
Glucose Tolerance, or Glucose Tolerance 2H @ptLatestVal.gtt @ptLatestUnits.gtt @ptLatestDate.gtt

PS Suite: "Populate answer for EMR Field" Options & Corresponding Fields in PS Suite

  • The "Populate answer for EMR Field" field in the eForm Editor will allow you to set answers to certain questions to autopopulate certain fields in your patient's chart in your EMR.
  • The dropdown options for this field correspond to either demographics or CPP fields in the patient's chart in PS Suite.

The table below describes which dropdown option in this eForm Editor's "Populate answer for EMR Field" field correspond to which demographics fields in PS Suite.

Populate answer for EMR Field PS Suite Demographics Field
firstName First name
surname Surname
preferredName Preferred name
secondName Middle name
maidenName Maiden name
title Title
suffix Suffix
streetNumber Street #
address Mailing Address: Address line 1 or Street Name
addressLine2Label Mailing Address: Extra Type
addressLine2 Mailing Address: Address Line 2 or Extra #
city Mailing Address: City
province Mailing Address: Province
postalCode Mailing Address: Postal code
addr2Line1 Second Address: Address line 1 or Street Name
addr2Line2Label Second Address: Extra Type
addr2Line2 Second Address: Address Line 2 or Extra #
addr2City Second Address: City
addr2Province Second Address: Province
addr2Postal Second Address: Postal code
birthDate Birthdate
email Email
homePhone Home phone
businessPhone Business phone
businessPhoneExt Business phone Ext
mobilePhone Mobile
pmoc Preferred method of contact
insuranceNumber Insurance number
chartNumber Patient #
emergencyContact Next of kin
emergencyContactPhone Next of kin (optional 2nd field, separated by '@')
emergencyContactRelationship Next of kin (optional 3rd field, separated by '@')
emergencyContactIsPoA Next of kin (optional 4th field, separated by '@')
sex Sex
hn HC HN
hnProv HC Prov
hnVC HC Vers
hnExpiryDate HC Expiry date
language Language (EN or FR)
referralClinician N/A
noteFlag N/A
smoker CPP: Risks - Tobacco: Smoking status (Y/N)
everSmoked CPP: Risks - Tobacco: Differentiates 'never smoked' from 'ex-smoker'
cigsPerDay CPP: Risks - Tobacco: cigarettes per day (either a number or a low-high range)
packYears CPP: Risks - Tobacco: smoking 'pack-years'
drinksPerWeek CPP: Risks - Alcohol - drinks per week (either a number or a low-high range)

PS Suite: Populating PS Suite Custom Form Values with Ocean Answers

Ocean allows PS Suite users to customize their eForms to pre-populate custom forms with answers completed using Ocean. This powerful functionality allows you to use your existing custom forms to record the patient's answers, in addition to the usual progress note added to the chart.

One great example involves the standard CDM Diabetes custom form. Ocean has a CDM Diabetes History eForm designed for patients to complete.

  • When the patient completes this eForm, either on the Ocean tablet or via an Ocean online questionnaire, Ocean will automatically add the custom form to the PS Suite chart the next time it is opened. The patient's answers, such as the patient's review of symptoms (e.g. hypoglycemia, pain etc.), automatically populate the corresponding checkboxes on the custom form.

Notice how the checkboxes in the screenshot above have already been prepopulated, since the patient has completed the corresponding Ocean eForm.

Note: Since the custom form is only added to the PS Suite patient chart the next time it is opened, the initials associated with the custom form note will be those of the EMR user that opened the patient chart.

Configuring the eForm for Custom Form Prepopulation

  • To configure an Ocean eForm to load any PS Suite custom form, open your Ocean eForm in the eForm Editor.
  • Add an invisible eForm formula item to the end of the eForm.
  • Navigate to the "Scripting and More" tab and change the item reference to: 'pssCF'.
  • Specify the exact, character-for-character name of the custom form in the item's "Formula", surrounded by single quotes (' ').
  • Set "Show this field if" to "false" to make this item invisible (so that this field does not show up on the questionnaire when patients view it).

Configuring the Custom Form Field Mapping

To map eForm items to PS Suite custom form items, simply ensure that they are named the same. Any eForm item with an item reference matching an item name on the corresponding PS Suite custom form will be automatically pre-populate the custom form's value.

For example, an eForm item text field with reference "BP" will populate the custom form item with name "BP" with the text field value.

Custom form checkboxes and radio buttons can be populated with Ocean eForm values as well. An Ocean value of "true" will mark the checkbox (or radio button) as checked.

Support Disclaimer

Please note that the support and troubleshooting for PS Suite custom form and encounter assistant automation is provided "as is". Beyond clarifying the points in this article, OceanMD is unable to provide direct support for issues related to this functionality. If you need assistance, OceanMD may be able to connect you with a third-party developer.

PS Suite: Advanced Field Mapping

In some cases, you may not have an ideal one-to-one mapping between an eForm question item and a custom form value. In these cases, eForm formula items may provide the flexibility you need. For any custom form item that you'd like to populate, you can create corresponding invisible formula item. The formula can make use of any other eForm value, or even calculate new values.

To map a formula item to a custom form item:

  • Add a new "Formula" type item to the eForm.
  • In the "Note Formatting" tab, set the "Make a note for this item" to "never".
  • Make the formula item's reference the same as the custom form item's name.
  • Set the item's formula to return the value that you'd like to see on the custom form.
  • You likely want the formula item to be invisible, so go to the "Scripting and More" tab and set the formula's "Show this field if" value to "false".
  • You also probably do not want the formula to contribute to the generated note, so go to the "Note Formatting" tab and change the "Create a note for this item" to "never".
  • For example:

    • Suppose you have a question on your eForm, "Are you having any pain?", with the item reference: 'pain'. You also have two checkboxes on a PS Suite custom form to record the answer to this question, one called 'PainYes' for a 'Yes' answer and one called 'PainNo' for a 'No' answer.
    • Since the 'pain' question in your Ocean eForm can only have one item reference, you cannot have it directly populate both of the checkbox values on the PS Suite custom form.
    • However, you can create two new formula items on the eForm to map these values:

      Item Reference Formula
      pain.r == 'Y'
      Copy Formula
      pain.r == 'N'
      Copy Formula
    • Now, if the patient answers 'Yes' to the question on your Ocean eForm, the 'PainYes' formula will evaluate to 'true' and the 'PainNo' formula will evaluate to 'false'.
    • Then, when Ocean populates the PS Suite custom form field, the 'PainYes' checkbox will be set to the value of 'true', which will mark the checkbox checked. The 'PainNo' checkbox will be set to the value of 'false', which will leave it unchecked.

Reminder To Use Single Quotes Around Values

These formula items must use valid JavaScript expressions, so in the event that you would like to set a custom form value to a particular string, you will need to wrap that string in single quotes.

For example, a formula can be set to: 'a value I would like to prepopulate', but NOT simply: a value I would like to prepopulate.

To map a formula item to an encounter assistant item:

Using a similar technique, you can also map eForm answers to Encounter Assistant (EA) fields. Encounter Assistant's are actually just a special type of custom form, so you can use the same "pssCF" formula as above to point to the Encounter Assistant.

Mapping the answers to Encounter Assistant items is slightly more difficult. First, you need to find out the ID of the Encounter Assistant item of interest by opening the Encounter Assistant in the custom form editor (as opposed to the usual custom form editor).

  • Find the ID of the Encounter Assistant item

    • To open the Encounter Assistant in the custom form editor, press and hold Alt (Option) when you click to open the Encounter Assistant in the Edit Custom Forms dialog. You can then see the Encounter Assistant items as they are rendered within the Custom Form.
    • Warning: Do not make any changes in the custom form editor. Any changes you make to the Encounter Assistant in the custom form editor may be overwritten when you make subsequent changes in the Encounter Assistant editor.
    • Click on the box for the Encounter Assistant item to view its ID. It should start with a "#". Your corresponding eForm item ref should be the same, except with "NUM_" replacing the "#".
    • For Example: In an Encounter Assistant with ID "#item1614254" maps to "NUM_item1614254" in the eForm XML.
    • Warning: Make sure you click on the actual checkbox or the cycle box to see the ID, not the label of the Encounter Assistant item. The label ID is different.

PS Suite: Setting Ocean to Automatically Trigger PSS Messages Based on a Patient Responses

A special custom form has been built to trigger a PS Suite message (i.e. yellow sticky note) based on a patient's response in an Ocean eForm (or based on completion of a form). This custom form is called "Ocean - Send Message" and is available in the CognisantMD Resource Library. Follow the steps below to trigger a message, based on an Ocean eForm.

Note: To set this up, you will need to be familiar with a few of the more advanced aspects of the Ocean-PS Suite integration.

  1. Download the "Ocean - Send Message" custom form and open up your Ocean eForm.

    • Download the "Ocean - Send Message" custom form from the Ocean Library and install it in PS Suite, like you would with any other PSS custom form
    • Back in the Ocean Portal, select the form that you would like to use to trigger the PSS message and open it in the eForm editor. You will be adding several formula items to the bottom of this form.
  2. Create a new formula item in your Ocean eForm.

    • To add the first item, select "Add Item" and change the item type to Formula.
    • In the Note Formatting tab, set "Create a Note for this Item" to "never".
  3. Link your Ocean eForm to the "Ocean - Send Message" custom form.

    • Under the Scripting and More tab, add the item reference "pssCF", set "Show this field if" to "false" and enter 'Ocean - Send Message' in the formula field.
    • Note: The text in the formula field MUST be surrounded by single quotes (' ').
  4. Define the target user for your PS Suite message.

    • Repeat step 2 to add a second formula item to set the user that will receive the message.
    • Instead of using the item reference "pssCF", this time use "msgTarget" and enter the PSS user initials into the "Formula" box. In the example to the right, the PSS user initials are CMD (remember to use the single quotes in the "Formula" box).
  5. Define the message body for your PS Suite message.

    • Again, repeat step 2 to add a third formula item to configure the body of the message.
    • This time use the item reference "msgBody" and type your message into the "Formula" box. In the example below, the message shown to the user will be 'Pt. completed the test form'.
  6. Define when the PS Suite message shows up.

    • Repeat step 2 to create a fourth formula item to set the message timing.
    • This time, use the item reference "dueAfterXDays" and type a number in the "Formula" box. In the example to the right, 0 days have been entered, which means that the message will display as soon as the chart is opened.
  7. Define the title for your PS Suite message (optional).

    • You can also repeat step 2 to add an optional 5th formula item in order to give your message a title.
    • This time, use the item reference of "msgTitle". In the example below, the message title is 'Test form alert'.
    • Once you have completed these steps, you should see the PSS message whenever a patient completes the associated Ocean eForm.

Note: The "send message" action is triggered when the patient chart is opened. If a patient is sent a form to complete at home using Patient Messaging, there may be a significant delay between the completion of the form and the patient chart being opened (and thus, the PS Suite message being triggered). Clinics may consider implementing a message management workflow that ensures that Ocean alerts are enabled and patient charts are always opened as soon as an alert is received.

PS Suite: Checking for Smoking Status Using an eForm or Tablet Rule

The smoking status is drawn from the "RISKS" field in PS Suite, as text. The content of "RISKS" is available in the keyword "@ptCpp.soc" (if you are curious: "soc" stands for social history).

If you would like to display the smoking status, you can use the "@ptCpp.soc"" keyword in one of the following formulas:

To check if someone is a current smoker:
ScriptUtil.getKeyword("@ptCpp.soc").indexOf("current smoker") >= 0
Copy Formula
To check if someone is an ex-smoker:
ScriptUtil.getKeyword("@ptCpp.soc").indexOf("ex-smoker") >= 0
Copy Formula
To check if someone has never smoked:
ScriptUtil.getKeyword("@ptCpp.soc").indexOf("never smoked") >= 0
Copy Formula


PS Suite: Updating the Cumulative Patient Profile (CPP) with Patient Survey Responses

Updating the cumulative patient profile (CPP) is problematic for three reasons:

  1. Patients often provide incorrect information (e.g. spell a drug name wrong, wrong dosage, inaccurate condition diagnosis, etc.).
  2. CPP fields often contain information already, meaning that decisions need to be made about merging updates (e.g. how does a system automatically merge "chf:father" and "F:chf age dx80").
  3. The CPP fields are often treated somewhat canonically by staff, so updates must be reviewed carefully.

As a result, we mostly protect the CPP from patient updates. We recommend colour formatting of answers that indicate a CPP update should be considered (e.g. highlight if a patient's mother had breast cancer, so that a clinician can easily spot necessary CPP updates and apply them if appropriate).


That being said, there are some things that you can do in Ocean using the PS Suite CPP:

  • All demographic fields update automatically (e.g. address, phone, email, etc.). You can do this either with the standard demographic review screen or with special "EMRFields" that indicate a custom field should update a demographic field.
  • You can display CPP fields in forms. As an example, try the Medication Reconciliation eForm.
  • You can drive tablet rules off of problem lists.

    For example, here's one to drive the Canadian Lung Health Test for non-diagnosed 40+ year olds COPD once a year:

    !ScriptUtil.getKeyword('@ptHas.copd').equals('Y') && pt.getAge() > 40 && daysSinceLastCompleted >= 365
    Copy Rule
  • You can also automatically update smoking status and drinks per week by tagging eForm items with the corresponding new EMRFields in the eForm editor, For example, if you have a question like "Do you smoke currently?", set the EMRField to "smoker" and it will update the risk factor automatically.
  • You can have the Ocean eForm trigger the automatic insertion of a PS Suite custom form or an EA. The PS Suite custom form can then update the CPP and even send messages. See this article for more information.

PS Suite: Utilizing "Preferred Method of Contact"

Providing a patient with the ability to choose their "preferred method of contact" allows Ocean to define the phone or email address preference directly in the EMR chart.

  • For example, if a patient prefers to be contacted at their home phone number, it can be "starred" like so:

  • In the Ocean form library, clinics can make use of the "Preferred Method of Contact" eForm to solicit this information from their patient population.

Once a menu option has been selected using this form, Ocean will make the following updates in the EMR chart:

  1. The corresponding preferred method of contact will be bolded and "starred" in the top demographic area of the chart.

  2. Ocean will generate an encounter note receipt of the demographic change that was made.

    If the chart previously did not possess a preferred method of contact, the note will simply say:

    Preferred Method of Contact: [option selected]

    If Ocean is updating/changing an existing preferred method of contact, the note will say:

    Ocean: - preferred method of contact was set from '[original value]' to '[new value]'.


Setting Up a Custom "Preferred Method of Contact" Form

If you would like to add "preferred method of contact" functionality to a new or existing form, please follow these steps:

    • In the eForm Editor, create a new item and set the type to "menu"

    • Open the "Menu Choices" tab and set up your menu options per the table below:

        Menu Option Value Custom Note / Choice Label Corresponding EMR Field
        NO_PREFERENCE No preference n/a
      1 EMAIL Email Email
      2 HOME Home Phone Home phone
      3 BUSINESS Business Phone Business phone
      4 OTHER Mobile Phone Mobile
    • Your complete menu options should match the example on the right.

    • Open the "Note Formatting" tab and ensure the following fields are set correctly:

      Prepopulate this item with:
      Populate answer for EMR Field: