The table below describes which dropdown option in this eForm Editor's "Populate answer for EMR Field" field correspond to which demographics fields in PS Suite.
Populate answer for EMR Field | PS Suite Demographics Field |
firstName | First name |
surname | Surname |
preferredName | Preferred name |
secondName | Middle name |
maidenName | Maiden name |
title | Title |
suffix | Suffix |
streetNumber | Street # |
address | Mailing Address: Address line 1 or Street Name |
addressLine2Label | Mailing Address: Extra Type |
addressLine2 | Mailing Address: Address Line 2 or Extra # |
city | Mailing Address: City |
province | Mailing Address: Province |
postalCode | Mailing Address: Postal code |
addr2Line1 | Second Address: Address line 1 or Street Name |
addr2Line2Label | Second Address: Extra Type |
addr2Line2 | Second Address: Address Line 2 or Extra # |
addr2City | Second Address: City |
addr2Province | Second Address: Province |
addr2Postal | Second Address: Postal code |
birthDate | Birthdate |
homePhone | Home phone |
businessPhone | Business phone |
businessPhoneExt | Business phone Ext |
mobilePhone | Mobile |
pmoc | Preferred method of contact |
insuranceNumber | Insurance number |
chartNumber | Patient # |
emergencyContact | Next of kin |
emergencyContactPhone | Next of kin (optional 2nd field, separated by '@') |
emergencyContactRelationship | Next of kin (optional 3rd field, separated by '@') |
emergencyContactIsPoA | Next of kin (optional 4th field, separated by '@') |
sex | Sex |
hn | HC HN |
hnProv | HC Prov |
hnVC | HC Vers |
hnExpiryDate | HC Expiry date |
language | Language (EN or FR) |
referralClinician | N/A |
noteFlag | N/A |
smoker | CPP: Risks - Tobacco: Smoking status (Y/N) |
everSmoked | CPP: Risks - Tobacco: Differentiates 'never smoked' from 'ex-smoker' |
cigsPerDay | CPP: Risks - Tobacco: cigarettes per day (either a number or a low-high range) |
packYears | CPP: Risks - Tobacco: smoking 'pack-years' |
drinksPerWeek | CPP: Risks - Alcohol - drinks per week (either a number or a low-high range) |