There are various question types that you can add to your Ocean eForm, each of which are listed and described in this article.
Below you will find the full list of item types available in the eForm Editor that you can choose from to add to your Ocean eForms.
Item Type | Description |
No/Yes No/Yes/Not Sure |
Shows the caption plus yes/no/not sure buttons. |
[√] Checkbox |
A simple checkbox that is good for a lists of symptoms, for example. Tip: use a "No/Yes"-type item if you need to distinguish “no” from “unchecked”. |
Text Field Text Field (Numeric Only) Text Area |
Text responses. Minimize use on tablets as much as possible. “Text area” allows multi-line responses. |
Menu Allowing Single Selection Menu Allowing Multiple Selections |
Drop-down menu or collection of buttons. Use the “Menu Choices” tab to add menu choices. |
Label |
For any read-only text. Good for instructions, consent form text, etc. |
Date |
Shows a calendar control. The specific date format that appears in the field once a date is selected can vary depending on the user's computer date & time settings and/or operating system. For more details regarding date formatting, please refer to this support article. |
Approximate Date Approximate Duration |
Presents menu of suitable choices. Adjust the units to choose from using the "Minimum Acuity" dropdown. |
Numeric Scale |
Can be used for simple numeric scales, visual/analog scales, Likert scales, etc. More on this next. |
Picture |
Displays an image file. You can upload the image in the editor. Image files are limited to 1 MB in size and must be of one of the following formats: .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .gif Image files must have lowercase file extensions (e.g., ".jpg" not ".JPG"). |
Video |
Displays a video file. You can upload the video by entering the video key. |
Formula |
A special item that calculates an expression to generate a number or string. Used for scores, generating hyperlinks in generated notes, etc. More details can be found in "Scripting & More Tab - Formula". |