- Site Name:
- This is the name that was given to your site by the person who registered your site in Ocean. You can change your site name at any time.
- Site Number:
- This is your Ocean site number. Keep this handy, as it will allow you to connect your EMR to Ocean and can be helpful for the OceanMD team for troubleshooting if you ever run into any issues.
- Finance Administrator Email:
- This email address will be cc'ed on invoices sent to your site's payer every month. If your payer is the only person who is to receive Ocean invoices, you can leave this box blank.
- Clinical Administrator/Ocean Support Contact:
- This email address will receive any miscellaneous Ocean system messages, including, but not limited to, pending eReferral requests, study export alerts, Ocean reminder-related messages, etc.
- Website Form Notification Email:
- This email address will receive email notifications about website form submissions. If this is the same as your Clinical Administrator Email, you can leave this box blank.
- Email 'From' Address:
- By default, emails sent to patients through Ocean will be sent from "no-reply@cognisantmd.com". If validated successfully, Ocean will send patient emails using this value as the 'from' address. Note that at this time, this feature is only available to sites with their own email domain. Validation is performed by querying the SPF record, which is a record in your domain's DNS settings.
- Email Friendly Name:
- By default, emails sent to patients through Ocean will be sent from "no-reply@cognisantmd.com". If set, emails sent by Ocean on your behalf will be tagged with this value so that they are more easily recognizable by patients. Typically, this would be your clinic name, but it can be any value. Emails will still be sent from "no-reply@cognisantmd.com" unless you are using the "Email 'From' Address" feature, described above.
- Province/State:
- The province/state where your site is located.
- Time Zone:
- The time zone within which your site is located.
Guide to the Admin View
This guide describes the various sections in the Admin View of the Ocean Portal and their corresponding purpose and available features.
Site Features
- Digits for Generated Patient Refs:
- This will allow you to change the number of digits required for Ocean-generated patient reference numbers (i.e. the code you enter into tablets to retrieve a specific patient's queued forms).
- Read more about this feature in this support article: I see a lot of patients and am running out of Ocean-generated reference numbers. How do I increase the number of digits for patient refs?
- Require Form Memory for New Patients:
- Check this box if you have forms that require form memory (e.g. forms with firstTime tablet rules). Read more about Form Memory in Form Memory - Storing Form Values for Patients in Ocean.
- Allow the Ocean Kiosk to create patients in your EMR for walk-in patients:
- When set to "Kiosk Mode," the Ocean Tablet application can also accept walk-in patients who do not have pre-booked appointments. For more information, please refer to the guide Set Up Ocean to Support Walk-In Patients.
- Use Test Mode for anonymous EMR users:
- Check this box if you want an EMR user that is not signed into Ocean to launch into Test Mode by default when accessing the Ocean Healthmap from their EMR. Checking this box ensures that they only send test referrals until their user setup has been completed.
- Allow accepted website forms to create patients in your EMR:
- Check this box if you would like a new EMR chart to be created if Ocean cannot find a matching patient prior to downloading their completed Website Form. For further information, please refer to Importing Website Form Submissions from the Ocean Portal to an EMR.
- Allow accepted online bookings to create patients in your EMR:
- Check this box if you would like a new EMR chart to be created if Ocean cannot find a matching patient after their online booking request has been accepted.
- Show Ocean Reference # in your EMR schedule when Forms are manually queued:
- For supported EMR integrations, Ocean has the ability to display the Ocean Patient Reference Number in the scheduler for patients that have eForms available to be completed. For further information, please refer to How can I display Ocean Patient Reference Numbers in my appointment scheduler?
- Two Factor Authentication:
- This allows you to set Two Factor Authentication as optional or mandatory for all Users on your Ocean site. For information on setting Two Factor Authentication as mandatory, please see: How can I enforce Two-Factor Authentication for all users on my Ocean site?
- Enable Ocean Cloud Connect:
- This box is automatically enabled once Ocean Cloud Connect has been configured. If unchecked, automatic syncing of patient information between the EMR and Ocean will cease. For information on Cloud Connect, please see Setting Up Ocean Cloud Connect.
- Delete All Patients in Site?:
- This button will delete all the patients you have loaded in the Patients tab of your Ocean Site. Ensure that all your patients' notes are downloaded before proceeding with this deletion.
This section of the Ocean Portal allows you to add and remove users from your Ocean Site, grant 'Site Admin' access to users, and manage Clinical Delegates for the users on your Ocean Site.
Export Users
The 'Export Users' button allows you to download a master .csv file list of all the users on your Ocean Site and their respective information, including:
- Username: The user's Ocean account username.
- First Name: The user's first name.
- Surname: The user's surname.
- EMR Username: The EMR username that the Ocean user account has been linked to for this Ocean Site.
- Clinical Delegate Email Populated [Y/N]: Whether or not the Clinical Delegate Email setting is populated in the user's account settings.
- Referral Notification Email Populated [Y/N]: Whether or not the Referral Notification Email setting is populated in the user's account settings.
- Clinical Delegates: The list of usernames for all assigned Clinical Delegates for this user, if applicable.
- Number of Clinical Delegates: The count of the users shown in the "Clinical Delegates" column.
- User Role: The user's 'User Role' as set within their Ocean user account settings.
- Patient Messages Licence Type: The type of licence that enables the user to send Patient Messages.
- Date of Latest Patient Message: The date and time of the latest Patient Message sent by the user.
Licence Management
The Licence Management area is where you can add or remove providers and EMR Schedules for use with Patient Messages, Patient Reminders, and Online Booking.
Adding Licenses
Select the Ocean Licence that you would like to add:
The 'Patient Engagement Licence (Basic)' includes Patient Messages and Patient Reminders.
The 'Patient Engagement Licence (Plus)' includes Patient Messages, Patient Reminders, and Online Booking.
Note: Depending on your current licence configuration, an additional option to 'Upgrade a Basic Licence to Plus' may be available.
After selecting your desired licence, you will be guided through the steps of assigning the licence to the relevant EMR Schedule and provider for each Ocean product included in the licence you chose.
Note for Accuro Users: Ensure that the Accuro Provider Permissions for the 'OceanAPI' EMR User have been configured for all providers using Ocean.
Removing Licences
To remove a licence, click the 'Remove' button on the provider and EMR schedule that you would like to remove.
For example, to remove a 'Patient Engagement Licence (Plus)', remove one provider from the 'Patient Messages' table, one EMR Schedule from the 'Patient Reminders' table, and one EMR Schedule from the 'Online Booking' table.
Note: Depending on your current licence configuration, an unassigned provider/schedule may be generated as a result of removing an assigned provider or EMR schedule. Refer to the 'Understanding Unassigned Providers/Schedule' section below for more information on this.
Understanding Unassigned Providers/Schedule
In some cases, you may notice the ability to 'Allocate [x] unassigned providers/schedules'. This option appears under the Patient Messages and/or Patient Reminders tables when the number of activated licences is greater than the number of assigned Patient Messaging providers or Patient Reminders EMR Schedules.
- For example, if you have added a 'Patient Engagement Licence (Plus)' and have activated an EMR Schedule for Patient Reminders and an EMR Schedule for Online Booking, but you have not activated a provider for Patient Messaging, this will result in the option to 'Allocate [1] unassigned provider'. Clicking on this option allows you to easily activate a provider to make use of the unallocated license.
Understanding Warning Icons
For an EMR Schedule to be activated for use with Ocean Patient Reminders or Online Booking, it must: 1) be accessible to Ocean Cloud Connect, and 2) it must be selected for synchronization. If either of these conditions are not met, Ocean Patient Reminders and/or Online Booking may not function as expected, and the EMR Schedule will be highlighted with a red or yellow warning icon.
When an EMR Schedule is highlighted in yellow, this indicates that the EMR Schedule is accessible to Ocean Cloud Connect, but it is not currently synchronized.
Note: We recommend logging in to Ocean Cloud Connect and ensuring that the EMR Schedule’s appointments are synced to ensure proper use of Patient Reminders and/or Online Booking.
Edit Delegates Page
What are Clinical Delegates?
Each Ocean user can specify any number of 'Clinical Delegates'. A Clinical Delegate is an Ocean user who has the ability to send an eReferral/eConsult on behalf of another user.
Assigning and Removing Clinical Delegates
This section of the Admin Settings page will allow you to set up the shared encryption key for your site and to access your shared encryption key in the future, after it's been set up.
This section of the Admin view is where you can edit your Organization information.
The Organization Title field is used as the name of your clinic when sending Patient Reminder text messages, and when asking patients to confirm their appointment details within the Ocean Health Messenger.
If your Organization details are associated with your Directory Listing(s), the Organization Title will appear above the listing name in Ocean Healthmap search results. The Logo will also appear in the Ocean Healthmap search results.
Directory Listings
Directory Listings are required for certain Ocean products. You can create and configure a Directory Listing for your Ocean Site by logging into the Ocean Portal, clicking on the "Menu" button in the top left corner and selecting "Admin", and then "Directory Listings".
- Listing Name
- The name of your Directory Listing.
- Street Address
- The corresponding street address for the listing.
- Address Line 2
- The secondary address line, if applicable.
- City
- The city for the listing.
- Province
- The province for the listing.
- Postal Code
- The postal code for the listing.
- Public Facing Phone
- The phone number for the listing.
- Fax
- The fax number for the listing.
- Public Email for Directory Listing
- An email address for the listing. This is displayed on the listing in the Ocean Healthmap.
- Contact Email for Patient Notifications
- A contact email address included in patient email notifications regarding their eReferral.
- Website
- A website address for the listing.
- Logo
- A logo for the listing. Logos are limited to 10 MB in size.
- Organization
- The corresponding Organization for this listing, if applicable.
- Description
- Provide general descriptive information about the listing.
- Offers
- The Health Service Offerings (HSOs) that are offered by the listing. Clicking on an HSO opens the offering-specific configuration window. For details about each HSO-specific setting, please refer to the following article: What do the different Health Service Offering settings mean?
- Wait Time
- Click the 'Manage Wait Time Info' button to manage the wait time information for the Offers. For more information, please refer to Managing Calculated and Self-Reported Wait Times.
- Languages
- The languages that services are offered in by the listing.
- Appointment Labels
- The appointment labels that are selectable in the Scheduling area of incoming referrals. Appointment labels determine which appointment date(s) are used in wait time calculations.
- Label options include: Appointment 1, Appointment 2, Appointment 3, Appointment 4, Appointment 5, Initial Visit Date, Follow-Up Date, Consultation Date, Surgical Date, Procedure Date
- Appointment Default Medium
- Specify which Medium should be the default when scheduling an appointment within an eReferral.
- Tags
- Keyword tags for advanced filtering.
- Clinician Information
- Only applicable if this Directory Listing is specific to a single healthcare provider. Include provider-specific details including name, professional and billing IDs, and User Role. This information is stored and maintained independently from any Clinician Information stored within individual Ocean user accounts.
- Referral Form
- Select an Ocean eForm to be used as the referral form for the listing. The referral form contains the questions that a referring provider fills out when submitting an eReferral to the listing.
- Online Booking URL
- Include an online booking URL to appear on the listing.
- External System URL
- Used with external system integrations to redirect users after an eReferral has been sent when enabled.
- Catchment Area
- Specify a geographic region for which the listing accepts eReferrals from.
- Central Intake Listing
- Specify a Central Intake Listing to automatically redirect incoming eReferrals to.
Regional Authority Application
- You can apply by clicking 'Apply to Regional Authority'.
- You will be prompted to enter the number of clinicians authorized to receive eReferrals and/or eConsults at the Directory Listing. For more information on this prompt, please refer to this article.
- You will then be prompted to select the Regional Authority that you wish to apply to.
- Once selected, the application will be sent to the chosen Regional Authority site for review, and you will be notified by email when the application is approved.
- Once your application has been approved by the Regional Authority, your configuration options will be visible as detailed below.
Regional Authority Settings (Once Approved)
- Regional Authority
- The name of the Regional Authority that has approved your Directory Listing.
- Number of Clinicians
- The number of clinicians represented by this Directory Listing, with the option to provide a contextual comment. For more information, please refer to this article.
- Service Request Repository
- Control the contribution of your referral data to a Service Request Repository.
- Accept eReferrals
- Determines whether or not eReferrals can currently be sent to the listing.
- Splitting Policy
- Choose the behaviour for eReferrals which have more than one health service specified. Enable this checkbox if you would like eReferrals with multiple health services to be automatically split into separate referrals.
- Authentication
- Enforces that referrers must be signed in to an Ocean user account.
- Referrer Restrictions
- Enforces that referrers must be one of the following User Roles: Family Physician, Specialist, Nurse Practitioner
- Manual Forward Policy
- Specify the default behaviour for determining communication responsibilities for referrals which are forwarded* to an offline recipient which is not using Ocean.
- *Note : The manual forward policy setting only applies when the Ocean site is the third Site to handle the referral during its lifecycle.
- eReferral Test Mode
- When enabled, only test eReferrals can be sent to the listing.
- Mark as Demo Listing
- When enabled, the listing will only appear to Ocean Healthmap users who are in test mode. This setting is only present when eReferral Test Mode is also enabled.
- Encryption
- Displays the date that the Ocean Site's Public/Private Key Pair was last updated.
- Referral Notification Email
- Any notifications regarding eReferrals sent to this specific listing will be directed to this email, overriding the notification email set at the Site-Wide level.
- More information on email notifications for received referrals can be found in Set Up Receiver Email Notifications.
- Referral Subscription
- Select your preferred billing model.
- Integration
- If your Ocean Site has a custom referral integration configured, it can be selected using the dropdown menu.
- External Service ID
- Specify an ID value to be used by integrated systems to identify the listing. The ID can be alphanumeric.
- Resubmission Restrictions
- When enabled, referrers cannot resubmit a referral that has been declined by the listing.
Note: You need to set up and claim your directory listing to be able to edit it from this window. To learn more about setting up a directory listing, please refer to the linked articles for setting up a Website Form or eReferrals.
Information from the 'Contact Information' section of the Directory Listing is also shown to patients during the online appointment booking confirmation process.
Website Form Links
You can create/configure a Website Form Link by logging into the Ocean Portal, clicking on the "Menu" button in the top left corner and selecting "Admin". From the Admin Settings page, click "Website Form Links". To learn more about Website Forms and setting them up, please refer to our Guide to Creating Website Forms.
Canned Responses
Website Form and eReferral users can create and edit canned responses for submission and eReferral notifications. Login to the Ocean Portal, click on the "Menu" button in the top left corner and select "Admin". From the Admin Settings page, click "Canned Responses". Once you've booked an appointment for a patient, you can set add canned comments that can be sent to the patient in advance of their appointment.
For more information about setting these up, please refer to "Creating Canned Responses for eReferral Bookings" (this article includes instructions for both website form and eReferral users).
You can access Ocean Reports by logging into the Ocean Portal, clicking on the "Menu" button in the top left corner and selecting "Admin". From the Admin Settings page, click "Reports".
There are various types of reports you can run in order to export the relevant records:
EMR Field Mapping
Accuro and Oscar users can create/configure EMR Field Mapping by logging into the Ocean Portal, clicking on the "Menu" button in the top left corner and selecting "Admin". From the Admin Settings page, click "EMR Field Mapping". More about configuring these settings can be referenced here: Mapping Answers from an Ocean eForm to a Custom Demographics Field and "OSCAR: Mapping Answers from an Ocean eForm to an OSCAR Measurement".
Login to the Ocean Portal. Click the "Menu" button in the top left corner and select "Admin". Click "Billing" from the Admin Settings page. From the Billing section, you can choose a username to be your site's payer (this user will receive emails for monthly Ocean invoices), set up subsites (if you have different payers for specific users on an Ocean site), and access all your current and previous invoices and payment details.
To learn more about Ocean billing procedures, please refer to our Ocean Billing Overview.