
This section of the Ocean Portal allows you to add and remove users from your Ocean Site, grant 'Site Admin' access to users, and manage Clinical Delegates for the users on your Ocean Site.

Export Users

The 'Export Users' button allows you to download a master .csv file list of all the users on your Ocean Site and their respective information, including:

  • Username: The user's Ocean account username.
  • First Name: The user's first name.
  • Surname: The user's surname.
  • EMR Username: The EMR username that the Ocean user account has been linked to for this Ocean Site.
  • Clinical Delegate Email Populated [Y/N]: Whether or not the Clinical Delegate Email setting is populated in the user's account settings.
  • Referral Notification Email Populated [Y/N]: Whether or not the Referral Notification Email setting is populated in the user's account settings.
  • Clinical Delegates: The list of usernames for all assigned Clinical Delegates for this user, if applicable.
  • Number of Clinical Delegates: The count of the users shown in the "Clinical Delegates" column.
  • User Role: The user's 'User Role' as set within their Ocean user account settings.
  • Patient Messages Licence Type: The type of licence that enables the user to send Patient Messages.
  • Date of Latest Patient Message: The date and time of the latest Patient Message sent by the user.
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