Site Account

Site Name:
This is the name that was given to your site by the person who registered your site in Ocean. You can change your site name at any time.
Site Number:
This is your Ocean site number. Keep this handy, as it will allow you to connect your EMR to Ocean and can be helpful for the OceanMD team for troubleshooting if you ever run into any issues.
Finance Administrator Email:
This email address will be cc'ed on invoices sent to your site's payer every month. If your payer is the only person who is to receive Ocean invoices, you can leave this box blank.
Clinical Administrator/Ocean Support Contact:
This email address will receive any miscellaneous Ocean system messages, including, but not limited to, pending eReferral requests, study export alerts, Ocean reminder-related messages, etc.
Website Form Notification Email:
This email address will receive email notifications about website form submissions. If this is the same as your Clinical Administrator Email, you can leave this box blank.
Email 'From' Address:
By default, emails sent to patients through Ocean will be sent from "". If validated successfully, Ocean will send patient emails using this value as the 'from' address. Note that at this time, this feature is only available to sites with their own email domain. Validation is performed by querying the SPF record, which is a record in your domain's DNS settings.
Email Friendly Name:
By default, emails sent to patients through Ocean will be sent from "". If set, emails sent by Ocean on your behalf will be tagged with this value so that they are more easily recognizable by patients. Typically, this would be your clinic name, but it can be any value. Emails will still be sent from "" unless you are using the "Email 'From' Address" feature, described above.
The province/state where your site is located.
Time Zone:
The time zone within which your site is located.
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