About Ocean Cloud Connect

Note: All Ocean Sites are required to enable Ocean Cloud Connect to complete set up and configuration on the Ocean Platform. This article provides additional details on the role Cloud Connect plays for both integrated and non-integrated sites.

Ocean Cloud Connect is a secure, cloud-based application housed on a server independent of the Ocean Platform. Cloud Connect’s primary purposes include the following:

  1. Storing and safeguarding your Ocean Site’s Shared Encryption Key (applicable to all Ocean Sites).
  2. Enabling the secure exchange of data between your Ocean Site and your EMR (for Ocean Sites with an integrated EMR).
  3. Facilitating automated Patient Reminders and Patient Alerts (for sites using Patient Reminders, eReferrals, or eConsults).

Storing Your Site’s Shared Encryption Key (SEK)

  • Ocean Cloud Connect acts as a secure vault for all Ocean Sites, providing a secure and convenient way to store your SEK.
  • Access to Cloud Connect is limited to Ocean Site Admin users only, with all interactions subject to auditing and logging. Furthermore, any access to the SEK through Cloud Connect triggers an automated email alert to the Ocean Site’s Clinical Administrator.

Enabling the Secure Exchange of Data Between Ocean and Your EMR

  • Cloud Connect acts as a data bridge connection between Ocean and your EMR, using the SEK to encrypt and decrypt PHI, as needed, to facilitate the exchange of information between Ocean and your EMR while using SSL for secure data transmission.
  • Cloud Connect provides configuration options to allow a site to customize how Ocean interacts with the EMR (e.g. combining progress notes from multiple Ocean eForms or selecting specific providers' appointments to sync).
  • Cloud Connect receives EMR-bound messages in real-time, ensuring that these messages are handled and processed all at once (e.g., when a patient completes a questionnaire, the result is immediately downloaded and sent to the EMR). In the event of an EMR connectivity issue, Cloud Connect also uses a “message queue” so that EMR actions can be retried in a timely manner, while protecting against data loss.

Facilitating Patient Alerts

  • Cloud Connect allows Ocean Sites to enable patient alerts or reminders that are automatically delivered to the patient on a scheduled basis.

Setting Up Ocean Cloud Connect

PS Suite Med Access Accuro OSCAR PRO Non-Integrated EMR

About Ocean Cloud Connect

If you use an integrated EMR, Ocean Cloud Connect enables total configuration of your EMR integration from a secure instance in the cloud that is accessible from any internet-connected device. No on-site device acting as a server is needed to keep Ocean and your EMR synchronized and active.

If your EMR does not have an integration with Ocean or you do not use an EMR, Ocean Cloud Connect can still be used to safely store your Ocean Site's Shared Encryption Key. This enables you to take advantage of additional Ocean functionalities, including automatic appointment reminders based on booked eReferral appointment dates.


PS Suite Med Access Accuro OSCAR Pro Non-Integrated EMR
  • Ensure you have completed Steps 1 through 5 of the TELUS PS Suite Integration Set-Up guide.
  • You must have Site Admin access on your Ocean Site in order to sign into Ocean Cloud Connect.
  • You must have EMR Administrator access in order to update EMR system settings.
  • It is highly recommended that you make use of an Ocean Credential Reference Card to record your relevant integration credentials for organization and safekeeping.

Setting Up Ocean Cloud Connect

  1. Log in to Ocean Cloud Connect.

    • Log in using your existing Ocean user account credentials. This is the same Ocean user account that you use to log in to the Ocean Portal.
    • Note: Despite using the same Ocean user account credentials, you must log in to Cloud Connect seperately. Being signed into the Ocean Portal does not automatically sign you into Cloud Connect (or vice versa).
  2. Store your Shared Encryption Key in Cloud Connect.

    Integrated EMRs (PS Suite, Med Access, Accuro, OSCAR Pro) Non-Integrated EMRs
    • After logging in to Ocean Cloud Connect, click the 'Integrate my EMR' button.
    • You will be prompted to enter your Shared Encryption Key. After entering it, click 'Save and Continue'.
  3. Setup Your EMR Integration.

    • After storing your Shared Encryption Key, select the EMR type you would like to integrate and then click 'Next'.
    PS Suite & Med Access Accuro OSCAR PRO
    • Acquire your EMR Instance ID and EMR Secret credentials by configuring your Ocean integration module.

      See module configuration instructions for PS Suite or instructions for Med Access.

    • Once entered, the Ocean and TELUS servers will connect to authenticate the integration.

Configure your Cloud Connect settings.

PS Suite Med Access Accuro OSCAR PRO
  • From here, you can customize your configuration options. In most circumstances the default configuration will be sufficient.

    Note: Ensure that all providers who plan to use Ocean are enabled within the 'Sync Appointments for Provider(s)' dropdown menu.

  • Click the “Save” button to complete the setup process.
    • Note: If your clinic does not accept walk in patients, you can safely ignore the fields under the "Walk In" section of the configuration. For more information about walk ins, please consult our guide: Set Up Ocean to Support Walk-In Patients.

  1. Configuration is complete!

    • You will now return to the main summary screen.
    • The "Sync Status" panel on the left will show you if Ocean is synchronizing appointments with your EMR via Cloud Connect, when the last synchronization occurred, and when the next synchronization is scheduled for (full syncs will automatically occur once a day at midnight and appointment syncs will occur automatically every 30 minutes).
    • Once an initial sync has completed, feel free to verify patients are being uploaded correctly by signing into the Ocean Portal, click the Menu button in the top left corner and click Patients.
    • If there are any errors with the configuration, an alert will be displayed on the main summary screen, in the "Sync Status" panel. If this occurs, try clicking the arrow button next to "Sync Recent Appointments" and select "Sync Full Schedule". If the issue persists, contact the OceanMD Support team.
  2. Ensure that Cloud Connect is enabled in your Ocean Site.

    • Log in to the Ocean Portal using your Ocean user account credentials.
    • Open the 'Menu' in the top left corner and click 'Admin'.
    • From the Admin Settings page, click 'Site Features'.
    • Ensure that the 'Enable Ocean Cloud Connect' checkbox is enabled.

      Note: Ocean Sites with Non-Integrated EMRs will need to manually enable this checkbox. Ocean Sites that have completed an EMR integration will have this checkbox enabled automatically.

Customize your Cloud Connect Configuration

For instructions on how to set up Cloud Connect, please consult the full Setting Up Ocean Cloud Connect guide.

If at any time you need to make adjustments to your Cloud Connect configuration, you can click the "Edit Settings" button located under the "Sync Status" panel on the Cloud Connect dashboard.

PS Suite Med Access Accuro OSCAR Pro


Schedule Days to Sync
This setting will configure the number of days to sync appointments in Ocean's Day Sheet view. For most clinic environments, the default value of 1 day is sufficient.
Note: More internet bandwidth is required for longer time intervals for appointment synchronization.
Sync Appointments For Provider(s)
Ocean will automatically source a list of providers from your EMR and display them in the dropdown menu. Ensure that all providers who are using Ocean are selected within the dropdown menu to ensure that they are synchronized in Ocean.
Mark appointments as Arrived in the next(hours)
This field allows you to define the time range after a patient checks in at the kiosk, in which you'd like to mark their appointment(s) as arrived (e.g. if you set this to 2 hours, any appointments that a patient is booked for, within 2 hours of them checking in at the kiosk, will be flagged as arrived).

Clinical Notes

Combine Progress Notes
If this checkbox is checked off and a patient fills out multiple Ocean eForms in one sitting, all resultant notes from those eForms will go into one single note in the patient's chart in PSS (vs. each form creating a separate note in the patient's chart).
Automatically Import Attachments to EMR
This is an early access feature that enables Ocean to automatically import Website Form submissions, file attachments included in Patient Authenticated Website Form submissions, and eReferral/eConsult records directly into the patient's chart in PDF format. If you are interested in joining the early access program, please contact the Ocean Support team.

Walk In

All walk in settings
To learn how to set up your kiosk to accept walk-ins, please refer to Set Up Ocean to Support Walk-In Patients.

Making Changes to Your Cloud Connect Configuration

There are a few instances where you may need to return to Cloud Connect to make changes to your configuration:

  • Your EMR configuration changes
  • Your Secure Encryption Key has changed
  • EMR authentication has expired (i.e. PS Suite Mobile Activation Code)

If Cloud Connect detects an error with your setup, the email address specified as the Clinical Administrator Email for your Ocean site (located in the Admin Settings page under "Site Account" in the Ocean Portal) will be notified immediately, informing them to make the necessary changes.

If no Clinical Administrator Email has been defined, the user that created the Ocean site will be notified via email.

Quick Troubleshooting: Cloud Connect (Connection Issues)

Common Issues

“Cloud Connect credentials are not working.”

“Cloud Connect is not syncing.”

“Appointments are not syncing.”

“Cloud Connect has been deauthorized.”

“Specific provider’s appointments are not syncing."

Diagnosis Questions

Is it your first time setting up Cloud Connect?

Refer to Setting Up Ocean Cloud Connect.

Are credentials producing an error?

Verify that credentials are entered correctly. If your credentials are provided by an EMR vendor, contact your EMR representative to resend credentials.

Was Cloud Connect deauthorized?

Refer to Re-Authenticating Ocean Cloud Connect.

Is there a green or blue sync progress indication banner under the Sync Status window?

A green sync bar indicates a successful configuration. A blue bar listing the last scheduled sync also indicates success. If neither are visible, reconfigure Cloud Connect.

If a specific provider is not syncing, did you check the provider’s list to see if the provider is selected?

Have client sign into Cloud Connect > Sync Status > Edit Settings. The first dropdown menu, Sync Appointments For Provider(s), is the full providers' list for the instance.

Is the site still using OceanConnect?

Refer to Troubleshooting: OceanConnect (Legacy).

Re-Authenticating Ocean Cloud Connect

Please follow the instructions below if you need to update and re-authenticate your EMR's Cloud Connect API connection. This should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete.


You must be an administrative user on your Ocean site in order to sign into or re-configure Cloud Connect.

Re-Authenticating Ocean Cloud Connect

  1. Sign in to Ocean Cloud Connect.

    • Sign in using your Ocean credentials (i.e. the same credentials as the Ocean Portal).
    • Once you've logged in to Cloud Connect, you’ll be able to connect Ocean with your EMR. Click the white "Reconfigure EMR" button under the EMR Integration section to begin.
  2. Re-Authenticate your EMR integration.

    • Select the EMR you would like to integrate with and then select “Next”.
    PS Suite & Med Access Accuro OSCAR PRO
    AML Activation Mobile Activation (Legacy)
    • Acquire your EMR Instance ID and EMR Secret credentials by configuring your Ocean integration module.

      See module configuration instructions for PS Suite or instructions for Med Access.

    • Once entered, the Ocean and TELUS servers will connect to authenticate the integration.

Re-configure your Cloud Connect settings.

PS Suite & Med Access Accuro OSCAR PRO
  • From here, you can customize your configuration options. However, in most circumstances the default configuration will be sufficient.

    For more details on configuration options, please refer to Customize your Cloud Connect Configuration.

  • Click the “Save” button to complete the setup process.
  1. Re-configuration is complete!

    • You will now return to the main summary screen.
    • From here, all of your Ocean services should continue to work seamlessly. If you experience any issues with your appointment synchronization, please feel free to reach out to us.

Ocean Credential Reference Cards

When setting up the Ocean integration with your EMR, please feel free to make use of the applicable Ocean Credentials Reference Card to keep track of all relevant site and integration details.

This file can be securely stored on a network drive at the clinic and/or printed off for reference so relevant staff have access to all Ocean credentials in case of an emergency.