Re-Authenticating Ocean Cloud Connect

Please follow the instructions below if you need to update and re-authenticate your EMR's Cloud Connect API connection. This should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete.


You must be an administrative user on your Ocean site in order to sign into or re-configure Cloud Connect.

Re-Authenticating Ocean Cloud Connect

  1. Sign in to Ocean Cloud Connect.

    • Sign in using your Ocean credentials (i.e. the same credentials as the Ocean Portal).
    • Once you've logged in to Cloud Connect, you’ll be able to connect Ocean with your EMR. Click the white "Reconfigure EMR" button under the EMR Integration section to begin.
  2. Re-Authenticate your EMR integration.

    • Select the EMR you would like to integrate with and then select “Next”.
    PS Suite & Med Access Accuro OSCAR PRO
    AML Activation Mobile Activation (Legacy)
    • Acquire your EMR Instance ID and EMR Secret credentials by configuring your Ocean integration module.

      See module configuration instructions for PS Suite or instructions for Med Access.

    • Once entered, the Ocean and TELUS servers will connect to authenticate the integration.

Re-configure your Cloud Connect settings.

PS Suite & Med Access Accuro OSCAR PRO
  • From here, you can customize your configuration options. However, in most circumstances the default configuration will be sufficient.

    For more details on configuration options, please refer to Customize your Cloud Connect Configuration.

  • Click the “Save” button to complete the setup process.
  1. Re-configuration is complete!

    • You will now return to the main summary screen.
    • From here, all of your Ocean services should continue to work seamlessly. If you experience any issues with your appointment synchronization, please feel free to reach out to us.
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