Quick Troubleshooting: Cloud Connect (Connection Issues)

Common Issues

“Cloud Connect credentials are not working.”

“Cloud Connect is not syncing.”

“Appointments are not syncing.”

“Cloud Connect has been deauthorized.”

“Specific provider’s appointments are not syncing."

Diagnosis Questions

Is it your first time setting up Cloud Connect?

Refer to Setting Up Ocean Cloud Connect.

Are credentials producing an error?

Verify that credentials are entered correctly. If your credentials are provided by an EMR vendor, contact your EMR representative to resend credentials.

Was Cloud Connect deauthorized?

Refer to Re-Authenticating Ocean Cloud Connect.

Is there a green or blue sync progress indication banner under the Sync Status window?

A green sync bar indicates a successful configuration. A blue bar listing the last scheduled sync also indicates success. If neither are visible, reconfigure Cloud Connect.

If a specific provider is not syncing, did you check the provider’s list to see if the provider is selected?

Have client sign into Cloud Connect > Sync Status > Edit Settings. The first dropdown menu, Sync Appointments For Provider(s), is the full providers' list for the instance.

Is the site still using OceanConnect?

Refer to Troubleshooting: OceanConnect (Legacy).

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