What does "Error: Existing EMR User Account Linkage Detected" mean?


For privacy, security, and auditing purposes, any individual that requires access to Ocean must have their own Ocean user account.

For Ocean Sites that are integrated with an EMR, individuals must perform a one-time linkage of their Ocean user account to their respective EMR user account to support Single Sign-On (SSO) and the ability to launch into Ocean from the EMR (e.g., when sending a Patient Message, or initiating an eReferral).

For example, the user account for "John Smith" in the EMR must be linked to John Smith's individual Ocean user account.

Recognizing that individuals may be a user on more than one Ocean Site which use different EMRs (e.g., an independent practice and a specialty clinic), Ocean supports the ability to establish and maintain multiple linkages between a single Ocean user account and different EMR user accounts at different Ocean Sites.

This ensures that Ocean "remembers" the unique Ocean User-to-EMR User Account relationship for SSO and eliminates the need for an individual to have multiple Ocean user accounts.


When you attempt to link an EMR user account to your Ocean user account, Ocean checks to see if there is already an EMR user account linked to your Ocean user account for the Ocean Site that you launched into.

  • If an existing account linkage is not found, you can proceed without issue.
  • If an existing account linkage is found, you will receive a message stating: 'Error: Existing EMR User Account Linkage Detected'.

If you received this error message, consult the 'Steps to Take' section below.

Steps to Take

Since Ocean does not have the ability to determine if the correct EMR user account has been linked to the Ocean user account (e.g., that the "John Smith" EMR user account has been linked to John Smith's respective Ocean user account), you must manually verify the following items:

1. Verify your EMR user account

Within your EMR, verify that you are properly logged in to your own individual EMR user account.

If you are not logged in to your own individual EMR user account, log out of your EMR and log back in using your own EMR user account credentials, and then retry linking your accounts.

If you have confirmed that you are logged in to your own EMR user account but continue to experience the error, proceed to Step 2 below.

2. Verify your Ocean user account

Verify that you are logging in to Ocean using your own individual Ocean user account credentials.

Reminder: Ocean does not support "shared" user accounts. Any individual that requires access to Ocean must have their own Ocean user account for privacy, security, and auditing purposes.

If you have confirmed that you are logged in to your own EMR user account and that you are logging in to Ocean using your own individual Ocean user account credentials, proceed to Step 3 below.

3. Verify existing EMR user account linkages for your Ocean user account

  • Click your name in the top right corner and select 'My Account'.
  • Scroll down to the 'Linked EMR Users' section of the page and review the EMR user account(s) that is/are linked to your Ocean user account.
  • If you find any improper EMR user account linkages, remove it by clicking the 'Remove' button.
  • Click 'Save Changes'.
  • Once any improper EMR user account linkages have been removed, retry linking your EMR user account to your Ocean user account (e.g., when sending a Patient Message, or initiating an eReferral).

    If the error message persists, please contact the OceanMD Support team for assistance.

EMR Username Formats

The format of the EMR user account displayed under the 'EMR Username' column can vary depending on the integrated EMR system:

  • PS Suite: EMR Usernames are formatted as: [First Name] [Surname]
  • Med Access: EMR Usernames are formatted as: [First Name] [Surname]
  • OSCAR Pro: EMR Usernames are formatted as: [Surname], [First Name]
  • Accuro: EMR Usernames are represented by a numeric user ID value.
    • For assistance in determining the EMR user account that corresponds to a numeric user ID value in Accuro, please contact QHR Client Services (support@QHRtech.com).

Managing Your Clinician Information & Clinic Locations

What are they?

Clinician Information

The term 'Clinician Information' refers to your specific Billing Number, Professional ID, and Signature.

These three pieces of information are saved within your Ocean user account, and are always included in any of your sent eRequests, regardless of the Ocean Site that the request is originating from. For Ocean Sites that also have a Directory Listing(s) to receive referrals, it should be noted these pieces of user-specific information are stored and maintained independently from the information in the Directory Listing(s).

Clinic Locations

  • When an Ocean eRequest is sent, the 'Referrer's Information' section contains details about the referring provider, including the address and contact information of the physical location that the referral was sent from. However, clinicians often operate out of more than one physical location.

Ocean offers a way to store these various sets of clinic information through the use of 'Clinic Locations', which can subsequently be selected to populate the 'Referrer's Information' section when sending an eRequest.

Clinic Locations are created and saved within the Ocean user account, which allows for a single Ocean user account to be used across multiple Ocean sites, while still offering the ability to choose the relevant clinic information within any sent eRequests.

Managing Clinician Information & Clinic Locations

Clinician Information

Note: Your Clinician Information details are typically populated automatically using details from your EMR user account upon sending your first eRequest.

  • After logging in to the Ocean Portal, click your name in the top right corner, and select 'My Account'.
  • Select 'Edit Clinical Contact Information' at the top.
  • Enter your 'Clinician Information' if you haven't already. These are your clinician-specific details that will always be included in any of your sent eRequests, regardless of the Ocean Site that the request is sent from.
  • Press 'Save'.

Adding a New Clinic Location

  • In the 'Clinic Locations' section, click 'Add Location'.
  • Choose if you would like to create a Clinic Location using information from an existing Directory Listing on your Ocean Site(s), or if you would like to enter the information manually.

    Note: You can only create one Clinic Location using manual entry. Additional Clinic Locations must be created using information from an existing Directory Listing.

    Clinical Contact Information saved in Ocean user accounts prior to December 7th 2023 has been automatically migrated and saved as the account's single manually-entered Clinic Location.

  • If you chose 'Select from Directory Listing(s)', select your Ocean Site (if applicable) and desired Directory Listing source.

    Note: Directory Listing information cannot be updated from this area. Your Ocean Site Admin(s) can update your Directory Listing information.

  • If you chose 'Enter manually', enter the relevant Location information into each field.
  • To save your new Clinic Location within your user account, click 'Save'.

    Alternatively, to save your new Clinic Location within your user account and make this the default Clinic Location when sending from your current Ocean Site, click 'Save & Make Default'.

  • Your new Clinic Location will be saved in your Ocean user account.

    If you saved this as your default location for your Ocean Site, this is denoted using the '(site default)' tag.

    Note: If you saved your manually-entered location as a site default, its respective '(site default)' tag will only appear when you are currently signed in under the same Ocean Site that you used when setting it as a site default.

  • Once multiple Clinic Locations are saved in your Ocean user account, a new Clinic Locations dropdown menu will appear in the Referrer's Information section if there is more than one Clinic Location established for your current Ocean Site. Use this dropdown menu to select and include the appropriate location information for the eRequest being sent.

    Depending on the Ocean Site that you are currently signed in to, the address and contact information for the Clinic Location set as your '(site default)' will be automatically populated.

    If there is only one Clinic Location set in your Ocean user account for your current Ocean Site, the dropdown will not appear, and your single Clinic Location details will be automatically populated.

    If there is/are no Clinic Location(s) set in your Ocean user account for your current Ocean Site, the dropdown will not appear, and your single manually-entered Clinic Location details will be automatically populated.

Modifying or Removing a Clinic Location

  • Your Clinic Location(s) can be updated at any time by clicking the 'Edit' button.

    Reminder: Only Ocean Site Admins can edit Directory Listing information, which is used to populate Clinic Location details.

  • Your can remove a Clinic Location at any time by clicking 'Remove Location From User Profile' while editing it.

Changing your Site Default Clinic Location

  • To update the default Clinic Location for your current Ocean Site, edit the Clinic Location that you would like to designate as your default, and select 'Save & Make Default'.

Removing a User from your Ocean Site

When removing a user from your Ocean Site, it is important to ensure that the user is not associated with an Ocean Licence or assigned as a Delegate for any other users on your site. Expand each step below for guidance on the process.

1. Remove Delegate Associations
  • Within the Ocean Portal, open the 'Menu', select 'Admin', and click the 'Users' button.
  • Press the 'Edit Delegates' button next to the user that you are removing.
  • Use the 'Remove' button next to each listed delegate to remove the delegate association between the users.
2. Remove Ocean Licence Association
  • Within the Ocean Portal, open the 'Menu', select 'Admin', and click the 'Licence Management' button.
  • Click the 'Remove' button on provider/EMR Schedule that you would like to remove.
3. Remove the User from Your Ocean Site
  • From the main 'Admin' page, navigate to the 'Users' area.
  • Use the red 'Remove Users' button to remove the desired user from your Ocean Site.

Additional Considerations

After removing the desired user account from your Ocean Site, it is beneficial to verify the areas below to ensure that the information is up to date.

Site Account
  • From the main 'Admin' page, navigate to the 'Site Account' area.
  • Verify that the email addresses listed in this area are accurate.
Directory Listing
  • From the main 'Admin' page, navigate to the 'Directory Listings' area.
  • In the 'Advanced' section, verify that the listed 'Referral Notification Email' is up to date.
  • If the Directory Listing represents a single health care provider who will no longer be accepting eReferrals, disable the 'Accept eReferrals' checkbox within the 'eReferral Policy' section.
  • Click 'Save Changes'.
Clinical Delegate Emails

If the removed user received email notifications on behalf of other users on your Ocean Site, ensure that remaining users update the 'Clinical Delegate Emails' field in their own account settings by following the steps below.

  • Within the Ocean Portal, select your name in the top right corner, and select 'My Account'.
  • Ensure that the email addresses listed in the 'Clinical Delegate Emails' field are up to date and save any changes.
Online Booking Schedules

If the user who was removed from your Ocean Site has an Online Booking Schedule(s) that is/are no longer needed, follow the steps below to deactivate it, remove the associated licence, and review your Booking Links:

1. Deactivate the Booking Schedule & Remove the Licence

  • Within the Ocean Portal, open the 'Menu' and select 'Online Booking'.
  • Click the 'Settings' button in the top right corner.
  • Next to the 'Booking Schedules' heading, click 'Configure'.
  • Locate the Booking Schedule(s) that is/are no longer needed, and click 'Deactivate'.
  • A prompt will appear informing you that the Online Booking Schedule has been successfully deactivated and to visit the Licence Management page to remove the licence and avoid incurring additional charges for the associated EMR Schedule.

    Note: Since Ocean allows more than one Online Booking Schedules to be associated with a single EMR Schedule, this prompt only appears when all Online Booking Schedules using the same EMR Schedule have been deactivated.

  • Click the 'Go to Licence Management' button.
  • Under 'Online Booking' section of the Licence Management page, locate the EMR Schedule that is associated with the now-deactivated Online Booking Schedule and click the 'Remove' button.

2. Review your Booking Links

  • Within the Ocean Portal, open the 'Menu' and select 'Online Booking'.
  • Click the 'Settings' button in the top right corner.
  • Next to the 'Booking Links' heading, click 'Configure'.
  • Review the Booking Schedules that are associated with each of your Booking Links.

    If a Booking Link hosts only the now-deactivated Booking Schedule, we recommend disabling the Booking Link by clicking the 'Disable' button.

    Tip: Remember to remove any outdated Booking Links from your clinic/organization website.

How do I update my User Role?

The 'User Role' in Ocean is a drop-down menu of options found on the User Settings page. Individual Ocean Users can select the most applicable role from the following list:

  • Allied Health Professional; Family Physician; Specialist; Nurse Practitioner
  • Administrator; Executive Director; IT Support
  • Medical Student; Resident
  • MOA/Secretary; Nurse; Physician Assisant
  • Other

Ocean uses this role in the following ways:

  • When sending an eReferral, the User Role will appear in the 'Referrer's Information' field at the bottom of the referral form.
  • When at least one provider in an Ocean Site has been activated and assigned to send Patient Messages under a Patient Engagement Licence (Basic or Plus), Clinic Support Staff users (which includes MOA/Secretary, Administrator, Nurse, Resident, Medical Student, or Physician Assistant) can also send Patient Messages at no additional cost.

  • Note: Up to 3 Clinic Support Staff per Patient Engagement Licence can send messages at no additional cost.

To Review and Save your User Role:

Please Note: Changes to User Roles are audited by Ocean. Users should not update their role once they have saved it in their 'My Account' settings.

  • View the User Role options by clicking on the dropdown menu.
  • Once you have selected your appropriate User Role, ensure that you press the Save Changes button in the bottom right corner.

What healthcare professionals are included under the term 'Allied Health Professional' in Ocean?

In the Ocean Platform, the term 'Allied Health Professional' includes any healthcare professional who is not a physician or Nurse Practitioner, and who offers booked appointments to provide care to patients. This includes (but is not limited to) the following:

  • Rehabilitation professionals:
    • Physiotherapists (PTs)
    • Occupational Therapists (OTs)
    • Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs)
    • Audiologists
  • Diagnostic professionals:
    • Radiologic Technologists (RTs)
    • Diagnostic Medical Sonographers (DMS)
    • Medical Laboratory Technologists (MLTs)
  • Therapeutic professionals:
    • Respiratory Therapists (RTs)
    • Pharmacists
    • Dietitians
  • Mental health professionals:
    • Registered Psychologists (Ph.D. or Psy.D.)
    • Registered Social Workers (RSWs)
    • Registered Counselling Therapists (RCTs)

How can I enforce Two-Factor Authentication for all users on my Ocean site?

Two-Factor Authentication is a feature that provides an additional level of security for Ocean users. As an Ocean Site Administrator, you have the ability to enforce Two-Factor Authentication for all users on your Ocean Site.

To set Two-Factor Authentication as mandatory for your Ocean Site:

    • Log in to the Ocean portal, and select Menu and then Admin.
    • Set the Two Factor Authentication feature to "Mandatory for all users".

      Note: In order to set Two-Factor Authentication as mandatory for all users on your Ocean site, you must first ensure that all pre-existing Ocean users on your Ocean site have Two-Factor Authentication enabled on their own individual user accounts. Please see below for more information on how to manage individual user compliance.

Managing Individual User Compliance

Before you can set Two-Factor Authentication as mandatory for all users on your Ocean site, all pre-existing users must first enable Two-Factor Authentication on their own Ocean user account. This is most easily done by running a Two-Factor Authentication Compliance Report. The "2FA Configured" column in the report indicates if the user has Two-Factor Authentication enabled or not. For users who do not have it enabled, you can instruct them to Enable Two-Factor Authentication for their Ocean user account.

Once all pre-existing users have enabled Two Factor Authentication, you can then set it as mandatory for your Ocean site so that all newly invited users will be forced to configure Two-Factor Authentication before they can successfully join your Ocean site.

Alternatively, you can remove non-compliant individuals from your Ocean Site within the Users area, then set Two-Factor Authentication as mandatory for your Ocean site, and then re-invite the removed users so that they are forced to enable Two-Factor Authentication upon rejoining your Ocean site.

Newly Invited Ocean Users

Once Two-Factor Authentication has been set as mandatory for your Ocean site, newly invited users who do not have Two-Factor Authentication enabled will be prompted to enable it before they can join your Ocean site.

  • Upon accepting the invitation, users will see a message indicating that the Ocean site they are joining requires Two-Factor Authentication, and be instructed to download an authenticator application before proceeding.
  • Users are then presented with a QR code to scan with their authenticator application. They can then enter their Ocean user account password, and the 6-digit code provided by the authenticator application. Pressing Enable & Join Site enables Two-Factor Authentication for their user account, and allows them to join the Ocean site.

Single Sign-On Implications for Integrated EMRs

When users access Ocean through a Single Sign-On launch from their EMR or point-of-service system (using SMART on FHIR), it replaces the Two-Factor Authentication requirement.

As part of setting up Ocean, users perform a one-time linkage between their Ocean user account and their EMR user account (i.e., when initiating a Patient Message or initiating an eReferral) to facilitate Single Sign-on.

At the time of establishing the linkage between the EMR user account and the Ocean user account, the user will be required to enter the authorization code generated by their authentication application.

Note: If the user has previously logged in directly to the Ocean Portal using the same browser and device that is now being used to establish the linkage between the EMR user account and the Ocean user account, and the user enabled the 'Trust this device for 30 days' checkbox during a previous log in, they will not be prompted to enter the authorization code generated by their authentication application.

Once the linkage between the EMR user account and the Ocean user account has been successfully established, the user will never be required to enter an authentication code when launching from the EMR directly into Ocean.

Accessing the My Account Page in User Settings

Users can access the My Account page to customize their Ocean user account and billing settings.

  • The My Account page can be accessed by clicking your name at the top right-hand corner of the Ocean Portal. This will open the Account Menu. Select "My Account" or jump directly to the Billing or Delegates pages. 
User Settings Page Billing Page Delegates Page Clinical Contact Information
  • In the User Settings Page, you can edit your Ocean user account information.

Account Information

User Name:
This is your Ocean user name. It can't be changed.
This is your Ocean password. It can be changed by clicking Change password or email address...
Two-Factor Authentication:
Either Enabled or Disabled. Learn more about How To Enable Two-Factor Authentication. You cannot disable Two-Factor Authentication if you are a user on an Ocean site which enforces mandatory Two-Factor Authentication.
Email Address:
This is the email address associated with your Ocean account.
First Name:
Your first name.
Your surname.
User Role
Your role in your organization(s).
Your province.
Clinical Delegate Emails:
This email address (or email addresses separated with commas) will receive secure message notifications of patient responses or form completions. If left blank, Ocean will default to sending these emails to the email address associated with your Ocean account.
Referral Notification Email:
If you are part of the Ocean eReferral Network, this email address will receive notifications associated with any referrals that you have sent (e.g. booking confirmations, edits, etc.)
For ONE ID single sign on integration.
Subsite Reference:
If you are associated with a subsite within your Ocean site (for separate billing purposes), you can select the appropriate subsite from here. If your site has no subsites, leave this field set to "None".
If you wish, you can subscribe to weekly Ocean usage reports to see assess how and when your Ocean features are being used.
Default Home Page:
This is the page that will automatically launch after logging into your Ocean site.
eConsult Application:
Click this button to apply to respond to eReferrals as eConsults. Please note that the application process for the ability to send special referral messages called "eConsults" involves the selection of a Regional Authority. Additionally, you must have the Clinician Type of Family Physician, Specialist, or Nurse Practitioner to submit an application.

Linked EMR Users

The 'Linked EMR Users' table lists the current EMR user accounts that have been linked with your Ocean user account. If no EMR users have been linked with your account, this section will not appear.

Updating the Email Account Associated With Your Ocean User Account

The email account listed in "My Account" is used by Ocean to send you email notifications associated with your user account.   It can only be changed by the user account owner. 

To change the email account:

    • Click your name at the top right-hand corner of the Ocean Portal. This will open the Account Menu.  Select My Account.
    • Click on the "Change password or email address..." button.
    • You can update your email address and click 'Save Changes' at the bottom right. (NOTE: It is not necessary to change your password in order to change your email address.) 
    • A verification email will be sent to the new email address to confirm the email owner corresponds with the Ocean user account owner. Click on the "Verify Email Update" button.
    • You will be required to sign-in into Ocean to complete the update if you are not already logged into Ocean. This step is necessary to confirm that there is a match between the unique 'Verify Email Update" link and the owner of the user account to complete the email address update.
    • Ocean will send a notification to the original email address that the update has been completed.

Recovering Your Ocean Password or Username

Forgotten Password Forgotten User Name
  • You will be prompted to provide your Ocean user name and email address. Enter your information and click "Submit".
  • You will then receive an email with a link to reset your password.

How To Enable and Disable Two-Factor Authentication

Two-Factor Authentication is a feature that provides an additional level of security for your Ocean user account. Once enabled, you will be required to enter a unique 6-digit code from an authenticator application on your smartphone in addition to your Ocean username and password each time you log in.

Enabling Two-Factor Authentication

  1. Download your Authenticator Application

    • Start by downloading an authenticator application to your smartphone.

      Note: While any authenticator application that supports QR code scanning can be used, the instructions in this article are written for Google Authenticator, which can be downloaded from the App Store (Apple) or the Google Play Store (Android).

  2. Update your Ocean User Account Settings

    • Sign into the Ocean Portal and click your name located at the top right of the screen and select "My Account".
    • Under the Account Information section, click "Enable Two Factor Authentication". A black and white QR code will appear on screen.
  3. Configure Two-Factor Authentication

    • Using the Google Authenticator app on your smartphone, click on the plus (+) sign within the app, and select "Scan a QR code". This will open the camera view on your smartphone.

      Note: If you're not using Google Authenticator, the exact step(s) to scan a QR code may vary depending on your application of choice.

    • Scan the QR code that appeared on screen. A new unique 6-digit Authentication Code will appear within your authenticator application on your smartphone.
    • Enter your Ocean account password and the 6-digit Authentication Code from your authenticator app, and press Enable. This enables Two-Factor Authentication for your Ocean user account.
  • Once enabled, you will be prompted to enter the 6-digit Authentication Code generated by the authenticator app each time you sign into the Ocean Portal or to access the Administrative Menu on the Ocean Tablet App.

    Note: When signing in to the Ocean Portal and entering the authentication code, you have the option to 'Trust this device for 30 days'. If you enable this checkbox, you will not be prompted to enter an authentication code for the next 30 days when signing in to Ocean using the current browser on your device.

Disabling Two-Factor Authentication

  1. Update your Ocean user account settings

    • Sign into the Ocean Portal and click your name located at the top right of the screen and select "My Account".
    • Under the Account Information section, click "Disable Two Factor Authentication".
  2. Enter your credentials

    • You will be prompted to enter your Ocean user account password and the 6-digit Authentication Code from your authenticator app.
    • After entering your password and Authentication Code, press Disable. This disables Two-Factor Factor Authentication for your Ocean user account.
    • Note: You cannot disable Two-Factor Authentication if you are a user on an Ocean Site which enforces mandatory Two-Factor Authentication.

Adding a New User to Your Site

Note: Any individual that requires access to Ocean must have a free Ocean user account.

  • Log in to the Ocean Portal. Click the Menu button in the top left corner and click Admin (you must be a Site Admin to access this area).
  • Click Users in the Admin Settings page. This will take you to your User Management page where you can click the blue "Invite Users to Site" button, located at the top of the page.
  • Enter the email address of the colleagues you wish to invite. If desired, you can also input their full name. If you need to invite more colleagues, simply click the "Add Another Invitation" button to add another row to the table. 

    Note: Unaccepted invite requests will expire after 30 days.

  • If you are sending a large number of user invitations, you can click on the "Switch to Bulk Email" button, located in the top right corner of the "Invite Users to Site" section header. Enter a series of email addresses, with each separated by a comma.
  • When you are ready to send, click the blue "Send Invitations" button.
  • Your colleague(s) will receive an email notifying them that they have been invited to your Ocean site. This email will prompt them to click a link and follow the steps to be automatically added to your site.

    Note: If Two-Factor Authentication has been set as mandatory for all users on your Ocean site, the newly invited users will be prompted to configure Two-Factor Authentication for their Ocean user account upon accepting the invitation to join your Ocean site.

If you wish for a colleague's Ocean user account to have administrative privileges on your site, simply click the checkbox beside their name, under the "Site Admin" column once they have joined your Ocean site..

Granting Users 'Site Admin' Access to Your Ocean Site

Ocean users with administrative privileges are able to configure tablet settings, all the settings available in the Admin view of the Ocean Portal (see our Guide to the Admin View for more details on all of these configurable options), and customize the messaging Templates within your Ocean Site. As a result, a user with administrative privileges will be able to edit a wide variety of important features of your Ocean site. Therefore, only trusted users should be granted administrative access to your Ocean site.

Note: If you are adding a new administrative-level user to your site, you will need to follow the steps outlined in "Adding a New User to Your Site" before being able to grant them admin access by following the steps below.

To grant an existing Ocean user administrative access:

  1. Login to the Ocean Portal.
  2. Click the "Menu" button in the top left corner and select "Admin". Click the Users section (from the Admin Settings page).
  3. Locate the user(s) who you'd like to grant administrative access to.
  4. Click the checkbox beside their name, under the "Set Site Admin" column (see screenshot below). Your settings will be saved automatically.

Ontario Users: How to Sign In to Ocean with ONE ID

ONE ID can now be used to securely access Ocean. Ontario users with a ONE ID User ID have the option to quickly and easily link it with their Ocean user account within Ocean. This will enable the added convenience of using the secure identity credential, which they already rely on for accessing many of Ontario's digital health services, to access the Ontario eReferral Network, Ocean's Portal and Patient Engagement tools.

This is an optional set up for signing in to Ocean. To establish the link between your ONE ID User ID and Ocean User account, you can follow the steps below:

    • This will redirect you to eHealth Ontario's Account Provider page. Ensure ONE ID is selected and choose Next.
    • Enter your ONE ID Login and Password.
    • Once you have signed in with ONE ID, you will be taken back to the Ocean login page, to complete a one time sign in to your Ocean account. Enter your Ocean username and password and select Secure Sign In.
    • Once signed in to the Ocean Portal, select your Ocean user name in the top right, and select My Account. You will see an Id populated in the ONE ID User Id section of your account information, confirming that the link to your ONE ID has been established.

After establishing the connection to ONE ID, the next time you choose to sign in to Ocean through the ONE ID link, and follow steps A to C above, you will be signed directly into your Ocean account without requiring your Ocean user name and password.

Signing out of Ocean will also sign you out of ONE ID. The ONE ID sign in link can also be completed through the Ocean Healthmap.

To disconnect your Ocean user account from your ONE ID, select the "clear" button beside the ONE ID User Id, under your account information, and save changes.