The Ocean Server upgrade scheduled for July 4th, 2024 at 9:30 PM EST contains the following improvements and fixes.
Provider Network
- When referrals are forwarded multiple times and declined, referrals will return back to the Rapid Access Clinic (if applicable) then Central Intake.
- Updated Healthmap Listing message shown for Externally Managed Central Intake Listings.
Fixed Bugs:
- Med Access Extension: Fixed bug that caused attachments to occasionally fail when queued prior to the attachment scanner load.
- Med Access Extension: Fixed a bug that would occasionally clear a patient's queued attachments from Med Access prior to the user attaching them in Ocean.
- Fixed a bug when selecting "Any" and "Users removed from site" in Needs Review filter.
- Fixed bug that was causing duplicate notes to be created and persist as ‘not reviewed’.
Patient Engagement
- Added the ability to restrict OAB schedules for Same-Day bookings.
Fixed Bugs:
- Website Form submissions now support the ability to submit answers to Ocean Studies.
- Added preventative measures against excessive retries to load a patient record for Ocean Appointment Reminders.
- Updated the 'Assign Providers' List in the 'Add Licence' Workflow to include Nurses.
- Updated the 'Assign EMR Schedules' list in the 'Add Licence' Workflow to ONLY display EMR Schedules being synced from Cloud Connect.
- Added Audit Logs for Licence Removals.
- Show the Payer's Name at the top of the generated PDF when 'Print Invoice' is selected.
- Deprecated the 'Cost per Use' feature on eForms.
- Updated prompt for when Single-Sign-On fails to be established for user.
- Modified Cloud Connects response to a 502 "Bad Gateway" error so that it continues attempts to re-authenticate.
Support Article Updates
- Configure Your Study Settings
- Allowing Anonymous Public Access to an Ocean Study from a Website
- Can I run an Ocean Study without subscribing to additional Ocean services?
- New! Configuring a Booking Schedule to Only Accept Same-Day Appointments
- Information for Health Messenger Early Adopters
- Accepting & Declining eReferrals
- The Action Menu
- New! Who needs a Patient Engagement Licence to send Patient Messages?
- Set Up Booking Schedules
- New! What does "Error: Existing EMR User Account Linkage Detected" mean?