Accuro EMR Integration Troubleshooting

The table below outlines common issues and solutions that users may experience when integrating their Accuro EMR with Ocean.

Common Error Solution
The Accuro API Credentials (API username/password, tenant ID and database UUID)

An email from QHR and the Ocean team should have been received providing the tenant ID and UUID.

For the API Username and Password, the email will include a case number and instructions for the clinic to contact QHR Client Services (1-866-729-8889, extension 0) to acquire these details.

During the Cloud Connect Integration Process, the API Username/Password and/or Tenant ID is not working, resulting in a failure to log into the Accuro server.

Ensure that the information is being entered correctly. If you enter the correct information and fail repeatedly, reset the password through Accuro.

  • To do so, an EMR administrator can select the icon at the bottom left corner of the EMR and select “Users” “Manage Security”.
  • From the “Manage Security” page, select the “Users” option and expand the dropdown menu. Search for the entry that beloings with “OceanAPI…”
  • Select the “Ocean API…” user and the Accuro API password can be reset via the “User Password” and “Confirm Password” fields.
Once updated, click the “Update User” button. A message will appear to confirm that the password has successfully been updated.
An error occurs when entering the database UUID credentials into Ocean Cloud Connect.

There are 2 main areas to verify in the EMR to ensure that the “OceanAPI” user possesses sufficient permissions.

  • Under Users Manage Security Users, select the "OceanAPI..." user and ensure under the "External Access" field that "External REST API" is checked off.
  • Still in the same area, open the "Provider Permissions" tab and ensure for each EMR office location that the user is set as "Power User." This is done by clicking the "Manage Roles" button for each Office.
If these settings are already set correctly, or changing them does not resolve the issue, then please escalate to QHR.
One or more Providers are not appearing in the Cloud Connect settings, and/or the Patient Data for these Providers is not synced to the Ocean site. Refer to this support article for guidance on updating the Provider Permissions.
In the Cloud Connect Configuration, a Document and/or Document Sub-Folder are not appearing.

First, ensure the folders have been set up in the correct place. In Accuro, select the "Documents" panel on the left, then open the document folder dropdown menu on the right-hand side. If the folder has not been created, first select the "--Manage--" option to create it.

Once complete, head back to Cloud Connect, refresh the browser, and select the "Edit Settings" button located in the "Sync Status" panel. Any new documents folders will now be visible under the relevant fields.

CDS Links are not working as expected. Ensure that the CDS links are set up with the corresponding parameter and value pairs. Every Ocean CDS link requires a siteKey, siteCredential, userID, and patientID. If any of these are not included in the configuration, the CDS link will not work. Refer to this support article for more details.
Recommended CDS Links

All Products

  • View Ocean Portal
  • View Patient Summary

Secure Patient Messaging & Reminders

  • Send Patient Message

Ocean eReferrals/eConsults

  • Send eRequest
  • Send Referral Appointment Information
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