Accuro: Creating an Encounter Note Template and Quick Action Button

The integrated attachment workflow between Accuro and Ocean involves creating a new Encounter Note, and then generating a letter from that note.

To streamline the first step, you can create a simple pre-worded Encounter Note template and a corresponding Quick Action Button to launch directly into it.

1. Creating an Encounter Note Template

  • From within a test patient chart in Accuro, create a new Encounter Note by clicking the green plus icon.
  • Type the message that you want to include in the body of the attachment letter. This example uses "Please see the attached items".
  • Customize the 'Title' field to reflect your desired attachment name. This example uses 'Ocean Attachments'.
  • Click 'File' in the top left corner, and select 'Save as Template'.
  • Optionally specify a title for the template, and then click 'OK'.
  • The template is now accessible within the Encounter Notes area of the patient chart.

2. Creating a Quick Action Button for the Template

Note: Quick Action Buttons in Accuro are a user-specific configuration option. This means that each Accuro EMR user must perform the steps below using their own individual EMR user account.

  • Within the Accuro menu, click 'File', and select 'User Preferences'.
  • Select the 'Display' area, open the 'Configure Actions' tab, and click the green plus icon in the 'Selections' panel.
  • In the 'Select a Custom Action' field, select 'Custom Letter Action'.

    In the 'Description' field, type a name for this button. This example uses 'Ocean Attachments'.

    In the 'Letter' field, select the template you created in Step 1. This example uses the 'Ocean Attachments' template.

    Click the 'Change' button to customize the action icon.

  • Search for and select the 'attach' icon, optionally customize the colour, and then click 'OK'.
  • Press 'OK' to finalize the custom action configuration.
  • Your custom action will be added within the 'Selections' panel. Click 'OK' in the bottom right corner to save.
  • Your Quick Action Button will now be accessible on the action bar, and can be used to quickly create a new encounter note.
  • Log out of your Accuro EMR user account, and then log back in.

    Note: Do not close the Accuro application entirely, as this may prevent your newly created buttons from saving. Simply log out of your EMR account and log back in.

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