When troubleshooting a potential Provider permissions issue in Ocean's Accuro integration, the Accuro API is only able to provide Ocean insight into a Provider entry via an internal EMR ID number.
To help Ocean Support determine which ID number corresponds to which provider to facilitate troubleshooting, the following steps can be taken in the EMR by a member of the clinic staff:
- In the User Preferences window, select the 'Search' icon on the left-hand side.
- Under 'Search Types', ensure 'Provider' is selected.
- Under 'Fields to Display in Result', ensure 'Provider ID' is enabled.
- At the bottom of the window, select 'Apply' and then click 'OK'.
On the Provider Management screen, you will see a master list of all Accuro providers (now with corresponding ID numbers) located under the 'Search Results' column on the left.
When troubleshooting with Ocean Support, you can provide a screenshot of this list, or flag specific Provider ID numbers for Ocean Support to review and query via internal audits.