As a Regional Authority Admin, how can I assume responsibility for licence fees related to Patient Messaging and Online Booking at an Ocean Site?

Regional Authority Ocean Sites can assume responsibility for Patient Messaging and Online Booking licence fees generated by approved Ocean Sites.


  • Your Ocean Site must be configured as a Regional Authority by OceanMD.
  • You must have Site Admin access on the Regional Authority Ocean Site.
  • The Ocean Site that you would like to assume responsibility for Patient Messaging and Online Booking licence fees must have at least one Directory Listing that has applied to your Regional Authority Ocean Site.
  • Within the Regional Authority Ocean Site, navigate to the 'Approvals' area.
  • In the 'Site Licence Approvals' tab, locate the Ocean Site for which you will assume responsibility for Patient Messaging and Online Booking licence fees, and click the 'Manage' button.
  • Under the 'Licence Coverage' section, enable the checkbox(es) for the Ocean products you will assume responsibility for.

    Note: If a different Regional Authority has already assumed billing responsibility for the Ocean Site's Patient Messaging and Online Booking licence fees, you will be prevented from enabling the checkboxes.

  • Click 'Save'.

Note: The number of product licences and estimated licence fee values displayed in the Site Licence Approval tab update four times daily, at approximately 11:30 AM/PM EST and 5:30 AM/PM EST.

Email Notifications

  • When licence coverage is enabled, an email notification will be automatically sent to the Ocean Site's 'Clinical Administrator / Ocean Support Contact' email address to inform them that any licence fees accrued for the enabled products moving forward will be billed directly to the Regional Authority.
  • When licence coverage is disabled, an email notification will be automatically sent to the Ocean Site's 'Clinical Administrator / Ocean Support Contact' email address to inform them that any licence fees accrued for the enabled products moving forward will be billed directly to the Ocean Site.

In-Product Disclaimers

  • When Patient Messaging licence coverage has been enabled, Ocean Site end users will see a banner in their Provider or User licensing area informing them of the licence fee coverage.
  • When Online Booking licence coverage has been enabled, Ocean Site end users will see updated 'Pricing Information' within their Online Booking configuration area informing them of the licence fee coverage.


End User Ocean Site

  • The licensed Ocean Site's invoices will contain an additional section that details the fees which will be billed directly to the Regional Authority.

Regional Authority Ocean Site

  • Within the Regional Authority Ocean Site, a monthly invoice will be generated that details the fees that the Regional Authority is responsible for paying as a result of the product licensing detailed above.
  • Invoices are always sent to the Regional Authority Ocean Site Payer's email address. However, if you have additional emails that should also receive email invoices, they can be included in the 'Finance Administrator Email' field of the Ocean Site Account settings.
  • Additional information for setting up your Ocean Site's Payer and payment information can be found in the Ocean Billing (Overview).
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