Ocean listings can be specified to send referrals to central intake, their own site, or both. The referral's destination is determined by the owner of the chosen referral form. In other words, if a central intake form is used, the referral will be sent to central intake. When a specific site's form is used, it will be sent to that specific site.
Multiple referral forms can be displayed in the site's "Send Referral" dialog. The most specific referral forms are shown at the top of the list. When specific referral forms are available, the generic forms are not shown.
Which forms are shown specifically?
Suppose a clinic's site has a Clinical Listing that is linked to a Central Intake Listing that has an Orthopedics health service offering. For each Orthopedics offering that the Clinicial Listing has, a list of potential referral forms is returned in the following order:
- A form specified for "Orthopedics" in the Clinical Listing
- A form specified for "Orthopedics" in the Central Intake Listing
If there are no forms in 1 or 2, it will proceed to include:
- A general form specified in the Central Intake Listing
- A general form specified in the Clinical Listing
If there are no forms in 1, 2, 3, or 4, it will proceed to include:
- Any general Ocean referral forms for "Orthopedics"
If there are no forms in 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, it will proceed to include:
- The Quick Referral Form
- Standard Referral form