Ocean Server Upgrade April 7th, 2022 Release Notes

The Ocean Server upgrade scheduled for April 7th, 2022 at 9:30 PM EST contains the following improvements and fixes.


Provider Network


  • Ocean directory listings claimed to the eFax site will display a "Send eReferral via eFax" button and the status updates within the Ocean Portal will reflect that of an eFax (limited to eFax Proof of Concept (PoC) participants)
  • eReferrals that have been sent to an eFax directory listing can be updated by the referring provider with the appointment date and time (limited to eFax PoC participants).
  • Improved the layout of the Admin > Integrations > eReferrals page and clarified the scope and outcomes of the settings and permissions.
  • When an API integration fails, Ocean will immediately send an email notification to the clinical administrator (if populated in the Admin > Site Account > Clinical Administrator field) and after 24 hours of continued failures. 
  • When there are multiple recipients of a eReferral HL7 FHIR payload, the referral target will be specified in the MessageHeader.destination field.

Fixed Bugs

  • Added text wrapping for the health number and gender fields in the Referral Note PDF. 
  • Resolved a bug causing multiple health service offering (HSO) dialogs to open when an site admin user user double-clicked on an HSO. 
  • Resolved a bug preventing referrals from closing when launched from the Patient Summary dashboard.


Patient Engagement


  • The template code description will now be included in the Online Booking appointment summary.




  • Ocean now supports the client_secret option during the SMART launch flow "Exchange the authorization code for an access token" step.
  • Improvements to the human readability and guidance provided in several Ocean error messages.

Fixed Bugs

  • Resolved bug affecting the use of Ocean keywords "ptFamilyDoc" and "ptFamilyDoc.name" with Telus PSS patient records. 
  • Ocean will now send notifications of Cloud Connect sync errors over the weekend.
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