The Ocean Server upgrade scheduled for May 26th, 2020 at 9:30 PM EST contains the following features, improvements and fixes.
New Features
- A new Patient Handout option is now available to print/download in the referral’s Action menu. This handout includes the referral’s appointment date/time, location (with map), booking comments, and booking attachments. This can be used to provide a patient, who is not receiving email updates, information about their appointment.
- A new Status Notification Sheet for referring providers is now available to print/download in the referral’s Action menu. This sheet includes the status information, appointment date/time, appointment confirmation status, booking comments, and booking attachments. This can be used to notify a referral sender, who is not using Ocean, of updates regarding their referral.
- The following Health Service Offerings were added; Assistive Equipment, Personal Care, Independent Skills Learning, and Registered Psychotherapy.
- When declining a referral, the box for messaging the reason for declining the referral will now auto-expand as the user types.
- The “Est. Wait 1” and “Est. Wait 2” labels in the scheduling pane have been updated to state “Anticipated Time to Appointment”. If the appointment label has been configured for the listing, this new label will also be updated to reflect which appointment the wait time is associated with.
- The “Protocol” column was added to the “Needs Review” and “For Me” folders in the eRequest tab.
- For declined referrals, the patient email notification (if chosen to be sent), now has the declined status above the location details. A line was added to the bottom of the email that states: "There is no action required from you at this time. You will be contacted directly, either by phone or email, regarding your referral."
- For cancelled referrals, the patient email notification (if chosen to be sent), now has the cancelled status above the location details. A line was added to the bottom of the email that states: "If you have any questions regarding this cancellation, please contact your health care provider."
- If a referring provider resubmits a cancelled or declined referral, the referral Sent Date will now update to reflect the date the referral was last submitted.
- Two new referral analytics were added to help capture how many times a referral is resubmitted (resubmissionCount), and when the referral was initially sent (referralInitialCreationDate).
- The Caredove listing sync was updated to include a handful of new mappings.
- Added the srcSiteNum to the referral payload, to be used through the API.
Fixed Bugs
- Fixed a Server Error that was generated when clicking "OK" on HSO Settings on a listing without making any changes.
- The reason for the "Proceed with eReferral" field is now mandatory for referring providers to select in the eConsult workflow.
Patient Engagement
New Features
- eForms can now be configured to include a ‘flag’ in the subject and body of Ocean form completion email notifications (e.g. “The response has been flagged as RED”). This can be used to visually triage whether form submissions require urgent review.
Improvements – Website Forms
- When a redirect URL is configured upon completion of the website form, the patient is shown a ‘message submitted’ confirmation message prior to being redirected.
- Ocean users can preview the file attachment contents prior to downloading it.
Improvements – Online Booking
- The setup configuration panel provides updated direction on how to complete an online booking schedule.
- Increased instruction clarity on the appointment confirmation page.
- Online booking requests can be filtered by provider in the eRequest tab.
Fixed Bugs
- In the OceanOnline Patient tab, the ‘search by surname’ option disappeared when a space was entered into the patient's last name.
- Ocean was including patients whose notes had been downloaded in the weekly "site data removal" email notifications.
- Online booking eRequests that had been imported into PSS were not updating the mapped demographics.