Ocean Server Upgrade Aug 28 2019 Release Notes

The Ocean Server upgrade scheduled for August 28, 2019 at 9:30 PM EST contains the following fixes and improvements.


  • Added a new “Review and Accept” and “Review and Decline” set of buttons to the referral’s Review form. These appear in a dropdown beside the Review button, when a referral has been assigned to a user for review. This allows the user to mark the referral as reviewed, as well as update the status, directly from the “For Me” tab.
  • Removed the ability for recipient sites to cancel referrals, as they should instead mark a referral as declined, when appropriate. The “Cancel” option will still be available in the Action menu for referral sending sites.
  • Fixed a bug where Oscar clinics using the KAI OSP, were noting the patient’s health card number and version code no longer populating Ocean eReferrals.
  • Addressed a rare edge case bug, where an Incomplete referral form could insert the referral into the incorrect patient chart if the Ocean patient reference number had been recycled.

Patient Engagement

  • Ocean Reminder emails now display the timezone of the appointment time.
  • Fixed an issue that could have allowed a patient to respond multiple times to a single Secure Message.
  • Fixed an issue that would occasionally prevent synchronizing appointments from an integrated EMR to Ocean.
  • Fixed an issue with Ocean usage reports to ensure Secure Message counts are consistent across "This Week", "Last Week", and the "Past 30 days".
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