The Ocean Server upgrade scheduled for June 4, 2019 at 9:30 PM EST contains the following fixes and improvements.
- New feature: All-new Ocean Weekly Usage Reports. Reports are generated for each Ocean site and made available, via email, to all subscribed administrators. The new reports provide increased visibility into the users/administrators registered at your site, as well as high-level and detailed product usage metrics, across Patient Engagement and Referrals. Note: daily usage reports are no longer available.
Patient Engagement
- It is now much easier to generate credentials for Accuro CDS links via the Ocean Portal. For convenience, site administrators can also view these credentials from the Ocean Portal.
- Added the ability for referral recipients to edit referring provider information fields on the referral. Note, that the referrer’s email can only be updated if the referring provider is not associated with an Ocean user.
- The referring provider email is now hidden from the referrer’s section on a referral (the email used for referral notifications can still be found in the referral Event Log if needed).
- Added a new analytic, “initialAssessmentSiteRef”, to capture the unique target reference of the assessment site, if the referral was sent to one.
- Fixed some minor bugs associated with using the back button when browsing the Ocean Healthmap.
- Referral notification emails will no longer state "The appointment remains scheduled for (no appointment scheduled)." when only booking comments are added to the referral.
- Fixed a bug with removing favourited listings from the Ocean Healthmap.
- Users can now go back into the EMR and add attachments either during referral creation or after it has been created.
- Fixed a couple bugs with the Ocean Attachment Exporter flow, including avoiding duplicate attachments on Saved for Later referrals, and avoiding the “null” file name on attachments added to a sent referral.