Ocean Server Upgrade Dec 18 2018 Release Notes

The Ocean Server upgrade scheduled for Dec 18, 2018 at 9:30 PM EST contains the following fixes and improvements.

Patient Engagement

  • Fixed an issue that could prevent Ocean from displaying the earliest known appointment time for a patient.


  • Catchment areas can now be imported into an Ocean listing via the geojson format.
  • Added an additional referral analytic to track the 'sent date' for an inbound referral.
  • Added field validation to "Billing#" and "Professional Id" fields. Both fields must be 5 to 12 digits in length, and can include a hyphen.
  • The Accuro CDS link (Send Appointment Notifications) now updates the most recent referral in Ocean.
  • Added the ability to assign a new description when Splitting a referral / Reassigning health service.
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