Ocean Server Upgrade Mar 13 2018 Release Notes

The Ocean Server upgrade scheduled for March 13th 2018 at 9:30 PM EST contains the following fixes and improvements.


  • New feature: A delegate user can now send eReferrals on your behalf. To setup a delegate, view your account in Ocean, then click "Add Delegate" from the Delegates tab.
  • Fixed a bug that could forget the "restricted PHI" setting on an eReferral.
  • Fixed a bug to hide the direct messaging option when a user is not signed in.
  • An email notification is now sent when a patient's second appointment is booked.
  • Initial work to allow "catchment areas" for directory listings (coming soon). 
  • Signatures are now prominently displayed at the bottom of each eReferral.
  • Added subfolders for sent eRequests.

Patient Engagement

  • In the Send Patient Message dialog, eForm name/preview/remove buttons are now available. The eForms can be dragged and dropped. Styling and accessibility in this area has also been improved.
  • Added a configurable option to block kiosk check-ins for patient's arriving too early.
  • Fixed a bug in the eForm Editor that triggered an error when adding an eForm Action.
  • In the popup referral view there is now a small extra plain-text heading that shows at the top of the General panel when at the eReferral owner's site: "For: (listing title)". This caption is intended to clarify which listing is currently assigned to the referral.
  • Updates to the patient's demographics or contact information will trigger the sending of an automatic message on the referral to all referral stakeholder sites (other than the site that made the change).
  • A detailed user activity report is now available for auditing purposes in the site's Admin tab.
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