The Ocean Server upgrade scheduled for September 14th, 2023 at 9:30 PM EST contains the following improvements and fixes.
Provider Network
- For Med Access and PSS, if the Referring Provider is present in the EMR's Address Book, it will be set for Received Referrals.
- An indication that the patient has been uploaded by Ocean will be present for both eReferrals and Online Booking in PSS under Patient comments and MA under Care Assignment notes.
- Providers are now protected from communicating with listings that have yet to complete their HINP's listing validation process.
- Added HL7 FHIR v0.11.1 (beta) as the default payload type on the Ocean eReferral Integrations page.
- SMART launch can now be used to launch into a specific referral within the Ocean Portal.
- eReferral PDF documents can now accommodate long MRN values without overlapping other text.
Fixed Bugs:
- Fixed a bug with the "Enable Review Mode" button disappearing when the referral is refreshed.
- Updated the Healthmap search results to rank Test Mode eReferral listings lower than live eReferral listings.
- Fixed bug causing multiple notification emails to be sent when an invalid email address is included in a referral listing.
- Fixed a bug preventing referral API updates from going out when the referrer has no address.
Patient Engagement
- An eForm associated with an Ocean Study (anonymous) can now be used as an Online Booking post-booking form, and count towards the study results.
- Added a font toolbar to provide limited formatting for the Online Booking Introductory Message text.
- Minor update to how the day of the week is displayed in the Online Booking confirmation email.
- Ocean will prevent patients from booking into the 11:55 pm - 12:00 am slot when the appointments are 5-minute duration and the time restriction is set to 11:59 PM.
- Patients with the status of 'Inactive' in Accuro will not be provided access to the Online Booking patient flow.
Fixed Bugs:
- Changes to Patient Messages and Reminders Licence and subsite in Site Admin provider page will now be visible upon saving.
- The "Real-time Ontario Health Card Validation" setting in the Tablet & Kiosk will remain in the enabled mode upon saving the credentials dialogue.
- Patients booked in an EMR schedule that is invisible to Cloud Connect can now be able to use the Ocean Kiosk to check-into the EMR's Walk-in schedule.
Fixed Bugs:
- Fixed a bug preventing the character '$' in the keyword values from being processed.