Ocean Server Upgrade February 16th, 2023 Release Notes

The Ocean Server upgrade scheduled for February 16th, 2023 at 9:30 PM EST contains the following improvements and fixes.

Provider Network


  • Established Ontario Health's eReferral Repository FHIR Connectivity
    • Added the Integration Name to the Event Log Details.
  • Added new spine and surgical Health Service Categories, including: OMF Surgery, Spine Assessment Clinic, CSSP (Centralized Surgical Services Program), Pediatric Neurosurgery, Pediatric OMF, Pediatric Plastic Surgery, Pediatric Cleft Lip and Palate.
  • Renamed the 'Pediatric General Surgery' Health Service Category to 'Pediatric General Surgery / Thoracic'.
  • Removed deprecated Health Service Categories from the HealthService API export.

Patient Engagement


  • Online Appointment Booking (OAB) and Patient Authenticated Website Forms now support all provincial health card number formats.
    • The Health Number field during patient check-in/validation process now accepts all alphanumeric characters.
    • When a patient with an Ontario Health Number enters the version code characters after their numeric health number, Ocean will automatically ignore the version code characters.
    • All hyphens and spaces entered in the Health Number field will be automatically ignored.
  • All provincial health card number formats are now supported for patient identity verification when accessing secure content (e.g., secure messages, attachments, eForms).
  • Implemented a new OAB feature allowing customization of the message shown to patients when there are no Provider Schedules available for the patient to book into. This can be configured within the 'What action message should the patient be shown when there are no schedules available for them to book into?' setting within Booking Link. The message and options are:
    • Default - Shows the default message of "Sorry, we are unable to process your check-in. There are no appointment schedules available to use for online booking. Please contact the office in the usual manner to book an appointment."

      This option is selected automatically which ensures that there is no change for clinics who do not wish to change the existing full message.

    • None - No text is shown after "Sorry, we are unable to process your check-in. There are no appointment schedules available to use for online booking."
    • Custom - Allows the clinic to include any text they want after the initial message of "Sorry, we are unable to process your check-in. There are no appointment schedules available to use for online booking."
  • Added screenreader-compatible headings on eForms.

Fixed Bugs:

  • Fixed a bug with Online Appointment Booking for Med Access which would create duplicate time slots when an appointment was booked online. A single time slot will now exist with the booked appointment, and only the 'Type' column in the Med Access schedule will be coloured.
  • Fixed a bug to ensure that eForm slider widgets are in the proper direction for right-to-left languages.



  • Updated the company name and logo across the platform to reflect the company's new brand.
  • Added a parser to the eForm Editor that will ensure that JavaScript expressions added to the eForm conform with correct and secure coding practices.
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