The Ocean Server release scheduled for June 19, 2017 at 9:00 PM ET includes the following:
Added the ability to sort a number of different columns in the referral inbox. Sortable columns can be clicked to sort the rows in ascending order and clicked again to sort it in descending order. An inbox sort by priority or sent date will be restored when the portal is re-opened. Note that the PHI columns (patient name, birth date) are not sortable due to the client-side encryption; a few more of the other columns however will be sortable in the next release.
- Fixed an issue in which marking multiple child referrals as "booked" causes the Ocean eReferral.cfm form to disappear from the chart prematurely.
- Removed the mandatory "Professional ID" enforcement for non-professional-type clinicians when sending referrals
- Improved the appearance of the canned responses editing panel
- Fixed a bug that caused duplicate external messages to send when a referral window is saved with a typed external message draft
- Fixed a bug that prevented referring sites from viewing sibling referrals in the "Related Referrals" view that were sent by the same site
Patient Engagement
- Fixed a potential timing window that could cause Ocean Study submissions from hybrid forms completed online with slow network connections to fail.
Improved the reliability and error handling of the web-based Ocean portal when switching Ocean sites or when viewing different sites with multiple browser tabs