Accessing Tablet Use Data

Follow the steps below to access your site's tablet usage data.

  • Click the Menu button in the top left corner and select "Admin". From the Admin Settings page, click Reports.
  • From the "Export Audit Data" section, select "Tablet Use Log" from the Activity dropdown.
  • Select a time frame for which to download to your data by either:
    1. picking a date range,
    2. leaving the start date blank to view data from 60 days ago to a specific date,
    3. leaving the end date blank to view data from a specific date onwards, or
    4. leaving both dates blank to view all data from the past 60 days.
  • Once you click "Export", a .csv file of your tablet usage data will be downloaded, which can be opened in Microsoft Excel.

Note: Our system only maintains 60 days worth of retrospective data. Should you require access to data beyond the 60-day period, OceanMD will need to make a request to have the data formally restored. There is a starting cost of $250 for this service. In order to ensure that you are able to access Ocean data, we suggest doing a monthly export of all data that you require.

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