Ocean Server Upgrade Feb 28 2017 Release Notes

The Ocean Server release scheduled for February 28th at 9:30PM includes the following:


  • Better support for referrals that need review from either a user at the recipient site or the referrer. Previously, if a referral was sent for a review by the referrer (for a comment, for example), it would appear in "needs review" state for the recipient, which was confusing.
  • Referral recipients can now update contact information for patients in a referral, e.g. adding an email address that the patient provides over the phone. 
  • More work around the overdue referral setting: added help text, and changed logic to include referring clinician on overdue notifications.
  • Listings with 4 or more service offerings (like a central intake site) will display with health services in a collapsed panel to look nicer.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the repopulation of review/triage forms for a referral after initial completion.
  • Fix to bug that prevented sending referrals for anonymous EMR users.
  • Fixed a bug that caused referral notifications to go to the referral target instead of the referrer when referrer is sending as an anonymous EMR user.

Patient Engagement

  • New feature: now you can simply check a box in an Ocean Study configuration to capture the patient's EMR ID with the data set (no need to fool around with formulas and keywords anymore). Note that you need to upgrade your Ocean Wave Tablet app to the latest to take advantage of this feature.
  • Added ability to search for a patient by PHN in the patients tab.
  • Added support for searching for patients with 2 character last names.
  • Added support for Accuro users to see patient reminders indicators from within the Accuro appointment screen, as well as the patients tab in Ocean. You will need the latest OceanConnect and OceanWave app versions for this functionality.
  • Added better support for testing Ocean Reminders; e.g. you can now force send a single rule for testing purposes (and get instant feedback on matches), expand script text boxes and you will now see a "please wait" dialog while the send is in progress.
  • Fixed a bug in the favourites management code that could remove favourites in some situations.
  • Fixed the user interface a bit for anonymous EMR users (i.e. users sending secure messages without a dedicated Ocean user account) so that the notification options are consistently disabled (since you need an Ocean user account for those to work).


  • Page rendering performance improvements throughout. The Ocean web portal should be snappier.
  • Fixed sample API reference page.
  • Minor changes to the logic we use to figure out who to send what notifications at a clinic based on the email addresses in the site admin page (clinical admin, payer, etc.). The were a few places that we were not consistent in the algorithm (i.e. if clinical admin was blank)
  • Colour improvements in the Health Service Directory (e.g. now registered non-eReferral referral targets are grey checkboxes instead of green)
  • Added a friendly reminder to invoices for March 1st to request prepayment invoices in time for FY2017-18.
  • UI tweaks to the eForms tab to make the search interface more intuitive.
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