Configure Your Kiosk Tablet Settings in the Ocean Portal

These settings will be configured from within the Ocean Portal that you may want to consider when optimizing Ocean's performance on your kiosk tablet.

  1. Create a kiosk-specific tablet grouping (in the Ocean Portal).

    • Once you've downloaded the Ocean Tablet app on your kiosk tablet(s) and registered the tablet, you will want to create a tablet grouping for your kiosk tablet(s) will allow you to tell it "how to behave".
    • You can do this by logging in to the Ocean portal, clicking the "Menu" button in the top left corner and select "Tablets & Kiosks". Click "Clone" (a) on an existing groupings. Once cloned, you can rename the group (b) to something like "Kiosk Setting".
  2. Enable kiosk mode for your kiosk tablet group.

    • Click "Edit" on your new kiosk tablet group. The only requirement to run an Ocean kiosk tablet is to select the "Kiosk" tablet mode from the drop-down menu at the top of the Tablet Settings window.
  3. Configure additional kiosk tablet group settings and preferences (optional).

    • There are a number of other settings that you may want to configure for your kiosk. Refer to "Customizing Basic Tablet Settings" for more details about your tablet settings option. Below are some recommended settings that you may want to consider to optimize your kiosk tablet performance.
  • Introduction Tab

    • Always Show Introduction Screen
      Enable this option to welcome your patients to your clinic and display clinic announcements or other basic information, including your clinic logo.
      Use Birthday Validation
      Many clinics enable birthday validation for kiosk tablets, as an added layer of security (to confirm the patient's identity). Note that if you choose this option, you must also check off the "Always Show Introduction Screen" option.
  • Demographics Tab

    • Always Show Demographics Screen
      This option will allow patients to review and update their contact information. Most clinics opt to enable this when using tablets in Kiosk mode..
  • Rules Tab

    • Tablet Rules (eForm / Trigger Table)
      To learn about tablet rules and see a few examples of helpful and commonly-used tablet rules refer to "Tablet Rules".
      Skip On Demand eForms
      To learn more about this kiosk specific feature please refer to our article about "Skip On Demand eForms:".
  • Check-In Tab

    • Mark Patient Arrived
      Choose to check in your patients either right after they've swiped their health card number on the kiosk or after they've finished completing all their forms on the kiosk.
      Custom Check-in Instructions
      Choose to include a short instruction on the check-in page.
      Check-in Type*
      Choose to use patient Health Numbers or an Alternate ID** for checking in.
      *Not supported for Med Access.
      **Alternate IDs must be numeric only.
      Accept Walk-In Patients*
      When enabled, allows patients to check-in via the Ocean Kiosk even if they do not have an appointment.
      *Not available when using Alternate IDs with Accuro.
      Dynamic Walk-in Provider (Script)*
      Override the default walk-in Provider defined in your Cloud Connect settings by entering a provider's name. See Advanced Walk-in Configurations for more detail.
      *Not available when using Alternate IDs with Accuro.
      Time out after ___ seconds
      Set this to 30 seconds to reset the kiosk tablet if the patient does not interact with the kiosk for longer than 30 seconds.
      Block late check-in after ___ minutes
      Check off this box if you'd like to prevent late patients from checking in at the kiosk. Enter the time frame after the scheduled appointment time that you would like to consider as "late".
      Block early check-in before ___ minutes
      Check off this box if you'd like to prevent early patients from checking in at the kiosk. Enter the time frame before the scheduled appointment time that you would like to consider as "early".
      Block check-in if ___
      Here, you can enter in a JavaScript expression to prevent patients with certain characteristics from using the kiosk to check in for their appointment (similar to tablet rule triggers).

  • Preferences Tab

    • Display a survey after all other forms are complete
      You may wish to enable this option if you would like all your patients to fill out a specific form before their appointment (e.g. email consent form).
      Hide Quit Button
      It is often a good idea to hide the Quit button, just to prevent patients from being tempted to quit out of Ocean before completing all their forms.
      Completion Message
      Customize the message that your patients will see after they've finished completing all checking in and providing all their information at the kiosk. Generally, this message will be something like "Thank you for checking in. Please take a seat and wait for your name to be called.".
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