Can I add notes to an eReferral/eConsult?

  • Yes, the 'Notes' area within an eReferral or eConsult can be used for general documentation regarding the request.
  • Additionally, if you're taking advantage of the eReferral reviewal workflow, the note generated by the review form will be automatically stamped into the 'Notes' area.

How do I add a new Note?

  • To add a new note to an eReferral or eConsult, simply open the request and type into the 'New Note:' text field and press 'Save'.
  • Alternatively, you can use the speech bubble icon to select a short pre-worded note.

Additional Note Functionalities

  • Once a note is saved to an eReferral, additional functionalities are available by clicking on the note header.
  • Note: These functionalities are only available for Notes created by your own Ocean site.

Allows you to modify the responses to the Review Form.
*Only available for the note created by the Review Form. For more information on Review Form notes, please see how to review incoming eReferrals.
Email Note
Emails a copy of the note to the original referring provider.
Download Note
Downloads a PDF document containing basic referral information and the selected note.
Make Private for This Site
Makes the note private, so only users on your Ocean Site can see the note. Private notes are shown in italics.
Deletes the note.
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