Patient Reminders logs contain a history of every reminder sent to your patients within the past 2 weeks.
Note: You must be an Ocean Administrative User to access Patient Reminder logs.
Send Status
- Sent
- Ocean successfully sent the reminder to the email host or SMS text messaging provider. Please note that a sent status doesn't necessarily mean that your patient has received the reminder. There may be delays/issues with the email host/SMS text message provider which may result in patients not receiving their reminder.
- Delivered
- Our SMS text message service provider received confirmation of message delivery from the carrier. Please note that Ocean can't confirm the delivery of emails at this time.
- Aborted
- Ocean was not able to send the reminder off to the email host or SMS text messaging provider. See the Description column for details.
SMS Send Status Description
- Phone number failed validation
- The number listed in the patient's chart failed our validation for legitimate phone numbers.
- Phone number opted out for SMS
- The patient opted out of receiving SMS text messages from the Ocean Platform.
- Maximum SMS character length exceeded with siteName length of ... and providerName length of...
- Your organization name/ site name and provider name have exceeded the character limit for SMS. Shorten your organization name.
- Message body contains invalid SMS characters
- Please check your organization name/site name and provider name for any non-GSM-7 characters. You can edit your organization name in Ocean and you can edit your schedule name directly in your EMR.
- Unable to create SMS message in Twilio
- An error occurred when sending the SMS text message through our SMS text message service provider.
Email Send Status Description
- Missing email address
- Patient did not have an email address in their chart.
- Invalid email address
- The email listed in the patient's chart failed our validation as a legitimate email address.