Testing Patient Reminders


Have an appointment booked in your EMR that matches your Reminder Rule condition(s)

When testing your reminder, you should ensure you have at least one appointment booked in your EMR that meets the conditions you chose in your Reminder Rule (e.g., matching Appointment Type and Provider). We recommend doing this with a test patient first.

Test your reminder

  • To directly test the reminder, click Save & Test Rule  from the Edit Reminder Rule page. Ocean will process that reminder (it will search for appointments in your EMR that match your Rule Conditions) and you will be directed to the Test Reminder Rule page.

    Note that Ocean will test reminder rule based on the day which you are running the test (i.e., testing a Reminder Rule set to go out 3 days before an appointment will search for matching appointments 3 days from the day you are testing).

The Test Reminder Rule page will display matching appointments. This may take a few minutes to load depending on the size of your clinic. See below for a breakdown of the test rule page and a description of each section.

1. Reminder Rule Summary

A summary of the timing and Rule Conditions outlined in your Reminder Rule.

2. Matching Appointments

This area contains information on the matching appointments that Ocean has found in your EMR based on timing and Rule Conditions you selected.

2a Filter By Provider
Use this filter to drill down on appointments for one specific provider.
2b Appointment Tiles
Use these additional filters to drill down on other appointment elements.
2c Appointment Table
Table of appointment-specific information based on the filtering applied above.

3. Messaging Template Previews

A preview of the email template and/or text message that patients will receive. A full description can be found here: Edit Reminder Rules.

Action Bar

4 Enable Rule
Enables the reminder rule. Enabled rules will run according to the reminder rule schedule and will send reminders to patients at the scheduled time of day.
5 Return to Rule Settings
This will take you back to the Edit Reminder Rule page.
6 Rerun Test
This will rerun the test of the reminder rule against your EMR. Any changes made within your EMR will be reflected on this page.
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