The Ocean Server upgrade scheduled for June 25, 2019 at 9:30 PM EST contains the following fixes and improvements.
- New feature: Referral summaries can now be saved as Documents in Accuro. Ocean admins can configure this option in Cloud Connect, and may need to re-authenticate with the Accuro API to enable this feature.
- When sending a referral, the "Other referrer" option now clears Billing #, Professional Id and signature.
- When a delegate is signed in, the "Other referrer" option now uses the delegate's email on the referral.
- "Referral Notification Email" in the Admin tab of the Ocean Portal now properly validates a list of emails.
- Central Intake is now notified anytime a message is sent on a referral.
- The "Appointment Notification" action (in both Accuro and PS Suite) now allows the user to select the referral to update, and the appointment to apply.
- The "Add Related Referral" action now maintains the confirmation status of the original referral.
- The dropdown filter in the eRequests tab of the Ocean Portal now contains the Program name.
- Fixed an issue that would set the source of a referral as "Directory" when using "Save for Later".
- The referral note can no longer be edited after a referral is marked as "Complete".
- A review form can now update the Health Service on a referral.
- Referrer's name can now be edited on Inbound referrals.
Patient Engagement
- The Patients tab of the Ocean Portal now supports searching for patients that have messages, and filtering by Primary Provider.
- The option to individually or bulk invite new users to a site is now prominently displayed at the top of the Users section of the Admin tab.
- The Shared Encryption Key is now requested on administrator's first login, to ensure sites are properly configured.
- Fixed an issue that could add an Ocean username to the default email template.
- Fixed an issue that unnecessarily displayed seconds on appointment times in the daysheet.