OSCAR Pro Integration Service Interruption June 18, 2024

June 18 2024, 10:00 AM EST: OSCAR Pro has indicated that they are experiencing an outage and that some instances of OSCAR Pro may be unavailable.

This directly impacts the Oscar Pro API and CloudConnect's use of it for a number of workflows within Ocean. During this period, Ocean will pause updating affected Oscar Pro EMRs. Once the API is healthy again, Ocean will resume processing EMR updates. No updates will be lost.

OSCAR Pro Integration Service Interruption June 10, 2024 [RESOLVED]

June 10 2024, 9:42 AM EST: OSCAR Pro has indicated that they are experiencing a network outage at a primary data centre and that some instances of OSCAR Pro may be unavailable.

This directly impacts the Oscar Pro API and CloudConnect's use of it for a number of workflows within Ocean. During this period, Ocean will pause updating affected Oscar Pro EMRs. Once the API is healthy again, Ocean will resume processing EMR updates. No updates will be lost.

June 10 2024, 10:4 AM EST:
OSCAR Pro has indicated that the network outage at a primary data centre has been resolved. Ocean has resumed processing EMR updates.

Please email us at support@oceanmd.com if you have any additional questions.

OSCAR Pro Integration Service Interruption October 30, 2023

October 30 2023, 9:17 AM EST: We have identified an issue affecting our OSCAR Pro Cloud Connect integration service. We are investigating and will update this announcement as further information becomes available.

Functionalities within Ocean that require reliable access to the OSCAR Pro API are currently impacted for some Ocean sites.

October 30th 2023, 4:15 PM EST: OSCAR Pro Support identified the root cause of the issue which impacted the ability for some Ocean sites to authenticate with the EMR. They have confirmed that the issue has been resolved and sites still impacted should re-authenticate Cloud Connect with Oscar Pro.

Please email us at support@cognisantmd.com if you have any additional questions.

OSCAR Pro API DST Glitch Affecting Clinics Open March 12th 2023

Clinics open on March 12th 2023 may be affected by a small glitch in the way that the OSCAR Pro API reports schedule availability to Ocean.  In particular, it will affect our clients using Ocean's online booking to book appointments for March 12th 2023.

Daylight savings time in Canada begins on March 12th at 2:00 AM. The glitch affects how Ocean receives the schedule availability- namely the start and end times are reported incorrectly to Ocean (off by 1 hour later).

An hour of schedulable clinic time that isn't actually available for booking will be shown to patients as available for booking. For example, if your clinic closes at 5pm on March 12th 2023, Ocean's online booking will show false availability from 5 to 6pm (after the clinic is truly closed). Patients will receive an error when they attempt to book into these falsely available slots as shown below. Likewise, the first hour of the schedule's availability won't appear bookable. For example, if your clinic opens at 8am on March 12 2023, Ocean's online booking will show availability starting at 9am. Fortunately the correct booking time is otherwise preserved for appointments during the day, e.g. a 2pm appointment will still be booked on 2pm on this day.

To address the falsely available hour reported as available at the end of the day, you can prevent patients from booking in the incorrect time slot by booking something into the slot like this at the end of the day:

Unfortunately there isn't a simple workaround to make the first hour of the day available without making changes to the EMR schedule. Clinics will have to manually book into those morning slots.

OSCAR Pro Integration Service Interruption January 24, 2023 [Resolved]

January 24th 2023, 4:41 PM EST: We have identified an issue affecting our OSCAR Pro Cloud Connect integration service. We are investigating and will update this announcement as further information becomes available.

Functionalities within Ocean that require reliable access to the OSCAR Pro API are currently impacted for some Ocean sites.

January 25th 2023, 9:15 AM EST: OSCAR Pro Support identified the root cause of the issue which impacted the ability for some Ocean sites to communicate with the EMR from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM on January 24th. They have confirmed that the issue has been resolved, and normal Ocean functionality has been restored.

Please email us at support@cognisantmd.com if you have any additional questions.

OSCAR EMR Toolbar Update March 18 2022

The next Ocean update will introduce new features and improvements to the Ocean toolbar for OSCAR EMR. This update will be applied automatically, so there is no need for Ocean site administrators to make any manual updates.

With this release, Ocean users in OSCAR will notice that icons on the toolbar have been removed, providing a cleaner user interface. Additionally, users will now have access to a powerful new "Patient Summary" button on the toolbar. This button will replace the "Open" button, providing a new, more comprehensive view while maintaining the functionality of the "Open" button.

By clicking on the "Patient Summary" button, Ocean users will launch a page which provides a comprehensive summary view of the status of a patient's recent interactions through Ocean as well as "quick-launch" Ocean features, including:  

  • A list of all active sent and received eReferrals and eConsults.
  • A list of any forms that are currently queued for a patient with a quick-launch to add additional forms to the patient's queue.
  • The option to complete forms in a browser window on behalf of the patient by clicking on a queued form name (replacing the original functionality of the "Open" button).
  • A summary of recent Ocean notes, including Ocean secure messages, and Ocean form responses.
  • A "Reminder Sent" indicator if the patient has been sent an automated Patient Reminder through Ocean.
  • A quick-launch button to email the patient.
  • A quick-launch button to access the Ocean Portal.

OscarPro Integration Service Interruption July 27, 2021 [RESOLVED]

3:00pm EST We are currently experiencing an issue affecting our Cloud Connect Oscar integration. Requests made by Cloud Connect to WELL's OscarPro API are taking too long to respond and timing out. We're following up with WELL and will update this announcement as further information becomes available.

As of 12:40pm EST July 27, 2021: We started seeing a large number of api requests fail due to timeout issues.

9:03am EST July 28, 2021: WELL is continuing to investigate the issue on their side.

10:30am EST July 29, 2021: WELL deployed a configuration change to their API service to mitigate the request timeouts we've been seeing trying to use the OscarPro API. Our monitoring system has observed a much smaller number of errors this morning. We'll continue to monitor OscarPro API health closely with WELL throughout the day.

9:38am EST July 30, 2021: WELL has notified us that requests to the API service are timing out again and that they're continuing to investigate.

Please email us at support@cognisantmd.com if you have any additional questions.

OscarPro Integration Service Interruption July 22, 2021 [RESOLVED]

9:07am EST We are currently experiencing an issue affecting our Cloud Connect Oscar integration. Requests made by Cloud Connect to WELL's OscarPro API are taking too long to respond and timing out. We're following up with WELL and will update this announcement as further information becomes available.

Yesterday at 11:00pm EST WELL made an internal change to their Oscar API service that was intended to correct an issue that began earlier this week. (Unrelated to Ocean.) A side effect of this change was Cloud Connect being prevented from making use of the API to update or read data from OscarPro EMRs.

At 3:00pm EST WELL reverted last night's configuration change and Oscar API service has returned to normal.

We are continuing to monitor the Oscar API integration closely.

Please email us at support@cognisantmd.com if you have any additional questions.