PS Suite: Ocean Clinical Resource Installation Instructions

CognisantMD's Clinical Resource Library resources are designed for use with TELUS PS Suite EMR (PS Suite), unless specified otherwise.

A few small steps are required to import them into your EMR system:

  1. First, find the resource you like, click on the form name to see the expanded form details, and click Download.
  2. A pop-up window will open requiring you to sign in to your Ocean account.
  3. The download will start once you are logged in. Wait for the download to finish and then check the name of the file.
  4. The extension of the file (the part of the file name that comes after the ‘.’) determines the type of PSS resource.
  5. Open PS Suite EMR and navigate the main EMR window.
  6. Follow the instructions below to upload the resource in PSS.

Select the extension the resource file ends with:

.cfm .zip .flowsheet .srx .pdf

This is a custom form file.

  • From the Settings menu, choose Edit Custom Forms.
  • Drag and drop the .cfm file(s) from your computer’s Downloads folder into the list of custom forms.
  • When you want to use the form for a patient, choose Data > New Custom Form (Cmd-Shift-I) to insert it into a chart.
  • Alternatively, you can choose View > Custom Form (F2) to view it in a popup dialog.
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